Descrição do Produto: NuBest Doctor Taller Kids
O NuBest Doctor Taller Kids é um suplemento vitamínico desenvolvido especialmente para crianças de 2 a 9 anos, oferecendo uma combinação poderosa de multivitaminas e minerais que promovem a saúde geral, a imunidade e a força óssea. Com um sabor delicioso de uva, essas 60 tabletes mastigáveis veganos são a solução ideal para garantir que os pequenos recebam os nutrientes essenciais que precisam para crescer saudáveis e ativos.
- Suporte à Saúde Infantil: O Doctor Taller Kids fornece às crianças quantidades adequadas de multivitaminas e minerais. Esses nutrientes vitais ajudam a fortalecer a imunidade, fornecendo uma fonte abundante de energia para as atividades diárias, além de apoiar a saúde óssea. Assim, o Doctor Taller Kids não apenas promove a saúde, mas também ajuda as crianças a se manterem dinâmicas e felizes.
- Suporte à Saúde Óssea: Com a presença de cálcio e outros nutrientes benéficos para os ossos, como vitamina D, cobre, zinco e magnésio, o Doctor Taller Kids fortalece a saúde óssea das crianças. O cálcio é preparado com tecnologia avançada, garantindo vantagens excepcionais para o desenvolvimento ósseo.
- Importância das Vitaminas: As diversas vitaminas presentes no Doctor Taller Kids são cruciais para a saúde. Elas aumentam a imunidade, fornecem energia para as atividades diárias e apoiam a saúde geral, contribuindo para a força óssea. Como resultado, as crianças permanecem saudáveis, felizes e aprendem mais rapidamente. As vitaminas do complexo B também favorecem a saúde cerebral.
- Multiminerais: Os minerais são tão importantes quanto as vitaminas para a imunidade das crianças. O multimineral do Doctor Taller Kids apoia uma variedade de funções e sistemas do corpo. Combinados com as multivitaminas, essa combinação oferece o impulso nutricional necessário para a saúde infantil.
- Alta Qualidade e Pureza: Fabricado nos EUA com tecnologia avançada e certificado cGMP, o Doctor Taller Kids garante alta qualidade e pureza. É um produto natural, não transgênico e livre de glúten. Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se o uso contínuo por pelo menos 6 meses, aliado a exercícios regulares, boa nutrição e sono adequado.
1. Fortalecimento da Imunidade: Ajuda a proteger as crianças contra doenças comuns, promovendo um sistema imunológico robusto.
2. Desenvolvimento Ósseo Saudável: Contribui para o crescimento e fortalecimento dos ossos, essencial durante os anos de crescimento.
3. Aumento de Energia: Fornece a energia necessária para que as crianças se mantenham ativas e participativas em suas atividades diárias.
4. Saúde Cerebral: As vitaminas do complexo B presentes no produto favorecem o desenvolvimento cognitivo e a concentração.
5. Fórmula Vegana e Natural: Ideal para famílias que buscam opções saudáveis e éticas, sem adição de ingredientes artificiais.
Recomenda-se que as crianças mastiguem 2 tabletes do NuBest Doctor Taller Kids diariamente, preferencialmente durante uma refeição para melhor absorção dos nutrientes. É importante garantir que o uso do produto seja contínuo por pelo menos 6 meses para observar resultados significativos. Além disso, a combinação do suplemento com uma dieta equilibrada, prática regular de exercícios e um sono adequado potencializa os benefícios do produto, promovendo um crescimento saudável e ativo.
Shawn –
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How lucky I am when finding doctor taller – an excellent vegan supplement for height growth in teens. Since my 13 year old cousin is a vegetarian, her mom and I need something that can help her stay healthy and get taller during her puberty. Honestly, this product blew my mind when I saw a high amount of vitamins, minerals, precious herbs, and amino acids on its label. Yes, these nutrients are helpful to support bone growth and overall health. I told to her mom that we should try. 3 bottles and just a slight difference in her appetite and energy. But when we decided to give up, my cousin asked us to continue using it. Thanks God we did it because fantastic news has come. After 6 successive months, she grows nearly 2 inches. That number is tempting so that we just order 3 more bottles for her. So happy.
T Jay –
My grandson (7) has been taking this vitamin over a year and says the vitamins taste good. He is a very picky eater but I noticed his appetite has increased tremendously. Even though he’s still not eating everything I eat, he’s eating more of his choice of foods. For example, before the vitamins he ate only 2 slices of pizza and he’s now eating 5 slices. He’s not getting that much taller; but, I have had to take the hem out of his pants because he’s grown an inch. I believe these vitamins does what it states it’s suppose to do. I just wish the price was cheaper or they would increase the quantity in the bottle. I feel $40 for 60 KIDS vitamins (1 month supply)
are a little expensive.
MathewST93 –
Good price, simple product. Will buy more after I am done with current.
Crystal –
Great value for your money n we will see a difference 3 to 4 months
Paige Smith –
What I love most about this product is- other than providing vitamins, it’s packed with essential minerals like calcium and zinc to support height and growth, which is something other multis cannot deliver.
My girls have been getting sick less often and have more energy overall! They love the flavor and actually ask me to give these tablets to them every day. I highly recommend covering your bases and getting these for your little ones!
Tai Phu –
My son is 15 years old and he has been using Nubest for three months and recently he gained around 2 centimetres in height. I honestly didn’t think it would work but after three months of continuous use I see a positive result.
Clinical research studies (randomized control trials) have been conducted recently on supplements for kids height, and this product is vegan, unlike its competitor product. Knee jerk reaction of people who do not follow the recent research on height optimization is “scam” or “hoax”, however the evidence may continue to grow on this over the next decade. I am satisfied with this product.
maysam –
My daughter has started taking this since last 6 months and we are still waiting for the result but there is no side effects.
Jason A. Brown –
This vitamin has not induced any growth spurt in my child who has been taking it regularly for 10 months now. he is 15 and his bones are immature according to scans. his bones have not fused. he has grown 1 1/2 inches in ten months he has been taking it which is far from a growth spurt and more like a growth trickle. he eats well, sleeps well and exercises daily. the vitamins are a good mutli vitamin so he will continue to take but buyer beware this will not help your child grow and any stories where people are saying their kids grew bc of taking this pill are just happy coincidences and not actual evidence of this working.
Jason A. Brown –
My wife now were looking for a supplement that would help my son with his nutrition. We bought these last year. He started to get very sick after taking these vitamins however, we did not know that it was the vitamins that caused him to be sick. we took him to various doctors to try to diagnose the problem, and come to find out these vitamins were causing his stomach to be very irritated and for him to vomit. not only do these vitamins not work for sensitive stomachs, but these had the adverse effect which caused him to lose weight, have anxiety, and fear eating food. Please be careful when buying supplements for your children. Read all of the label ingredients and look at these reviews. Do not buy these vitamins!