Descrição do Produto: NuGO Fiber d’Lish Cinnamon Raisin
Você nunca provou uma barra de fibra como esta. A NuGO Fiber d’Lish Cinnamon Raisin é uma barra de fibra assada, macia e saborosa, que oferece 12g de fibra em cada unidade. Diga adeus aos pós bagunçados e ao gosto de giz de outros suplementos de fibra. A Fiber d’Lish proporciona a fibra que você precisa com um sabor de sobremesa e uma textura mastigável que lembra um biscoito. Venha pelo sabor, fique pela fibra.
Com uma combinação perfeita de fibras solúveis e insolúveis, a NuGO Fiber d’Lish é uma aliada no gerenciamento de peso e na promoção da regularidade intestinal. Cada barra é feita a partir de seis grãos e sementes diferentes, misturados em um delicioso lanche assado, levemente adoçado com sucos de frutas. Com apenas 130-160 calorias, é a opção ideal para quem busca um lanche saudável e saboroso.
Além disso, a NuGO Fiber d’Lish é certificada como vegana e não contém soja, garantindo que você esteja consumindo apenas os melhores grãos e sementes disponíveis. Nossos ingredientes são verificados como não-OGM, o que significa que você pode desfrutar de um lanche que não só é delicioso, mas também saudável e ético. As barras Fiber d’Lish são uma verdadeira indulgência que promove a regularidade, enquanto agradam ao paladar.
– Alto Teor de Fibra: Cada barra contém 12g de fibra, essencial para a saúde digestiva e controle de peso.
– Sabor Irresistível: Uma combinação de canela e uva passa que transforma um lanche saudável em uma experiência deliciosa.
– Ingredientes Não-OGM: Garantia de que você está consumindo produtos livres de organismos geneticamente modificados.
– Opção Vegana: Ideal para veganos e pessoas com restrições alimentares, sem laticínios e ovos.
– Praticidade: Perfeita para levar em viagens, no trabalho ou como um lanche rápido e nutritivo.
Para aproveitar ao máximo a NuGO Fiber d’Lish Cinnamon Raisin, consuma uma barra como lanche entre as refeições ou antes de atividades físicas. A barra pode ser facilmente transportada em bolsas ou mochilas, tornando-se uma opção prática para quem tem uma rotina agitada. Para melhores resultados em sua dieta, combine o consumo da barra com uma alimentação equilibrada e a ingestão adequada de líquidos ao longo do dia.
S. Perry –
This product is a tasty way to get extra fiber. These bars are a pleasant surprise and help my digestive process. The rating would be 5 stars if the price were more reasonable.
adequatemars237 –
They don’t taste grainy like protein bars, they don’t taste bland like fiber bars. My dietician recommended these to me and I really love them. They are a weekly necessity. They are so good.
Jymcc –
These are delicious! Getting enough fiber is sometimes difficult and most of the time the bars taste like sand — these don’t. They have a very good cinnamon flavor and make you feel like you actually ate something! Will continue to purchase.
B. Clay Miles –
While these do contain both psylium and chicory root (the staples of fiber supplements), the bars appear to mostly be the oat/wheat/berry blend, natural sources of fiber. I didn’t much care for the Cinnamon Raisin – my main ones are the blueberry and peanut chocolate – but people buy these for the fiber, so the particular flavor is up to the consumer – and they all have the same amount (a lot!).
They cause no stomach upset as the goopy stuff dissolved in water can do, and no, um, smelly after-effects like chicory root bars can create. 43% of daily fiber in just one bar is great, I know I’m getting enough fiber every day (or at least, way more than a typical diet).
Electron Lover –
I had high hopes for these after all the reviews saying how great they taste. Several people even said this was the best flavor. Well, I’d hate to try the others then! Glorified cardboard is what comes to mind. They are very dense, which is fine in a fiber bar if they taste good. These did not in my opinion. Yes, they have more fiber than many fiber bars, but if you can’t eat more than a few small bites, not much of a point. The only way I can handle them is if I crumble it up in oatmeal, and that defeats the purpose of a fiber snack on the go. I will go back to Fiber One bars for sure.
audone –
Found some of the reviews of this product absolutely hilarious as far as all the ‘poop’ extravaganza comments. No need for me to add to it other than to say they are all true. However, I’m taking these bars to ramp up my my fiber intake for my high cholesterol, and they taste great and hopefully are helping.
Kat C. –
Freakin’ delicious!! I’ve only tried the Cinnamon Raisin but I’m on my 3rd box, so that should tell you a lot.
I travel/drive a lot for my job and I needed a moderately healthy yet still yummy snack to grab on the go. These are PERFECT!! I’m a sucker for anything with lots of fiber and these have it in spades.
I’ll branch out to new flavors eventually but these are perfect for now.
As for flavor, they are sort of like oatmeal raisin cookies except they have more chewy bits (imagine bird seed but in a good way). I love texture so it works well for me but I could see some people not loving it.
I wouldn’t say these keep me full for hours and hours but if I combine them with a banana and soda water, I’m content for at least 2 hours.
My next box arrives tomorrow. 🙂 I have these little guys in ALL of my bags and car, they are a bit pricey but worth it.
Kat C. –
I’ve been enjoying Nugo’s fiber rich bars for several years now, and have had a chance to try almost all of the different flavors that they offer. I have to say that the Cinnamon Raisin has to be the sweetest confection of all, without any after taste or sour notes. It’s the kind of flavor that you wouldn’t mind eating once a day if you needed to. And by need to, I’m referring to the incredible fiber content, cooked into these bars. It’s hard to find another food, processed or natural, that packs 12 grams of fiber with only 130 calories to burn. Some people have mentioned that they thought that the size of the bar is shrinking, but I haven’t seen that myself. Some bars in some boxes may seem smaller, but I think it has more to do with how they were stored than anything else. I did get a stale bar in one of the boxes, and after calling the company, they more than made up for it. If you’re looking for a simple, easy to transport food that isn’t too high in calories, is relatively healthy, and will give you that full-up feeling, then give Nugo’s Cinnamon Raisin bar a try.