Caprylic Acid 600 mg, MCT (Triglicerídeos de Cadeia Média), 100 Softgels – NOW Supplements
Os suplementos NOW apresentam o Caprylic Acid 600 mg, MCT (Triglicerídeos de Cadeia Média) em cápsulas softgel, proporcionando uma forma conveniente de obter os benefícios dos MCTs. O ácido caprílico é naturalmente encontrado no óleo de coco e pode contribuir para a manutenção de um ambiente digestivo saudável, promovendo o crescimento de bactérias benéficas*
É importante ressaltar que a exposição ao calor ou à luz solar pode levar ao derretimento ou danos do produto. Portanto, recomendamos que os clientes estejam disponíveis durante a entrega do produto para evitar qualquer problema.
Este suplemento é amigável para dietas cetogênicas e não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM). As cápsulas softgel são fáceis de engolir e uma ótima alternativa para evitar o consumo diário de colheres de óleo MCT.
Além disso, o produto possui certificações e classificações importantes, como: livre de soja, sem glúten, livre de milho, livre de laticínios, livre de ovos, amigável para dietas cetogênicas, kosher (contém gelatina) e baixo teor de sódio.
A qualidade do produto é assegurada pela certificação GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices), que garante que todos os aspectos do processo de fabricação da NOW foram examinados, incluindo métodos de laboratório/testes para estabilidade, potência e formulação do produto.
Os produtos NOW são embalados nos Estados Unidos por uma empresa familiar desde 1968, garantindo a qualidade e procedência dos suplementos.
Durante os meses de verão, os produtos podem chegar aquecidos, mas a Amazon armazena e envia os produtos de acordo com as recomendações dos fabricantes, quando fornecidas.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Suporte à saúde digestiva: O Caprylic Acid MCTs auxilia na manutenção de um ambiente digestivo saudável, promovendo o crescimento de bactérias benéficas.
- 2. Alternativa conveniente: As cápsulas softgel são fáceis de engolir e uma ótima alternativa para evitar o consumo diário de colheres de óleo MCT.
- 3. Amigável para dietas cetogênicas: Este suplemento é adequado para pessoas que seguem dietas cetogênicas, ajudando a manter os níveis de cetose.
- 4. Certificações e classificações confiáveis: O produto é livre de soja, glúten, milho, laticínios e ovos, além de possuir certificação kosher e baixo teor de sódio.
- 5. Qualidade garantida: A certificação GMP assegura que todos os aspectos do processo de fabricação foram examinados, garantindo a estabilidade, potência e formulação do produto.
– Recomenda-se tomar 3 cápsulas softgel por dia, preferencialmente com alimentos. Este produto é destinado a adultos saudáveis. Consulte um médico antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação. Este texto foi produzido pela Vitaminer Shop e contém informações técnicas sobre o produto NOW Supplements, Caprylic Acid 600 mg, MCT (Triglicerídeos de Cadeia Média), 100 Softgels. Para adquirir o produto, visite nosso site oficial.
Jenni T –
First off, if you are unsure as to what’s going on down there, please stop scrolling and go see a doctor because Amazon reviews are no substitute for medical advice! For my sisters who are acutely aware of their unrelenting candida issue, read on. We know that the anti-fungals and boric acid suppositories offer only short-term relief. The key to this riddle is to determine what is causing the candida overgrowth. Hormonal changes in mid-life could be the culprit, that is if you’re not over-doing it with the gluten, the sugar or the evil cousin, alcohol! If you need to make nutritional improvements, this is a good place to start. If you’re an “everything in moderation” kind of gal like I, the issue could be in your gut. Best to check with your doctor for any signs of anemia, IBS, colitis, crones or type 2 diabetes. If you’re all good there, and this has been ongoing for months or a year… or more (like me) then you might want to try to re-set your gut: Get yourself a high quality probiotic (do NOT cheap out – go for the 50 billion +). After quite a lot of research and trial and error, I have found that the combo of the probiotic (1 a day) and the caprylic acid (2 capsules 3x a day) have provided relief within a few days. The probiotic by itself was ineffective. Yes – the first few days of taking caprylic acid were unpleasant with bloating, gas and a bit of nausea. Soldier on! Apparently, this is a sign that your body is in fact waging war on the candida which will create more work for your liver as it rids you of the toxins. Drink lots of water. This helps a lot. In addition, I have used witch hazel to clean after each trip to the bathroom. No need to go deep – just clean the exterior of the house. For those unfamiliar, witch hazel is a time tested anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial, astringent. Good for many things in addition to topical itch and relief from general cottage cheese grossness. Time will tell if this brings long term results but so far the caprylic acid is a game-changer. I’ll update you as the journey continues.
