Descrição do Produto: NOW Dandelion Root 500mg, 100 Cápsulas (Pacote de 3)
O NOW Dandelion Root 500mg é um suplemento herbal que traz a essência da natureza diretamente para o seu bem-estar. O dente-de-leão, uma planta comum nas zonas temperadas do Hemisfério Norte, é conhecido por suas propriedades benéficas e tem sido utilizado por séculos. A raiz de dente-de-leão possui uma longa história de uso entre herbalistas nativos americanos, europeus e asiáticos, que reconhecem suas qualidades únicas e versatilidade.
Este suplemento é rico em compostos naturalmente ocorrentes, incluindo inulina, sesquiterpenos e compostos fenólicos, como flavonoides, minerais e fitosteróis. Esses componentes são fundamentais para a promoção da saúde e bem-estar, oferecendo uma gama de benefícios que podem ser integrados à sua rotina diária. A NOW garante a qualidade do seu produto com a certificação GMP NPA A, o que significa que cada aspecto do processo de fabricação foi rigorosamente examinado, incluindo métodos de laboratório e testes para estabilidade, potência e formulação do produto.
Produzido nos Estados Unidos por uma empresa familiar que opera desde 1968, o NOW Dandelion Root é um testemunho de qualidade e tradição. Cada cápsula contém 500mg de raiz de dente-de-leão, proporcionando uma maneira prática e eficaz de incorporar os benefícios desta planta em sua dieta.
– Suporte Digestivo: A raiz de dente-de-leão é conhecida por suas propriedades que auxiliam na digestão, promovendo um sistema digestivo saudável.
– Ação Antioxidante: Os compostos fenólicos presentes na raiz ajudam a combater os radicais livres, contribuindo para a proteção celular.
– Desintoxicação Natural: O dente-de-leão é tradicionalmente utilizado para apoiar a função hepática e a desintoxicação do organismo.
– Equilíbrio Nutricional: Rico em vitaminas e minerais, este suplemento pode ajudar a complementar a dieta e promover a saúde geral.
– Facilidade de Uso: As cápsulas são uma forma conveniente de consumir os benefícios da raiz de dente-de-leão, facilitando a inclusão na rotina diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula de NOW Dandelion Root 500mg, 1 a 2 vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Areej –
It is ok
NC10735285 –
I’m a 62 year old male – I’ve had hypertension/high blood pressure all of my adult life – even when I was running marathons and triathlons
Saying that in my 40sand 50s my dr put me on a prescription for high blood pressure – I took it but did not like some of the side effects- so I stopped……..,,
I did my research and studied the dandelion root – gave this product a try and ……….. IT WORKS!!!
This has my blood pressure down to acceptable levels- I’m taking 2 capsules 3 times a day
mikecart1 –
Let’s get real though. This stuff is good because you can see it actually doing what it says it will do and you see immediate results. 99% of the supplements out there, who knows what they actually do. On top of that you can’t really see any changes at all. For those unaware, nearly every decent fat burning supplement or weight loss supplement contains some amount of dandelion root at around 100-300 mg. A lot of them will just have it listed in their ‘proprietary mix’ but trust me, it won’t be anywhere near 500mg or higher like in NOW Foods Dandelion. If it was, it would be more expensive and that would cut into their 1000% margins. One supplement to look at is Animal Cuts which uses this supplement as its dieuretic.
And that gets me back to what this supplement is for – peeing. For those that have a lot of fat, this won’t do you any good. Yes you will pee and lose some weight but you will still have fat covering whatever muscle you have. This is good for those under 10% BF and the lower the better as you will see results more significantly.
If you aren’t a bodybuilder, then this is good as a frequent ‘body cleanser’ as peeing is basically a form of moving toxins out of the body. So if you want to pee, or you want to get cut, or you want to lose a little water weight, get this supplement now! :o]
Terri B –
As the previous reviewer commented, it does what it says. With supplements, it can be hard to know whether they’re effective. I have seen AMAZING results since using this product. My ankles, knees, & hands were always swollen due to arthritis. It would hurt to stand on my feet in the morning b/c of the swelling. I was already taking glucosamine, which definitely helps with stiffness, but didn’t do anything for the swelling. My doctor suggested I take this brand of Dandelion Root and also eat lots of celery. Voila! I have normal ankles & knees again! I even have knuckles instead of boxing glove hands! 🙂 Not only does it look better, but there is no pain anymore. If you suffer from inflammation, I highly recommend taking Dandelion Root each day. I can’t believe I suffered so long when there was an easy solution.
ashraf hanbali –
Gets excess water from your body.
Kitty –
Was having bothersome headaches daily and weird visual effects. Normally docs prescribe Diamox to help relieve the pressure but that made my symptoms worse when I took it years ago after I was first diagnosed. More recently symptoms returned but the doc told me she didn’t think I needed Diamox yet, but rather to change my diet.
Dietary changes take a long time to work on pseudotumor and I was desperate. Researched more natural methods to reduce pressure and came across this so I bought it.
Honestly, I felt some relief after just one capsule! I decided to take 1 capsule with each meal and symptoms kept improving. I’ll continue buying this; I’m grateful for an affordable alternative treatment like this.
Please discuss this option with your doctor if you’ve been diagnosed with pseudotumor or other pressure-related conditions.
Maggie –
I purchased this product a few months ago to help my daughter’s husband. I started adding it to my daily routine with no other changes in the routine and noticed an improvement. Very pleased. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CLICK THE LINK FOR MY OTHER REVIEWS. I have noticed that many of the positive (and some negative) reviewers have reviewed one or just a few products. But what I’ve noticed more recently is that you may see several reviews on a variety of products. PLEASE NOTICE THE DATES OF THE REVIEWS.
Phyllis D. –
This is a natural product and a quite beneficial one. This seller packaged it well, the price was reasonable, and the quality totally acceptable.
Thomas –
The dandelion root pills are hard to find in stores. I started taking these to prep for bodybuilding competitions. I’ve been taken these for years. This is better than the body building version.
The item is as described.