Nugenix Thermo é um suplemento termogênico em forma de pílulas para homens, com 42 unidades. Ele é projetado para acelerar o metabolismo e queimar gordura de forma extrema. Suas principais características incluem ação termogênica, aumento da energia e foco, além de auxiliar na perda de peso e definição muscular. Desenvolvido cientificamente com uma mistura única de ingredientes, nosso inovador acelerador metabólico oferece o poder energizante e queima de gordura que você precisa para alcançar seus objetivos de fitness. Juntamente com dieta e exercícios, nosso queimador de gordura de ponta promove um metabolismo saudável, apoia os esforços de perda de peso, melhora a composição corporal, regula o apetite e aumenta a taxa metabólica em repouso. Projetado sem enchimentos desnecessários, o Nugenix Thermo é respaldado por 15 estudos clínicos que comprovam a eficácia dos ingredientes-chave, sendo que 4 deles estão incluídos em uma dose clinicamente validada. Não é exagero dizer que o Nugenix Thermo não é um queimador de gordura comum. E ao contrário de outros produtos, você só precisa tomá-lo uma vez por dia, o que significa que você obtém sua queima em menos porções. Como um dos aceleradores metabólicos mais avançados disponíveis, nossa fórmula apresenta uma mistura exclusiva de ingredientes patenteados e clinicamente validados, incluindo Chromax, Morosil e Capsimax.
- 1. Acelera o metabolismo: O Nugenix Thermo é um poderoso acelerador metabólico que ajuda a aumentar a taxa metabólica do seu corpo, auxiliando na queima de gordura e no emagrecimento.
- 2. Suporte para perda de peso: Combinado com uma dieta saudável e exercícios regulares, o Nugenix Thermo pode ajudar a impulsionar seus esforços de perda de peso, proporcionando resultados mais rápidos e eficazes.
- 3. Melhora a composição corporal: Além de queimar gordura, o Nugenix Thermo também ajuda a melhorar a composição corporal, promovendo o aumento da massa muscular magra e a redução da gordura corporal.
- 4. Regula o apetite: Com sua fórmula exclusiva, o Nugenix Thermo ajuda a regular o apetite, controlando os desejos e evitando excessos alimentares, o que é essencial para alcançar e manter um peso saudável.
- 5. Fácil de usar: Diferente de outros produtos, o Nugenix Thermo só precisa ser tomado uma vez por dia, tornando-o conveniente e fácil de incorporar à sua rotina diária.
jlo138 –
I’ve been taking this for two weeks now and I’ve experienced nausea and vomiting twice from it. I always took it with food and later on around 5hrs later I’d eat my lunch at work and that’s when I’d random have stomach issues. It only happened two times out of ten and it was right after I ate my lunch although I already took it with food to begin with hours before. I’d get very bad stomach cramps, I’d start to sweat way more and light headedness. My stomach started to feel very warm during just these two episodes. I used the restroom and immediately had to vomit or I felt like I was going to pass out. Once finished with that, everything eased up and I felt fine within minutes. The product seemed to work but I couldn’t predict when or why this would happen. It made me sweat and I felt energized but when I ate 5hrs later it triggered something in the pills that basically activated the thermogenesis. Not sure what I’m going to do. I may try and take just one pill per day vs two and see. I’m also not caffeine sensitive.
robert scarpa –
I had to cut back on the dose. I’d take it in the am and still have it disrupt my sleep.
nature lover –
Im on my second bottle took it for a month im 41 and def works, i workout 3 days out of the week and i van already see my 6pack coming back, so ues it work but you have to workout, to help the process and change your diet a little, i have zero side effects, i tale 2 pills in the morning before going to work and i workout after work monday,wed n friday and i am very pleased with the results, it def does boos t your testastorone also and does give you plenty of energy boost, soft stools no overhearing for me just sweat alot at work and drinks lots of water, it also makes you hungrier for lunch and dinner but just control your appetite and eat moderate! Im not a personal trainer but i like this product with def recomend AGAIN YOU HAVE TO DO AT LEAST BASIC WORKOUT IN ORDER FOR IT TO WORK BETTER FOR YOU!
tia –
Actually enjoyed this weight loss pills but a tad expensive.
Chad Peterson –
This stuff works. I can feel the difference
Brett –
After hearing the commercials on the radio, I thought I would try Nugenix Total T and Nugenix Thermo to help me reduce my weight and increase my stamina during my workouts.
I am a 62-year-old male, and I had a heart attack 5 years ago. Since the heart attack, I have been on a heart healthy diet. Unfortunately, I have not been able to lose weight by exercise alone (I am 6 feet 1 inch tall and weigh 245 pounds). I do balance exercises daily, use a treadmill of varying speeds and inclines daily, and I strength train 3 days a week.
After clearing the idea through my cardiologist, I ordered sample bottles of Nugenix’s Total T and Thermo. Still reluctant, I started with the sample bottles with only one capsule per day. As there were no adverse effects, I ordered the full-size bottles from Amazon and started taking them as directed; 3 Total T capsules daily and 2 Thermo capsules daily.
After taking Nugenix Total T and Nugenix Thermo capsules for one month I have noticed NO remarkable changes in my physiology. I have not lost any weight since I started taking the capsules; in fact, I have gained 5 pounds. I have not noticed any increase in stamina. I have not noticed any increased muscle gain.
The bottom line is that Nugenix did not work for me.
Branden –
I’m 165 pounds and I have some fat on me so I got these I take 2 pills when I wake up and I drink a muscle milk and a peice of bread with peanut butter on it and I workout a few hours later but you can’t feel the pills working which is good. No side effects just drink water and you’ll be fine. They work I’ll tell you that but you have to take them daily only 2 a day but you have to workout with them I bench and curl and do skull crushers and I do ab workouts that’s it and they burn fat off so if your thinking about these to get I would get them only if your going to workout with them. If you take creatine too with them you’ll get pumped up but you’ll feel tired later during the day but you’ll be ok but if you don’t eat with them be ready to be on the toilet for 2 hours…. But 5 outta 5 for these!!!