Parolini Anna –
Vond dat ik niet echt in ketose kwam. De mct met c8 c10 en genoeg innemen zat ik in volle ketose
MB –
Tried everything. Nothing worked. Started taking these yesterday…. already a difference 24 hours later. Fungal sinus infection. They say 80-90% of sinus infections are fungal. I struggled last summer. One antibiotic after the next only making it all come back worse than it was before. After a Dec 2015 surgery (not sinus related) it all blew up. Candida fungus and mold. (thank you Doc for over prescribing antibiotics) At any rate I was ready to give up. 5 months of suffering….pushing it back. Candida/mold/fungus ….are tricky and can quickly get used to whatever you are taking. You have to switch it up.Pau D’Arco, Oil of Oregano, Olive leaf, Garlic pills and Caprylic Acid…. you have to rotate antifungals (they say every 10 days) to trick the fungus and yeast. And ….of course everyone knows that sugar and carbs just make it worse. (watch diet!) Some of the candida products (the pills that are an all in one like Candix) do work but they are really harsh if you have a big problem and will put you in bed for a week feeling like you have the flu with vertigo. Sicker before you are better ????? No thanks. Something else that helps with this product is Interfase Plus. Breaks down the biofilm that these jerks hide in…. started interface plus 3 days ago, started Caprylic acid yesterday and …. I am 75% better today. I could hardly take a deep breath. Candida/mold/fungus are a disaster and so hard to get in check once full blown. Nothing is worse than a fungal sinus infection….. we do need to breath. I will update this in a month or so but I can tell you right now that I already see improvement in a day. I will continue to rotate my antifungals NOTE: when you take anything make sure you are drinking a ton of water!!!! Do your kidneys a favor!!!! I am drinking 64 plus ounces of water a day. It really helps. I bet candida/fungus is at the heart of most illness and doctors don’t address it ….oh they will give you antifungal meds… like Diflucan (that sent me to the ER) so harsh on your liver and kidneys. I cant take those things….not at all. There is more thing I will add….there is another product that is good. Its called Mold Sporex. Sold by a lot of alternative health care doc but you can buy it on the internet yourself. There is a Doc. Susan Kolb (out of Atlanta Ga) that sells it on her website. Anyone can buy it there. Its not expensive but its good stuff. Sweat. It helps. Do it in a sauna. Your skin is a huge detox organ…. lots of crap leaves the body through sweat. Get some Milk thistle to save your liver…. take it every day. Take an Epsom salt bath…. we assault our bodies with terrible food and chemicals daily. The body needs help to move the poisons out the door.
JD –
Caprylic Acid is perhaps the best product I’ve found to fight off yeast infections. After spending hundreds of dollars in multiple products, I’ve finally found the perfect product. After years of hit and miss with other products and trying various dosages, I’ve found a dose protocol that seems to work very well for me. The magic number for me is around 4 grams or 4,000mgs per day divided in 3 dosages. With this brand, I take 2 pills, 3 times per day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) for a total of 3,600 mgs per day (close enough to the 4,000 mgs mark.) In addition, I also use a liver cleanser twice per day (breakfast and dinner,) to help my body fight of the candida die-off and its very nasty side effects that you are all aware of. The three best liver cleanser that I’ve found are Liv-52 from Himalaya (2 pill for breakfast and 2 for dinner,) Tudca (500mgs twice per day,) and finally NAC (1,000 mgs 3 x per day.) You can pick anyone of these three and they will serve you well. My favorite is Liv-52. It works very well and it’s one of the few companies with a number of actual scientific studies to back the effectiveness of this product. Tudca is also a very good product. Finally, I use a probiotic to replace the good flora in my stomach like Ultra-50 and L-Glutamine 1,000 mgs (5,000mgs total per day divided in 3 dosages with meals) to help me with my leaky gut. To summarize, 3,600mgs per day of Caprylic Acid + 4 pills of Liv-52 divided in two dosages+ 2 probiotic pills+ 5,000 mgs of L-Glutamine to help with the lining of your stomach and I am able to keep candida under control and in normal ranges. It has taken me over 2 years to come up with this formula. It works wonders and sincerely hope it helps you. Now Caprylic Acid 600 is the mother of all products when it comes to fighting off yeast infections. By the way, I am not sponsored by any one of these companies in any way, shape or form. Thank you.
Amazon Customer –
It is a very potent anti fungal, which is very useful against Candida infection.
It works well if you combine this with proBotics. Extremely effective if you cannot take coconut oil directly.
Krish –