Descrição do Produto: NuNaturals Clear Extract NuStevia
Descubra o NuNaturals Clear Extract NuStevia, um adoçante à base de plantas que transforma a maneira como você adoça suas bebidas e receitas. Com um formato prático de 2 oz em embalagem plástica, este extrato concentrado é a solução ideal para quem busca reduzir o consumo de açúcar e adoçantes artificiais. Extraído das folhas da planta Stevia rebaudiana, o NuStevia é 300 vezes mais doce que o açúcar de mesa, permitindo que você desfrute de um sabor doce sem as calorias e os carboidratos indesejados.
A aplicação do NuStevia é extremamente conveniente: basta apertar o frasco e deixar cair as gotas desejadas, eliminando a necessidade de medir com colheres. Uma porção equivale a apenas 4 gotas, tornando o uso prático e fácil em qualquer situação. Os ingredientes são simples e de alta qualidade, compostos por extrato natural de stevia, 20% de álcool de grão puro e glicerina vegetal. Além de ser isento de açúcar, calorias e carboidratos, o NuStevia é uma escolha consciente para quem busca um estilo de vida saudável.
Gerencie sua dieta de forma eficaz com este adoçante à base de plantas, que é não transgênico, livre de glúten e compatível com dietas cetogênicas, apresentando um índice glicêmico zero. A NuNaturals se compromete a criar produtos naturalmente adoçados, que não apenas têm um sabor incrível, mas também são benéficos para a sua saúde. A marca prioriza a ética e a sustentabilidade na origem de seus alimentos, apoiando seu bem-estar.
– Redução significativa do consumo de açúcar e adoçantes artificiais.
– Adoçante altamente concentrado, permitindo uma dosagem precisa e econômica.
– Ingredientes naturais e de alta qualidade, promovendo uma alimentação saudável.
– Ideal para dietas restritivas, como a cetogênica, sem comprometer o sabor.
– Compromisso com práticas sustentáveis e éticas na produção dos alimentos.
Para utilizar o NuNaturals Clear Extract NuStevia, comece adicionando 4 gotas a sua bebida ou receita favorita. Experimente em chás, cafés, smoothies ou até mesmo em sobremesas. Ajuste a quantidade conforme seu gosto pessoal, lembrando que a doçura é intensa e pode ser facilmente controlada. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Senior Moments –
Been using this stevia brand for years. excellent for tea and coffee. Count the drops for the perfect dosage. Too few and it won’t seem to work. Too many and it will taste like licorice. Once I found the count, it is perfect.
Sherudi –
In searching for a low or no calorie sweetener, I have tried them all. Articles published about the dangers of some of these sweeteners made me abandon one in search of another.
One day, a Facebook friend told me of NuNaturals Stevia and I was thrilled to know there are no negative studies about this sweetener and have faithfully used it for about 2 years.
The best things about NuNaturals is…This brand has no bitter aftertaste, is made from a natural source, is VERY concentrated and one bottle will last for months (about 5 months with 2 people using it daily for coffee). Do note that you will have to use more for cold drinks, just as you would with regular sugar.
Everyone who has tried my NuNaturals Stevia is a convert and now…Cannot do without it!!! As of yet, I have not tried the other types of granulated NuNaturals for cooking/baking, but intend to soon.
NuNaturals Pure Liquid Clear Stevia…A fantastic and tasty way to reduce processed, cane sugar in your diet!!!
Virginia –
Expensive – but totally worth it! I use this for every day use, not for baking, and it has been an asset for me! I am on a ketogenic diet, and once you get used to using liquid stevia every thing else (sugar and other sugar substitutes) always seem noxiously sweet. Like anything, it is hard to move away from sugar and be satisfied. I could imagine if you are still having sugars and are still using large amounts of Stevia to sweeten your tea/ beverages, etc that this can become bitter. However, with light use (a bottle has lasted me months) there is absolutely nothing wrong with this product (nothing rancid about it). Personally, I will assume any negative reviews come from sugar/ carb addicts, or are a special case! This product is amazing and makes my morning coffee perfectly sweet each day! It is fabulously portable on business trips or on extended travel. The eye dropper bottle is also very convenient compared to the bottles with the dropper in the cap! It looks a little less weird when you pull it out of your purse at dinner! (Only marginally less weird)
Maryland Mom –
Great product! I’ve been using it for over 10 years. I buy extra for friends because it doesn’t have that awful taste that other stevia products have.
Amazon Customer –
Amazon shows I’ve bought this 13 times over the years, last time being in May, so six months ago. Whenever I’ve tried something different I come back to this. The bottle squeezes out drops easily and precisely like no other I’ve tried.
Just Me –
Sodas always have too much sugar or use artificial sweeteners that taste ‘off’. Thankfully, between this sweetener and my Soda Stream, I can make any kind of soda I want and not have to worry about too much sugar and empty calories or off flavors. I also love this for iced tea and other things and can’t recommend it highly enough.
TolkienFan –
I recently purchased a two-pack of NuNaturals Liquid Stevia to replace the ones in my pantry that were running low. When I opened the first bottle I was pleased with the taste and the ease of use of the product…just like the previous bottles. However I have to add here that the VALUE of this product has fallen somewhat when compared to previous purchases. Value is what drives purchases. If the customers (you or me..) decide the product costs too much then the perceived value is less. That is what has happened here. The purchase price of this product has slowly gone up and the relative sweetness of the product has fallen. That means you must use more of the product to achieve the same level of satisfaction at a higher price.
I still like this product. I like the way it tastes. I like the way it measures. It is convenient and easy to carry. The problem is the perceived value is decreasing. I am not sure why the formulation was changed, but I ASSUME it was to lessen the sweetening power and therefore cause you to use more of the product in each serving. More product used = more product purchased. That along with increasing prices = higher and higher profit margins. I don’t mind paying small price increases over time. It’s a fact of life. But I hate paying more and getting less…. especially when you assume you are getting the SAME product, but you aren’t.!!
Still, I will continue to use this product… at least for now. It’s a good product, just not as good as it used to be. But I AM looking….!!!
Four stars for a good product that is decreasing in value…
J P –
This is the only stevia I will use.