O suplemento NOW Foods True Focus™ é uma fórmula avançada que combina aminoácidos, ginkgo, DMAE, CoQ10 e extrato de semente de uva, oferecendo uma solução eficaz para quem busca melhorar o foco e a concentração. Com 90 cápsulas vegetarianas, este produto é ideal para aqueles que desejam um suporte robusto à saúde cerebral e antioxidantes que promovem a proteção celular. A sinergia entre os ingredientes proporciona um suporte essencial aos neurotransmissores, fundamentais para a manutenção da alerta e da acuidade mental, além de contribuir para uma sensação geral de bem-estar.
Os neurotransmissores norepinefrina e dopamina são cruciais para o funcionamento adequado do cérebro, e o NOW Foods True Focus™ atua no equilíbrio dessas substâncias, potencializando a performance cognitiva. A presença do ginkgo biloba, conhecido por suas propriedades de melhora da circulação sanguínea cerebral, e do DMAE, que pode ajudar na função cognitiva, torna este suplemento uma escolha inteligente para quem busca um impulso mental. Além disso, o CoQ10 e o extrato de semente de uva adicionam uma camada extra de proteção antioxidante, combatendo os radicais livres e promovendo a saúde celular.
Os Suplementos NOW Foods True Focus™ são rigorosamente testados e possuem certificações que garantem sua qualidade, como Livre de Laticínios, Livre de Ovos, Kosher, Baixo teor de Sódio, Sem Glúten, Não-OGM, Livre de Nozes e Livre de Soja. A certificação GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) assegura que cada etapa do processo de fabricação é realizada com os mais altos padrões de qualidade, oferecendo confiança ao consumidor. Produzidos nos Estados Unidos por uma empresa familiar com mais de 50 anos de experiência, esses suplementos são sinônimo de tradição e excelência.
- Suporte aos neurotransmissores essenciais para a saúde mental.
- Combinação de nutrientes importantes com ingredientes naturais que potencializam a função cognitiva.
- Certificações que garantem a qualidade e a segurança do produto, ideal para dietas restritivas.
- Certificação GMP que assegura a qualidade do processo de fabricação, garantindo um produto confiável.
- Produzido por uma empresa com tradição e compromisso com a qualidade desde 1968.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula vegetal até 3 vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. Para otimizar os resultados e garantir a adequação do uso ao seu perfil de saúde, é aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar a suplementação.
Amro –
I tried this product several months ago when I was travelling, because I didn’t find my (go-to) nootropic at that time. So I thought I will try it once. But I am so happy I did! It’s just so easy on the stomach, and it doesn’t have any stimulant. So you can take it with or without coffee. Of course, I take it with coffee. It’s just a delight. It also adds some sense of wellbeing.
I now prefer it more than the other stronger and way more expensive nootropic. I will also happily pay more for it, since it’s hard to find these days. I hope they never stop it because it includes a very unique set of ingredients that works, without the side effects (i.e. no stomach discomfort or jittery feeling etc). I find this product a seriously effective yet light focus product, with clean and simple ingredient list. Thanks!
Repairhubja –
I like it because it helps with focus, works fast and boost my energy level and easy capsule to swallow. There is no side effect
Desiree –
I waited a month after buying these to make sure I had adequate time to make an assessment. I started by looking for just l-theanine, but found this mix instead and it is fantastic. I wanted to try this instead of other pills for my ADHD and it certainly works. I have more energy, I have more fun, I’m snacking less, and I get the perfect boost to continue on with my day! I tend to sing when I’m happy and my family has noticed “hey, you’re singing again.” 🥹🥰
I have found the perfect stack (for me): 1 Gotu Cola first thing in the morning, then 2 True Focus after breakfast, then 2 5-HTP after dinner. It has been *life changing*!! Side note- I’ve lost 8 pounds in a month without trying! 😀
I am in no way giving medical advice, just sharing what works for me. 😘
XkandakeX –
I’ve been trying various nootropics lately as a possible solution to the chronic, mild depression and anxiety I have lived with most of my life. I also tend to become very distracted by my own thoughts – apparently I don’t have ADD or ADHD as I’ve tested negative repeatedly since my first visit with a psychiatrist at 11 years old. It’s simply a matter of my thought processes being “cluttered” and going off on a tangent when I should be focusing on a single task at hand, but I can work very efficiently when I concentrate and really put my mind to it.
