NOW Gaba 500mg, 100 Veg Capsules
O NOW Gaba 500mg é um suplemento alimentar que contém ácido gama-aminobutírico (GABA), um aminoácido não proteico que desempenha um papel crucial na manutenção da saúde mental e física. Este produto é formulado para oferecer uma dose eficaz de 500mg de GABA por cápsula, proporcionando uma maneira prática e eficiente de incorporar este nutriente essencial na sua rotina diária. O GABA é conhecido por suas propriedades calmantes, ajudando a regular a excitabilidade neuronal e promovendo um estado de relaxamento e bem-estar.
- Um fator na manutenção de uma boa saúde
- Um aminoácido não proteico natural
O NOW Gaba é ideal para aqueles que buscam um suporte adicional para a saúde mental, especialmente em momentos de estresse ou ansiedade. A sua formulação vegana garante que todos possam usufruir dos benefícios do GABA, independentemente de suas restrições alimentares. Além disso, a apresentação em cápsulas facilita a dosagem e o consumo, tornando-o uma escolha conveniente para o dia a dia.
1. Redução do Estresse: O GABA ajuda a acalmar a mente, reduzindo os níveis de estresse e promovendo um estado de tranquilidade.
2. Melhora do Sono: Contribui para um sono mais profundo e reparador, essencial para a recuperação física e mental.
3. Apoio à Saúde Mental: Auxilia na regulação do humor, podendo ser benéfico para pessoas que enfrentam episódios de ansiedade.
4. Aumento da Concentração: Promove um foco mental mais claro, ajudando na produtividade e na realização de tarefas diárias.
5. Fórmula Vegana: Atende a diferentes necessidades dietéticas, sendo uma opção acessível para veganos e vegetarianos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de NOW Gaba 500mg, uma a duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com água. É aconselhável tomar o suplemento em um momento em que você possa se beneficiar de suas propriedades relaxantes, como antes de dormir ou em períodos de alta carga de estresse. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Emma Q –
I wasn’t sure if this would work for me but it was pretty affordable and I figured I would give it a try. I’m pretty sure I probably could be diagnosed with some anxiety disorder but as of right now I don’t have health insurance and don’t have the money to pursue therapy and I rather try something like this before trying to get prescribed anything by a doctor. After taking it for about a month I would say it definitely helps. When I researched this I learned GABA works by binding to receptors and slowing the activity of neurons. When I’m anxious my mind feels like it can’t stop and I obsess over things and my mind goes in circles over the same fears and worries. When I take this it begins to work pretty quickly and after about 15 minutes my brain feels like it’s running at a normal relaxed pace. I found that taking 2 pills at a time once or twice a day as needed has been working best for me. If you’re considering this I’d say try it and that it’s very worth it for the price.
Jonquil M –
GABA is a neurotransmitter, and it’s the primary focus of benzodiazepines like Xanex and Klonopin, as well as botanicals such as Kava, Valerian Root, and Skullcap. Thus, theoretically, taking GABA can help enhance the effects of these when they seem to no longer work. It’s also an ideal supplement for PTSD and CFS, considering these conditions often involve a deficiency in GABA. It is also highly beneficial to people who have the MTHFR gene mutation.
What about me? I’m all of the above, lol.
It seems like I have found the sweet spot in treatment through combining GABA with kava and key amino acids that support cognition, mood, and emotional resilience. I feel calm, peaceful, happy. And when I do have a panic episode, I find myself more capable of self control and able to quickly recover as opposed to several days in bed because I’m too exhausted and in pain (neuropathy).
I really like this brand, so it typically is the first brand I look for when shopping for a supplement. NOW’s supplements all seem to be high quality, potent, and consistent without a premium price tag attached.
This one has been no exception!
Good product –
Rita W. –
I have a bit of anxiety and have used GABA for several years at night to help me sleep. Most of the time it works well. The taste of these tablets aren’t the best but just follow up with water. They are chewable. I take one or two before bed and it relaxes me and is made with healthy ingredients that don’t interfere with other medications (check with your doctor first). Good product, I can handle the taste but maybe they can come up with a better flavor in the future.
Gregory P. Harm –
After suffering from anxiety and depression for years, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I noticed an immediate improvement in my mental health the day after I began taking this product.
A friend of mine had told me about it and with all of the herbs on the market today that all note that they are not FDA approved as to their claims of helping you, this carbonation actually worked.
It almost felt like a heavy load had been removed from my shoulders and instead of dreading the day I found myself feeling closer to normal than I had been in ages and not fretting or worrying unnecessarily about things and seemingly experiencing no symptoms of depression immediately. I began taking two capsules at bedtime and then taking two more capsules in the morning with my regular routine medications.
I have increased my dosage this morning to three capsules since to work so well I am assuming a third capsule will provide added benefit, with no concern I am taking a fatal overdose, like with standard antidepressant medications.
Moreover, the cost of this supplement is affordable and legal for me personally it has been effective. I was so glad to learn about it I can not fully express my satisfaction and optimism here.
Since it is affordable one has nothing to lose but a lower purchase price, should it not work for you. I recommend giving it a shot and seeing whether it can work for you as well.
Brooklyn –
These actually work!!
rafialpy –
It calms if you are anxious. Better start with small dosage, just once in a morning, and slowly iterate. It doesn’t slow down you.
Darrel T. –
This product makes me feel more relaxed and helps me get to sleep. It arrived on time and is exactly as promised.
Kelly L –
I started getting dizzy spells on this. To the point, I had to discontinue use of this supplement. I really wanted it to work. I am sure each person, will tolerate this suppl differently.
M. J. Hader –
This supplement can be amazing for the right neurotype. As an undiagnosed potentially autistic person possibly with ADHD, taking Gaba in the morning takes the edge off my brain. It makes me mellower, less intense. I don’t think this is true for everyone.
Some nighttime supplements include gaba, but I find that Gaba at night gives me insomnia. Also, too much Gaba also amps me up in an unpleasant way.
This can be a game changer on the right minds.