NOW Apple Fiber Powder: A Revolução da Fibra em Sua Dieta
O NOW Apple Fiber Powder é um produto inovador que traz a pureza da fibra de maçã diretamente para a sua mesa. Com 100% de fibra de maçã pura, este pó é uma excelente fonte de fibra dietética, essencial para a saúde digestiva e o bem-estar geral. Cada embalagem contém 12 onças, e você pode adquirir um pack com quatro unidades, garantindo um suprimento duradouro para suas necessidades nutricionais.
Este pó de fibra de maçã não é apenas uma adição saudável à sua dieta, mas também é incrivelmente versátil. Ele contém naturalmente 10% de pectina, uma fibra solúvel que ajuda a regular o trânsito intestinal e a manter a sensação de saciedade. O NOW Apple Fiber Powder pode ser consumido diretamente ou misturado com líquidos e misturas em pó, tornando-o uma opção prática para quem busca aumentar a ingestão de fibras sem complicações.
A fibra de maçã é conhecida por suas propriedades benéficas, que vão além da digestão. Ela pode ajudar a controlar os níveis de colesterol, regular o açúcar no sangue e promover uma sensação de bem-estar geral. Incorporar o NOW Apple Fiber Powder à sua rotina diária é uma maneira simples e eficaz de melhorar sua saúde.
– Aumento da Ingestão de Fibras: Facilita a inclusão de fibras na dieta, essencial para a saúde digestiva.
– Controle do Colesterol: A pectina presente ajuda a reduzir os níveis de colesterol ruim (LDL).
– Regulação do Açúcar no Sangue: Contribui para a estabilização dos níveis de glicose, beneficiando diabéticos.
– Sensação de Saciedade: Ajuda a controlar o apetite, sendo um aliado em dietas de emagrecimento.
– Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser adicionado a smoothies, iogurtes, ou até mesmo em receitas de panificação.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do NOW Apple Fiber Powder, recomenda-se iniciar com uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10 gramas) por dia. Este pó pode ser misturado em água, sucos, ou incorporado em shakes e smoothies. Para receitas, adicione o pó à massa de pães, bolos ou mingaus, garantindo uma textura agradável e um aumento significativo na fibra. É importante aumentar a ingestão de água ao consumir fibras para otimizar a digestão e evitar desconfortos.
Austin –
Liked product, will purchase again, keeps me regular !
Mitchell C. Amiano –
I just purchased some of this “Apple Fiber Powder”.
Pro: it is a fairly cheap source of pectin.
Con: it tastes like an apple peel that has been left out on the counter to brown and dry up for a couple of days then ground to a powder. Based on the packaging, that is much like how this product formulated.
Pro: the flavor can somewhat be masked by foods containing processed fruits like applesauce and preserves or baked products.
Big Con: it is only about half (naturally occurring) sugars, so really only about half pectin. Double the price for a more true comparison to a more purified pectin product.
Pro: it is still fairly cheap.
Con: if you are watching your carb intake, the sugar content is small but adds to whatever you try to mask it with.
Pro: it doesn’t seem to clump up like some purified citrus pectins I have used.
Con: it doesn’t appear to be very soluble and it does not wet very easily.
So while I was excited to find a cheap source of pectin, I was non-plused by the reality of the product. I guess it is OK, but IMHO it is not outstanding.
Midwest Girl –
More than we can use fast enough but great product to add to pancakes and shakes! Good taste lots of fiber.
Advika –
I really love this product. I used to use apple pectin, because it was recommended by my holistic doctor. But apple pectin was very difficult to mix in juice. It was very starchy, and sticky, and clumpy, no matter how much I stirred. It was difficult to go down, because of the stickiness and clumsiness. Apple fiber on the other hand, doesn’t have any of those issues, it has very smooth consistency when mixed in a smoothie, and very easy to swallow. It also does the job of helping to make me regular, much better than psyll. husk.
S. Tuggle –
I purchased the NOW apple fiber for a veggie cleanse and I’m about 3 days in. So far so good. The first day I just stirred the mix in water. I feel like it works a lot better if you put it in a closed container (funnel + empty water bottle worked great for me) and shake it vigorously.
Great deal on price too 🙂
One of the bags was slightly open causing a little spill when I pulled it out. But I quickly transferred it to a ziplock bag and all was good again.
E. C. Rosso –
Did not help me become more regular, regardless of how much I consumed on one day.
On the plus side, this powder tastes like apple skins.
aldag –
These apple fibers are what is left over after apples are pressed for juice. When mixed with water or fruit juice, these fibers help to maintain a healthy functioning digestive system. I use these apple fibers combined with psyllium fibers with great success to avoid that stuffy feeling that sometimes happens with sluggish digestion. Got a hemorrhoid problem? Try these fibers for relief as smoooooth operation of the digestion system solves many problems from start to finish. Bad breath? Two or three day old food turning rancid in a slow moving digestive tract can produce bad breath, belching, and unpleasant bloating gas. Increased fibers help to prevent that, and these fibers provide a happy home for the helpful bacteria in the digestive tract. An excellent product with uniform consistency over the years, NOW apple fibers are highly recommended.
Esmerelda –
I like this product. Can’t believe how hard it is to find in the stores. Glad you have it available. This product is healthy and tastes good and keeps my system working much better than plain fiber products. I do have to say, I used to use a similar product made by the same company that worked a little better. I think it was called Apple Pectin Fiber, but I understand that the NOW company has discontinued it. Your price is also great.