Nutra BioGenesis – Melatonina Lipossomal: O Suporte Ideal para o Sono
A Nutra BioGenesis apresenta sua inovadora Melatonina Lipossomal, uma solução líquida que combina Melatonina e Vitamina B6, projetada para oferecer suporte ao sono de forma eficaz e não viciante. Este produto é especialmente formulado para ajudar a regular os ritmos circadianos, sendo ideal para indivíduos que enfrentam ciclos de sono/despertar desbalanceados. A emulsificação com Lecitina de Girassol proporciona uma entrega única e altamente absorvível, garantindo que os nutrientes sejam rapidamente assimilados pelo organismo.
A Melatonina Lipossomal não se limita a fornecer apenas melatonina; ela combina essa substância com Vitamina B6 em uma proporção de 1:1, potencializando os efeitos benéficos para o sono. Ao contrário de outros suplementos, que podem deixar o usuário se sentindo grogue ao acordar, a Melatonina Lipossomal ajuda a promover uma sensação de energia e rejuvenescimento, permitindo que você comece o dia sem aquela sensação de cansaço. Além disso, o produto é 100% livre de glúten, adoçantes artificiais e corantes, tornando-se uma escolha saudável e segura para todos.
– Suporte ao Sono: Ajuda a regular os ciclos de sono, promovendo um descanso mais profundo e reparador.
– Alta Absorção: A emulsificação com Lecitina de Girassol garante que os nutrientes sejam rapidamente absorvidos pelo corpo.
– Não Viciante: Um suplemento que não cria dependência, permitindo o uso contínuo sem preocupações.
– Energização Matinal: Proporciona uma sensação de renovação ao acordar, sem a sonolência comum de outros produtos.
– Fórmula Limpa: Completamente livre de glúten e aditivos artificiais, ideal para quem busca uma opção saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 colher de sopa (aproximadamente 30 ml) de Melatonina Lipossomal cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. Agite bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade da emulsão. Este produto pode ser consumido diretamente ou misturado com água ou suco, conforme sua preferência. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando outros medicamentos.
Gold Crayon –
I used this product for a couple of months. It work well to help me fall asleep in about an hour after I take it. The liposomal form is more readily absorbed by the body so it was recommended to me by my doctor. However, upon careful reading of the ingredients, I noticed that it contains methylparabens. Now I take Da Vinci Lab’s liposomal melatonin spray instead and it works equally well without the harmful ingredient. My husband continues to take the Biogenesis one because he prefers the taste. I actually prefer the taste of the Da Vinci Labs one, so I guess the taste is really just a matter of personal preference. Even if the Biogenesis one tasted better to me though, I’d rather take the Da Vinci Labs because it doesn’t have any harmful ingredients.
Elizabeth –
This stuff is unbeatable. Let me count the ways!
PS – we use this with special needs (ASD) child. Efficacy and taste is super important.
1) Alcohol free.
2) Tastes fairly neutral, if not good.
3) Absorption is stellar–we are able to use a minuscule dose
4) Most importantly, it works!
5) Oh, no pill to swallow, nothing to wait to absorb, and a very small amount of actual liquid is needed for an effective dose.
BlueR –
1 ml has greatly improved my sleep. It works more quickly than other solid pills I have tried. I have using it for 2 months.
Sally Holm –
This stuff really works….. Pill form melatonin never worked for me but this liquid form is excellent!!!!!!
Update: They changed something. Used to taste great. now it’s brown, tastes terrible, like its fermenting. It was cloudy white before. I called them and they say d they are dependent on sources of supply and they very. I’m trying another brand today.
Lemon Abe –
The product is great, it’s been a part of my night time routine for several months. It has helped me through lyme and candida related insomnia.
It’s disappointing when it jumps up in price, often when I need to order more.
V. Older –
The nutritionist at my Chiropractors office had me try this after she learned I had not found a Melatonin pill that helped me fall asleep. This product worked for me. My circadian rhythm is back on track.
After 4 years of insomnia it is wonderful to be able to fall asleep at a reasonable hour. I’m still on a prescription sleep aid to stay asleep, but until I used these drops even sleep aids, including Ambian, didn’t help me fall asleep. Between this and Restoril, I’m sleeping through the night, waking up mentally and physically rejuvenated. For those of us with sleep problems it is a Godsend to find the combination that works.
The taste is a little like a sweet orange so it was very easy to get in the habit of using these drops. I usually take the drops and my prescriptions at 10pm and am ready to sleep somewhere around midnight which is within my lifelong pattern.
Update: After about 3 months I longer needed,other sleep aids, but I still use these drops to help me fall asleep and they have been working within 30 minutes. Also, I forgot to mention I put the drops under my tongue. It speeds up the sleepy process.
sueb –
I bought this on the recommendation of a friend. The first time I took it, it knocked me out for 12 hours. I put it in the frig, as labeled, and kept forgetting to use it. I finally gave up and have been keeping it by my bedside. It’s no longer very effective, and the dropper has become defective to the point where it won’t pull up any liquid.
sueb –
I have been using this product for 2 yr. very effective for sleep. it is a light yellow color. Last three bottles bottles have looked moldy (please see attached pictures). Amazon states it not refundable. so I am out $75 and afraid to buy another bottle. anyone else have this problem?