Having worked as an assistant to a psychiatrist and seeing first hand the damage that prescription anti-depressants can do, as well as the absolutely insane pharma-culture these doctors participate in (free golf vacations if you order more Xanax! We’ll order lunch for the office staff too!), I’ve held out through the years and absolutely refused to take anything for my depression. There’s nothing quite like seeing a doctor prescribe Adderall to a four year old who “fidgets in his preschool class” to turn you off from psychiatrists. I’ve tried St. John’s wort before with zero results, so essentially gave up.
Recently I ordered some L-Theanine + Caffeine after doing some research and reading all the glowing testimonials online. BIG MISTAKE. I took one in the morning and HALLUCINATED all day! Not serious, trip-like visions or anything, but visual static, weird colorful after images and swirling patterns. It was nuts! I also felt sort of drunk and out of it. I’ve never done LSD or anything like that so I really can’t compare. The only other time I’ve had anything like that happen was with Ambien – The first night I took one for insomnia was terrible. Those hallucinations were serious, full-blown reality warping living nightmares. Needless to say I never took it again. Instead I now use valerian, which work wonders.
Anyway, this True Focus is the first thing I’ve taken that has had a positive impact on my mental state. I really believe that brain chemistry and function are highly individual and vary widely. Some have issues with dopamine reuptake, for others its serotonin. The antidepressants your doctor prescribes only deal with serotonin – these same people most likely benefit from L-Theanine and catecholamine. I believe I am one of the few who must improve dopamine function instead. True Focus works wonderfully for that. If you try common/popular nootropics that work for others but cause averse effects for you, try this, and possibly L-Dopa as well. The L-Dopa seems to make me almost too giddy and energetic when I take it, so I’ve kept it at just two True Focus each morning. It could help those with more severe depression or mood swings, it’s just a bit much for me.
Try it out if other products don’t work for you. Perhaps you have different brain chemistry than most!
UPDATE: I’ve found that these work AMAZINGLY well when taken with black (plain) coffee. I’m guessing that some component of True Focus potentiates the caffeine in the coffee, though I haven’t tried them with a straight up caffeine supplement, so I can’t be sure. Just a suggestion to try if you’d like an extra boost in the morning.
A_Customer –
After using this product for about 2 weeks, I can say it’s been beneficial. I have an autoimmune disorder, with the primary symptom of fatigue. Not debilitating fatigue, but it’s a run-down or listless feeling that can come to me some days (particularly when the weather is very hot or cold), and a sense of ‘brain fog’ for lack of a more precise term. My thinking can feel slow, and it’s sometimes difficult to concentrate or stay focused on tasks. I can get grumpy or irritable.
In the past I’ve taken low-dose Adderall. 2 or 3 of these pills can be comparable to 5-10 mg of Adderall in helping ‘clear the fog’ and feeling more focused and aware. I feel an effect about 1 hour after taking the pills, and the mental effect lasts perhaps 2-4 hours. So I usually take them early in the morning and again at mid-day.
These pills are not magical. They won’t give you endless energy or the ability to follow-through on goals. You still need to build good habits or routines, and to develop discipline. (A therapist once told me any improvement is like a 3-legged stool: you might need to use medication, new mindset and new habits to build something sturdy). But this product definitely helps. My wife says she’s noticed an improvement in my overall mood.
I doubt it’s a placebo effect, because I’ve taken so many different products over the last few years in attempts to help my condition. Most of the pills, liquids or products don’t work, so I’m pleasantly surprised when something actually is effective.
The effect isn’t dramatic, but I have noticed quicker recall (I’m nailing it identifying songs on the radio before the display shows me) and more metal energy left at the end of the days I take it. It’s possible I might experience greater benefit taking it every day, I just haven’t tried.
Stitch socks –
Works really good
Natalie Williams –
I tried this as a more natural alternative to adderall and all the times I took it I wa so sleepy. I tried them on a weekend and was so tired, I took half the dose too and I made sure I ate, didn’t take any other caffeine and it just made me crazy hard then I tried to take the full dose and it did the same thing I felt no focus I felt no energy I just was very very tired.
Kristalyn Lewis-Murry –
I remember taking these a year or 2 ago as needed and was able to feel my energy, mood and concentration improve either the same or next day. This time around I have been taking these as directed for a few days consistently now and have not noticed any improvement or change whatsoever. I’m not sure if the formula changed or maybe my metabolism has and it’s taking alot longer then it used to in order for everything to take effect but I do feel there have been some kind of change with them .