Descrição do Produto: NU-IRON 150mg 100ct Caps
O NU-IRON 150mg é um suplemento de ferro em cápsulas, projetado para atender às necessidades de indivíduos que buscam aumentar seus níveis de ferro de forma prática e eficaz. Cada cápsula contém 150 mg de Ferro Elementar, permitindo que os pacientes sintam os benefícios rapidamente. Este produto é ideal para aqueles que enfrentam deficiências de ferro, seja devido a dietas restritivas, condições de saúde específicas ou aumento das necessidades nutricionais, como durante a gravidez ou lactação.
As cápsulas de NU-IRON são fáceis de engolir, tornando a suplementação uma tarefa simples e sem complicações. Além disso, o produto não contém sabores artificiais ou conservantes, garantindo uma experiência de consumo mais natural e saudável. A formulação cuidadosa do NU-IRON assegura que você receba a quantidade necessária de ferro sem aditivos indesejados, promovendo uma absorção eficiente e minimizando desconfortos gastrointestinais.
– Suplemento de Ferro: NU-IRON 150 é uma cápsula que pode ser tomada uma ou duas vezes ao dia e contém 150 mg de Ferro Elementar; os pacientes sentem a vantagem.
– Sem sabor artificial.
– NU-IRON vem em uma cápsula fácil de engolir, sem sabor ou conservantes artificiais.
– Cápsula fácil de engolir.
1. Aumento Rápido dos Níveis de Ferro: A dosagem de 150 mg de Ferro Elementar por cápsula proporciona um aumento significativo nos níveis de ferro no organismo, ajudando a combater a anemia ferropriva.
2. Fácil de Engolir: A forma de cápsula facilita a ingestão, tornando o suplemento acessível para pessoas de todas as idades.
3. Sem Aditivos Indesejados: A ausência de sabores artificiais e conservantes garante uma suplementação mais pura e saudável.
4. Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser tomado uma ou duas vezes ao dia, adaptando-se facilmente à rotina do usuário.
5. Suporte à Saúde Geral: O ferro é essencial para a produção de hemoglobina, contribuindo para a saúde do sangue e o aumento da energia e vitalidade.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de NU-IRON 150mg uma ou duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições para otimizar a absorção do ferro e minimizar possíveis desconfortos gastrointestinais. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para determinar a dosagem adequada às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e fora do alcance de crianças.
anonymous –
The best iron supplement out there. I take them every other day with my dinner to help replenish my minerals. An added bonus:easy on the stomach and efficient in the bathroom.
Jeff Schroeder –
I have been plagued with Anemia for a very long time. And when I say my hemoglobin levels were low, I mean they were about half of the normal low-end value that an adult male should have. So my doctor started me on Iron infusions on a weekly basis. After about 4 weeks we checked my hemoglobin levels again and they had gone up by about 3 gm/dL. Which made a huge improvement in my energy levels and complexion.
But then I moved across the country and had to get a new doctor. The new doctor introduced me to these pills. Other Iron pills had upset my stomach in the past, and I didn’t really get the absorption that the infusions had given me. So we measured before I started and my hemoglobin level, in the month or two that I had missed out on infusions due to the move, had dropped almost back down to where I had started.
But after about a month of being on the NuIron pills I was back up to the upper level I was at from the infusions. The NuIron pills may be expensive, but they are much cheaper than having the infusions. The more I take these pills the better I feel (no more than 1 pill twice a day).
I would highly recommend these to anybody with low iron levels, as I no longer look like and feel like a sick guy, just a normal guy. I will update when I get get my next blood test.
Cheryl Van Lenten –
My doctor recommended this pill to increase my iron level. It has worked successfully!
sylvia j elerick –
These supplements were #1 rated by WebMD, and my drug stores didn’t have them, so like most everything, I found it on Hemoglobin was at 8.0 due to major surgery, and stage 4 of kidney failure. Am getting a weekly shot of Epogin, but my hemoglobin didn’t start going up until I began these supplements. Take 1 tablet 2 x p/day. Will keep you posted on my progress, but have been taking them for 3 weeks and I no longer nap and sleep long hours. Energy level greatly improved. My hemo I now 8.8, and hoping it will be even higher when I have it checked at the end of the week.
Raquel Perez –
This was recommended by my cousin when I told her I was feeling lethargic and sleepy all the time with a touch of fuzzy brain. It was the most horrible nuisance. I felt like I was an 80 year old person rather than in my mid-30s. Even though I was fully expecting to have to wait about 2-4 weeks to feel any kind of results, I have to say that I started feeling back to my old self in about 2-3 days after taking this. I take it in the morning with my breakfast. It doesn’t make me nauseas as some iron products have had a tendency to do with me. I wouldn’t say I feel hyper energetic, but I will say I feel NORMAL. I feel awake in the morning. I feel like I am ready to think. I don’t have that underlying sleepy-lethargy in my body which just drags you down all day. OH! And it doesn’t constipate me as some iron products have in the past. (TMI for some, but necessary info for others.)
colleen s –
Long history of anemia- iron sulfate/gluconate pills had horrible GI issues-this form of iron costs more but has been worth it everyday for last two decades
Plato –
Expiration date occluded by label/ tape
Mekobaby –
Started taking this when my doctor requested it for my knee replacement. It’s been 2 yrs now and I’m able to donate blood regularly ( before, my iron was always too low) and it doesn’t bind you up.