Descrição do Produto: Nuhealth Super Albumin (100 Tabletes)
O Nuhealth Super Albumin é um suplemento alimentar de alta qualidade, formulado para fornecer uma fonte concentrada de albumina, uma proteína essencial que desempenha um papel crucial na manutenção da saúde e do bem-estar. A albumina é a proteína mais abundante no plasma sanguíneo e é fundamental para a regulação da pressão osmótica, que é a força que mantém os fluidos dentro da corrente sanguínea, evitando que eles vazem para os tecidos. Essa propriedade é vital para a manutenção do volume sanguíneo e da pressão arterial, contribuindo para a saúde cardiovascular e a eficiência do sistema circulatório.
Além de sua função na regulação da pressão osmótica, a albumina também atua como um transportador de diversas substâncias no organismo, incluindo hormônios, vitaminas e medicamentos. Isso a torna um componente essencial para a entrega eficaz de nutrientes e a manutenção do equilíbrio homeostático. O Nuhealth Super Albumin é especialmente indicado para atletas, pessoas em recuperação de cirurgias ou doenças, e aqueles que buscam melhorar sua nutrição e desempenho físico. Com 100 tabletes em cada embalagem, este produto é uma solução prática e eficaz para quem deseja otimizar sua saúde e bem-estar.
1. Manutenção da Pressão Osmótica: Ajuda a regular a pressão osmótica, evitando o acúmulo de fluidos nos tecidos.
2. Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: Contribui para a produção de anticorpos e melhora a resposta imunológica.
3. Aumento da Performance Física: Ideal para atletas, pois auxilia na recuperação muscular e no aumento da resistência.
4. Transporte Eficiente de Nutrientes: Facilita a entrega de hormônios e vitaminas essenciais para o organismo.
5. Praticidade e Conveniência: Disponível em tabletes, fácil de transportar e consumir em qualquer lugar.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 tabletes de Nuhealth Super Albumin por dia, preferencialmente com um copo de água, antes ou após as refeições. Para melhores resultados, consulte um profissional de saúde ou nutricionista que possa personalizar a dosagem de acordo com suas necessidades individuais. É importante manter uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável para potencializar os efeitos do suplemento.
Matt Morris –
Saw little to no change
manal –
JinGyver –
I bought it for my friend. As a nutritional supplement after chemotherapy, the instructions for use are clear and easy to understand.
Heather Clarke –
Great product. Fit my needs.
SpikeysMommy –
I recently had blood work done, before the results were back, my legs had filled with so much fluid I could barely get my jeans on. Both my albumin and protein levels were EXTREMELY low, resulting in the severe fluid retention. I increased my protein intake, and my Dr. recommended albumin supplements as well. I just finished my first bottle (2 tabs a day) and slowly my legs returned to normal. Several cuts I had were very delayed in healing, but they quickly resolved and scabbed over, and are now completely healed. Having had a portion of my large intestine removed, plus months of not eating correctly had combined to cause my low levels. I have just ordered a second bottle, my current bloodwork shows my protein is still low, but my albumin is back in the low end of normal. I am convinced this product helped me immensely, so I am going to continue taking it to avoid the severe fluid retention , which was extremely uncomfortable. I found these to be easy to swallow, with no offensive smell or taste at all. I am confident in recommending this product to anyone with similar issues!
gladys –
My level was low according to recent blood test, so my PCP said order this…..and boom 1 week later I am only 1 point back to normal range range!!!! take this you will be amazed. Not sure if it has anything to do with it but my energy level as better too.
Donbl –
Got down to 2.2…….. ascites resulted.
Started taking plus made diet adjustments of more eggs and protein and now at 3.0.
Ascited down substantially.
StarLight –
I need an albumin rich diet so these are great. I have edema in my leg and also liver discomfort/severe sickness from most foods (especially chemicals). My albumin levels were always normal. Liver tests always normal. I still need albumin in order to NOT be sick though for some reason. Go figure. Doctors don’t know everything. Sometimes you have to listen to your own body when you know what makes you feel better or not.
Anyone who needs albumin or who has liver problems, look up about cocoa. You can take raw cacao powder that doesn’t have the fat and sugar. I myself drink hot chocolate everyday now made with baking chocolate, and it has helped me just like magic. I call it my liver tonic. Whey protein and raw eggs also are included in my diet for albumin.
I finally have energy back after many years of severe exhaustion after increasing albumin in my diet. I can eat more foods now without illness. If I had only known about 10 years ago, it would have saved me a world of trouble. :/
It was all trial, error, blood, sweat, and tears on my part though.
Edwin G aka JoeFriday6 –
Easy to use
uZz@w@L –
I fed up of transfusing albumin every month which is costly also not that much effective ,at last i tried this and it works like miracle.Very good and effective product.regulary lab test conducted and the levels have incresed and better than also helps if your body is holding water in lower part as I have to take tablets to drain body water but this works very well and now i living normal life.