Pó Puro de Acácia Certificado Orgânico, Altamente Solúvel, Mistura Facilmente, Saúde Intestinal*, 340g
O NOW Foods Suplementos Pó Puro de Acácia é um produto de excelência, certificado como orgânico e altamente solúvel, ideal para quem busca uma solução prática e eficaz para a saúde intestinal. Este pó é extraído da fibra de acácia, proveniente da seiva da árvore de acácia, que cresce em regiões como a África, Paquistão e Índia. Sua formulação permite uma mistura instantânea, tornando-o um aliado conveniente na rotina diária.
Uma das características mais notáveis deste produto é sua riqueza em fibras solúveis. Essas fibras são essenciais para promover a regularidade intestinal e atuam como prebióticos, favorecendo o crescimento de microorganismos benéficos que mantêm um ambiente gastrointestinal saudável. O Pó Puro de Acácia é bem tolerado e pode ser incorporado à dieta diária, contribuindo para uma digestão saudável e equilibrada.
Com a garantia de qualidade proporcionada pela certificação GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices), o NOW Foods assegura que cada etapa do processo de fabricação é rigorosamente controlada, desde a seleção dos ingredientes até os testes de estabilidade e potência do produto. Embalado nos Estados Unidos por uma empresa familiar com mais de 50 anos de experiência, este suplemento é uma escolha confiável para quem valoriza a saúde e o bem-estar.
- Alta solubilidade e fácil mistura, ideal para o dia a dia.
- Promove a regularidade intestinal, ajudando a evitar desconfortos digestivos.
- Atua como prebiótico, sustentando a saúde da microbiota intestinal.
- Certificação GMP, garantindo qualidade e segurança no consumo.
- Produzido por uma empresa familiar com tradição e compromisso com a saúde desde 1968.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar 1 colher de sopa (10g) do Pó Puro de Acácia em um copo de água ou suco, mexendo bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Este suplemento pode ser consumido uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente com o estômago vazio, ou conforme a orientação de um profissional de saúde. A incorporação deste produto à sua rotina pode facilitar a manutenção de uma saúde intestinal ideal.
Amazon Customer –
Makes me less hungry between meals
sweetcarolinec3 –
Having IBS, I have been using another brand of “Tummy Fiber” for years. I decided to try NOW Supplements, Acacia Pure Powder and could not be happier. NOW Supplements, Acacia Pure Powder Is less expensive and dissolves more completely than my previous brand of acacia tummy fiber. I could not be more pleased. Highly recommended.
C Clow –
Joanne F. –
I take fibers every day for my chronic digestive illness, in an attempt to slow things down enough that I can live in society and actually leave my house once in a while.
I took another brand of acacia fiber before, and it didn’t do much that I could tell, but I wanted to try again because it typically gets rave reviews. I ordered this because of the brand and price.
I tried it, small amounts, for several days and eventually was in so much pain within my intestinal region that I had to stop. It took me a couple days to figure out what was going on, I thought I had problems with my ovaries or something. Luckily, after the fiber worked its way through, I felt back to normal. I tried it again one time, last week, and was reminded of why I had pushed it to the back of the shelf. Zoinks. Painful experience! I think it worked as well as any other fiber at gelling things up, which is typically mediocre for me and not enough firming, but the pain factor makes me never want to try again.
I always mix my fiber powders with a little ripe banana powder to make it taste good. Adding l-glutamine to my fiber mix has made a positive difference – I recommend it if you’ve got ibs-d or anything like that.
Puttarajuhp –
I bought for a friend who described symptoms of IBS, but doctors were not helpful and not diagnosing anything. She said the acacia is helpful
Linda DeLuca –
Prebiotic that is working well for my son and myself. Actually, do not seem to have a taste. It mixes well with any liquids we tried. We started with a teaspoon daily and worked up slowly to a tablespoon. I will purchase again for sure. It was recommended in a book I purchased off of Amazon.
sweetcarolinec3 –
I can’t comment too much on taste because I mix these with my protein shakes which can mask most of any taste. I will say however, I used to use Renew Life Skinny Gut Acacia Fiber per the Negative Calorie Diet book (which I highly highly recommend) and they recently stopped carrying the Renew Life Acacia fiber in most stores. This brand of Acacia fiber has been a wonderful substitute and a staple in my home. I am on my 3rd tub of it so far.
I have noticed a visible reduction in the size of my tummy and bloating, I have noticed a thorough cleaning of my digestive system (which can help prevent cancer), as well as this is a perfect complement to the protein and keeps me full for much longer than the protein by itself. There is no noticeable taste whatsoever (which is perfect for me) and only a very minor grittiness (which is perfectly acceptable and I have also experienced from other brands of fiber because I mix it with thick cold not hot drinks). Hope this helps!
eas –
Just bought my second bottle. Has really helped with my gi issues. Psyllium is just too strong for my gi tract. Love this stuff. Mixing in my chai chocolate lattes & protein shakes. Or just in water. Works great.
Gina –
This doesn’t have a taste and is great for managing weight and for gut health. I add it to my morning coffee and get all the benefits. It dissolves perfectly, no lumps or bumps.
I’m Erika — Trust Me. –
I’ve added it to my daily supplements and I don’t know, but they seem to be working because I’m feeling great!