NuGo Organic Double Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt, 10 Protein Bar, Vegan, Gluten Free, Non-GMO, Kosher Pareve, 12 Count
Desfrute de uma barra de proteína deliciosamente vegana com NuGo Organic. Coberta com autêntico chocolate amargo e contendo 10g de proteína vegetal orgânica, NuGo Organic é feito com proteína de arroz e ervilha deliciosas, fornecendo a energia necessária para enfrentar o seu dia.
INGREDIENTES NATURAIS: Sem pesticidas sintéticos, hormônios ou antibióticos. NuGo Organic contém ingredientes orgânicos e saudáveis em que você pode confiar.
CERTIFICADO VEGANO: Cada barra NuGo Organic contém 10g de proteína vegetal e ingredientes veganos.
CHOCOLATE AMARGO REAL: As barras NuGo Organic são cobertas com autêntico chocolate amargo. O chocolate amargo real proporciona o sabor que você adora, sem adoçantes artificiais e sem sabores artificiais.
CERTIFICADO SEM GLÚTEN: As barras de proteína NuGo Organic contêm apenas ingredientes certificados sem glúten.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Deliciosamente Vegano
NuGo Organic é uma barra de proteína vegana que oferece um sabor incrível sem ingredientes de origem animal.
2. Ingredientes Orgânicos e Saudáveis
Com ingredientes orgânicos e saudáveis, NuGo Organic é uma escolha consciente para quem se preocupa com a qualidade dos alimentos que consome.
3. Cobertura de Chocolate Amargo Real
A cobertura de chocolate amargo real adiciona um sabor rico e indulgente às barras NuGo Organic, sem adição de adoçantes ou sabores artificiais.
4. Certificado Sem Glúten
As barras de proteína NuGo Organic são certificadas sem glúten, tornando-as adequadas para pessoas com restrições alimentares ou sensibilidade ao glúten.
5. Fonte de Proteína Vegetal
Com 10g de proteína vegetal por barra, NuGo Organic é uma opção nutritiva para ajudar a satisfazer suas necessidades diárias de proteína.
– Sugestão de Uso:
Desfrute de uma barra NuGo Organic Double Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt sempre que precisar de um impulso de energia. É perfeita como um lanche pré ou pós-treino, ou como um lanche saudável entre as refeições. Certifique-se de beber água suficiente ao consumir a barra para ajudar na digestão.
Desfrute de uma barra NuGo Organic Double Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt sempre que precisar de um impulso de energia. É perfeita como um lanche pré ou pós-treino, ou como um lanche saudável entre as refeições. Certifique-se de beber água suficiente ao consumir a barra para ajudar na digestão.
Carol Kuzdenyi –
I love these bars. I have bought loads of them from Whole Foods, and directly from the company, NuGo. The bars are chewy, but they were always easy to bite into. The bars I got from this seller are hard as a rock. They’re almost impossible to bite into. Also, they are much skinnier than usual. There was so much room in the carton (there are 12 bars to a carton), that I thought there must be a bar missing. Nevertheless, because I love them so much, I ate 10 of them before deciding I can’t do this to my teeth anymore. I tried to return the unopened carton, but there is no return on this item. I called NuGo. They said the bars must have been stored for a long time in a freezer to become so hard. If this seller will contact NuGo and solve this problem, I will remove this review. As it is, I’m out $35.21.
Beth and Paul –
When bought in the past this product was chewable and delicious. I received bars that were hard and brittle and could break a tooth. It literally slid out of its wrapper. Totally atrocious!!
KW –
I love these bars – I buy them at Whole Foods for 50% more. I looked them up here on Amazon and I saw the reviews weren’t great. I was trying to figure out why. Some people said the expiration date was almost up. Others said that the chocolate had a white film. I noted the the price was less the the other equivalent bars – so I just ordered one pack to see if the issues had been fixed.
I just received my box of 12. The expiration date was a year from now. And the box arrived in a cooler with ice packs around it. I know when chocolate is put in the fridge or freezer it gets a white or grayish film. It doesn’t affect the taste, but it doesn’t look as palatable. I wonder if the cooler caused some of the chocolate to get that whitish look? In the order I just recieved the chocolate was perfect – but I wonder if that is why some people had that complaint. So for my order – the bars were in perfect condition!
At the time I purchased the bars and wrote this review, the price is much cheaper compared to the other equivalent NuGo bars – so I am going to stock up. I love these bars! They taste great, quench my chocolate cravings, have 10 grams of protein, and are organic. And at 50% cheaper than Whole Foods, I am going to buy 10 boxes!
I hope this is helpful to you!
jessica r. eckhoff –
A really good, filling and energetic for work or play. Glad there is a variety without soy protein or nuts!
Adam in the SF Bay Area –
My only complaint echoes something noted by an earlier commenter: the texture is a bit odd… not crispy/flakey/crunchy like we expect from something so sweet and tasty. I think this is the way it is in order to add fiber (a very, very good thing!); I have yet to see a high-protein / medium-to-high-fiber have a delectable crunchy texture.
But I love everything else about this bar, in particular:
– It’s filling! Surprisingly so for its relatively light 180 calories. I feel just as satisfied eating this as I do, say, a Snickers bar, which has 55% more calories and a hell of a lot of more “evil” things in it. It’s the perfect quick breakfast (especially paired with a piece of fruit or bit of oatmeal) or a fab dessert at the end of a lunch or dinner. Or a snack 30 minutes before a workout at the gym. Or a treat after workout. This is truly an “anytime” bar! 🙂
– The chocolate tastes like, well, real chocolate! I know that may sound silly, but this is literally the first energy / health bar I’ve had that doesn’t taste merely “chocolate-like” or, worse yet, a cross between “chocolate aroma and medicinal taste.”
In short… yum! Without the guilt!
Ayelet Baron –
They arrived very stale
TinTin –
I purchase 2 boxes of the NUGO Dark chocolate (NON ORGANIC VERSION ) bars every month and thought I’d try this version. The taste is bland and the bars are so hard that I’m literally afraid that I will break a tooth with every bite. I had to break it up into small pieces and chew slowly. The taste is non existent compared to the non organic dark chocolate bars. It was worth a try, cost more money and not worth it in my opinion. I will keep ordering the other flavor and stay away from the organics
Joy Y –
I’m ordering again. It’s a good price right now at $24/box. Love these are organic!
Cassandre M. –
They are delish…probably too much sugar for me but they are delicious 😋.
Paulie7210 –
While I agree with some other reviews that indicated a grayish look and lack of freshness I still gave this product a good review. I simply stick mine in the micro wave for 5 seconds. Yummy. Make sure to take the product out of the wrapper before micro. Lol