Extrato de Cúrcuma Bio-Enhanced
60 cápsulas vegetais
- Forma única de curcumin complexada com fosfatidilcolina
- Absorção e biodisponibilidade aprimoradas*
- Suporte para articulações saudáveis*
- Certificações/Classificações: Livre de soja, não transgênico, vegano, livre de nozes, sem glúten, livre de laticínios, livre de ovos, halal
- Certificação GMP de classificação A
- Embalado nos EUA por uma empresa familiar desde 1968
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Absorção Aprimorada
- Suporte para Articulações Saudáveis
- Certificações e Classificações Importantes
- Qualidade Garantida
- Empresa Familiar de Confiança
- Melhora na Biodisponibilidade: A combinação de curcumina com fosfatidilcolina maximiza a absorção, garantindo que o corpo aproveite ao máximo os nutrientes.
- Suporte à Saúde das Articulações: A fitossoma de curcumina atua como um potente anti-inflamatório, promovendo a mobilidade e flexibilidade das articulações, essencial para quem busca um estilo de vida ativo.
- Proteção Antioxidante: O extrato de cúrcuma é um poderoso eliminador de radicais livres, ajudando a proteger as células do corpo contra danos oxidativos.
- Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: A curcumina auxilia na resposta imunológica equilibrada, especialmente em momentos de estresse metabólico, contribuindo para a saúde geral.
- Compromisso com a Qualidade: A certificação GMP de classificação A assegura que o produto é fabricado com os mais altos padrões de qualidade, oferecendo confiança ao consumidor.
Para obter os benefícios do Extrato de Cúrcuma Bio-Enhanced da NOW Foods Supplements, recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula vegetal uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando, tomando medicamentos ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes. Após a abertura, armazene em local fresco e seco para preservar a eficácia do produto.
A. Mitchell –
Senior Carol –
Now never fails!
J. –
I honestly don’t know if the cucrumin does anything. But this one is supposed to have better absorption.
Omar Stuart Gonzalez –
First, it’s an overall good product. I can tell from my hands if I skip a few days without taking it. The capsule is too big for me to swallow but it’s easy to open and mix in one of those small cups of sugar free applesauce.
Gene –
I was quite skeptical purchasing this product as I am aware that the bio-availability of curcumin is quite low; however, the published study on Meriva-500 showing that it is absorbed at higher rates than 95% standarized curcumin extracts tipped the scales and convinced me to at least give this product a try.
I am aware that the Meriva-500 only about 25% curcumin, so 500mg of this nets you only about 125mg of curcumin; however, according to the study, even with the lower concentration of curcumin in this product, the blood levels measured (as compared to a standard 95% extract) were higher. The study did not compare to products that add a bio-enhancer such as Bioperene, so I guess we’ll never know how well this performs against other products that are 95% extracts with bioperene.
I’m very active and wrestle as a hobby. Doing so has its down-sides, such as constant lower back pain. I’ve been taking this for about 3 weeks now. I started with 500mg/day (1 capsule) for the first week and noticed very little. During the 2nd and 3rd weeks, I upped the dosage to 1000mg/day (2 capsules) and thats when I started to notice my lower back pain becoming significantly reduced. Overall, I am very pleased with the effect it’s had on reducing my back pain.
Dody Mitchell –
I started taking NOW Bio-Curcumin about 3 weeks ago. At first I didn’t really experience anything remotely as miraculous as I had people tell me to expect. I was taking (2) 200 mg of ibuprofen every four hours when I started taking this supplement. Even though I was on high doses of the NSAID I was in so much pain each day I would rarely sit up, stand, walk, or do much of anything other than lay on the couch or my bed. I need assistance to stand up and go to the bathroom. I’m am talking about serious pain. I am very young so most doctors ignored me when I said I was in pain.
I started taking this product. The first day I noticed nothing. I used the same amount of NSAIDS and everything. I sighed and said, oh well…better take it twice a day and then just finish the bottle. If after the bottle is done nothing, fine, I was stupid. By day three my husband noticed I was only taking Ibuprofen in the morning and sometimes late at night after i had been (sitting) up all day. He asked if I had been doing something different and I said I was taking a supplement.
By the end of week one I could get up to go to the bathroom without help. Now I still took my NSAID in the morning and at night. It was always ibuprofen. Same brand. Same two pills. Same milligrams. I was taking them only twice a day though now instead of 4 to 6 times a day. I kept taking the supplement twice a day, at breakfast and before bed.
By the end of week two, I was getting up to help with household chores. I started helping clean around the house. I would get tired quickly because I have been effectively stuck laying for 5 years more or less. I was happier. I was in less pain. I still felt a nasty twinge if I moved to quick or bent to far, but it didn’t hurt just to move. I was not as stiff and I felt less pain.
By this week I started to forget to take my NSAID and this supplement. I was feeling so good. I forgot two days in a row. I woke up this morning, unable to get out of bed without assistance. Today I was back up to my 6 times a day with my otc pain revilers. I took my supplement again. I know I will feel better again in a day or two. I am stiff now that I forgot two days in a row. I feel sorry I forgot.
So does it work, yes. It takes time to show any improvement. It also stops working shortly after you stop taking it. It is not like WOW I am pain free. It is like, I am less stiff, I hurt less, I can move more before it hurts too much, I can do more things because it doesn’t cause me pain to stretch this little bit now. I can sit up straight where as before it hurt terribly. I can lean over to touch my toes, but it still hurts to actually touch them. Before the pain was so much I could not even touch my toes. It feels like your body releasing all the toxins that cause it to swell and puff and become stiff. I know that is not very scientific, but that is how it feels when you take it. While you take it, the toxins, they don’t build up. Once you stop, they start to,
OfficerDic –
The best price I’ve found for a great product. I have a lot of joint issues and this is a great addition to my daily supplements to assist with inflammation. Before I started taking this, I had been starting every day with two Aleve, but now I just take one of these in the morning and another at night with no side effects.
Works well when used consistently. I noticed less swelling in my hands and feet, even my face. I have rheumatoid and osteo arthritis and fibromyalgia and the joint pain and swelling has eased during the use of this product. I am not taking any over the counter products other than this and Solgar No 7 for inflammation and joint pain. Both these products have proven that they work well together. The reason I am using this and the Solgar No 7 product, also sold on Amazon, is that I wanted to avoid prescription medication side effects. In fact, when I skipped a few doses, when I simply forgot to take it, my aches, pains and swelling returned. That’s proof for me. I just ordered another bottle and will not run out of this stuff. If I can take this and ease my symptoms, it’s worth buying.
Another advantage of taking Curcumin is that it lowers your glucose levels. I am a diabetic and I noticed that my glucose has not been over 100 since taking these capsules.
When my doctor gave me an anti-anti-inflamatory prescription my main concern was how long would I be able to take it before I ended up with major organ issues.
Omar Stuart Gonzalez –
Vino dañado el envase
Amazon カスタマー –