NOW Foods Suplementos, Suporte Dietético com ForsLean® (Coleus forskohlii), 120 Cápsulas Vegetais é um suplemento alimentar de alta qualidade que se destaca por oferecer suporte ao metabolismo saudável de gorduras. Com uma fórmula termogênica avançada, este produto é projetado para auxiliar na queima de gordura e na perda de peso de forma eficaz. A principal característica deste suplemento é a presença de ForsLean®, um extrato de Coleus forskohlii, que tem sido amplamente estudado por seus efeitos positivos na regulação do metabolismo das gorduras.
ForsLean® atua ativando a enzima adenilato ciclase, essencial para a regulação do metabolismo lipídico, promovendo assim a queima de gordura e o aumento da massa magra. Com 120 cápsulas por frasco, a NOW Foods oferece uma opção conveniente para aqueles que buscam melhorar sua saúde e alcançar seus objetivos de perda de peso. Fabricado nos EUA por uma empresa familiar com mais de 50 anos de experiência, o produto é garantido pela certificação GMP de qualidade assegurada, que atesta a integridade de todo o processo de fabricação, desde a formulação até os testes de estabilidade e potência.
É importante ressaltar que, devido à sensibilidade do produto ao calor e à luz solar, recomenda-se que os clientes estejam disponíveis durante a entrega para evitar danos ou derretimento do produto. Durante os meses de verão, os produtos podem chegar aquecidos, mas a Amazon armazena e envia os produtos de acordo com as recomendações dos fabricantes.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Suporte ao metabolismo saudável de gorduras
- 2. Fórmula termogênica avançada
- 3. Certificação GMP de qualidade assegurada
- 4. Fabricado nos EUA por uma empresa familiar e operada desde 1968
- 5. Ingredientes naturais e estudados cientificamente
- 1. Acelera a queima de gordura, facilitando a perda de peso.
- 2. Aumenta a massa magra, contribuindo para um corpo mais definido.
- 3. Melhora o metabolismo, promovendo uma digestão mais eficiente.
- 4. Ingredientes naturais que oferecem uma alternativa saudável aos métodos tradicionais de emagrecimento.
- 5. Suporte confiável de uma marca com décadas de experiência no mercado.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas da NOW Foods Suplementos, Suporte Dietético com ForsLean® (Coleus forskohlii), 120 Cápsulas Vegetais diariamente, preferencialmente acompanhadas de alimentos. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, garantindo assim que o uso do produto seja adequado às suas necessidades individuais.
Maritain –
Fantastic effects, especially when combined with Berberine. I take 2 cap with meal #1 (Lunch) and 2 caps with meal #2 (Dinner) – no breakfast eaten, 16/8 IF cycle.. Effects: After 2-3 days of use, I noticed – a reduction in appetite overall, less ravenous hunger before meals, less hunger in between meals, inability to binge or overeat in general at ANY meal, increased energy and mental focus, and better balanced blood sugar. It really is an amazing supplement and, without any strain or work, has me generally eating 30% less calories by default. Highly recommended!
chris chiarella –
This helps
J Currie –
This is the first natural diet pill that actually works.. I myself lost a good 10 lbs the first couple months (wasn’t really tracking it) and received many compliments on my weight loss. Found this product after researching different herbs to help with weight loss, and after reading up on it I wanted to find something with coleus forskoli. Needless to say, this was it. I work out a lot and am in pretty good shape, but I am constantly fighting really strong sugar cravings at night and have let myself gain about 15 lbs over the past 2 yrs. I’ve tried everything under the sun and nothing I’ve found up to this point has actually worked. I can tell you honestly this does! Best part is, its completely natural and doesn’t make you feel jittery or “cracked out” as I call it (ha ha). Does give you energy, but a clean energy. Might keep you up if taken too late in evening, so just a heads up. Also purchased for a physician I work with and she actually lost 20 lbs! Came into her office about a month or two after giving it to her and had forgotten I’d given it to her. She looked great! I asked what she’d done and she said omg, it’s those pills you got me! Apparently she lost over 20 lbs.. Highly recommend Now Foods Diet Support!
Ingeborg Coffman –
I am FAN of NOW and use their products, they are all great. But this product is not what it suppose to do, I do not recommend it for a diet.
J. Allan –
I started this just prior to going on vacation. I didn’t lose weight, but I didn’t gain any either, which considering it was two weeks of eating and drinking in restaurants and at friends’ houses, is almost a result. In the two weeks since then I’ve noticed that I have more energy in the day and don’t rely on caffeine as much. The biggest result is that it has eliminated the powerful cravings I used to get when I got home from work. I used to binge on carbs in a really uncontrolled way before I could even think about making dinner. A lot of it was stress, just from the time of day. Last night I spent an hour making dinner and didn’t even nibble on anything. Diet Support has crushed that out of control eating and I’m truly amazed. Have yet to see this converted to results on my body, but I feel like I have enough energy now to start an exercise program again. I will reorder in a few weeks when my supply runs out. I did find that I need to be consistent about when I take the pills in order for them to work. I take one when I first get up, and one in the afternoon after lunch.
Angel Face –
I have been using this product, and I take only one capsule, instead of the recommended two, because I am smaller than the average person. Even at half dosage it works. What it does for me is it helps me choose the healthier food options. I don’t know how but it just helps me be more mindful. To be honest I already have good eating habits, but this product has been helping me increase my awareness and I have lost six pounds as a result. I want to lose ten so just four more to go!
Chris –
What a bummer. Took 2 per day. It gave me very bad migraine headaches (I never get headaches) and made me feel sick so after 3 days I stopped taking it. Felt all better the next day. I hadn’t noticed it can’t be returned so big waste of money. )-:
Romina –
This product definitely does what it’s supposed to do. I tried it the first day and I was quickly using the bathroom and shedding water weight. I drank a lot of water and took three a day, now I’m up to four a day. I also advise anyone who wants to lose weight fast to not eat for 2 to 3 days and just detox with juices, and take this, or detox with teas. If you don’t eat for a few days and take this you will lose about 8 pounds quickly -it’s all water weight. You just have to have the mentality and strength for it, I’m used to intermitting fasting so this is nothing to me, but I would advise anyone to not eat for a day or two and take 4 a day and you will see results as soon as possible. Most of our weight is in our gut and most of it is just built up water weight and intestinal weight. Keep the weight off with salads and less meat and taking these daily, you’ll be fine. It also didn’t give me any jitters or energy, that’s what coffee is for. I stayed away from coffee first few days but now I’m realizing it’s a great pair! Eat less, take these, detox, eat less meat, you’ll be fine ladies! Good luck