Descrição do Produto: NOW Foods Supplements, Extrato de Cúrcuma Orgânica Certificada, Erva Ayurvédica, Extrato Líquido, Raiz de Cúrcuma Orgânica 2 fl oz
O Extrato de Cúrcuma Orgânica Certificada da NOW Foods é um suplemento premium que combina a tradição da medicina ayurvédica com a ciência moderna. Este extrato líquido é feito a partir da raiz de cúrcuma orgânica, conhecida por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e antioxidantes. Cada frasco contém 2 onças fluidas de um extrato concentrado, que proporciona uma forma prática e eficaz de incorporar os benefícios da cúrcuma na sua rotina diária. A cúrcuma é amplamente reconhecida por seu composto ativo, a curcumina, que é responsável por muitos de seus efeitos benéficos à saúde. Este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam suporte para a saúde das articulações, melhora da digestão e promoção do bem-estar geral.
1. Propriedades Anti-inflamatórias: Ajuda a reduzir a inflamação no corpo, aliviando dores articulares e musculares.
2. Apoio Digestivo: Contribui para a saúde digestiva, auxiliando na digestão e aliviando desconfortos estomacais.
3. Antioxidante Potente: Combate os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular e retardando o envelhecimento.
4. Melhora da Saúde Cardiovascular: Pode ajudar a manter níveis saudáveis de colesterol e pressão arterial.
5. Aumento da Imunidade: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando o corpo a combater infecções e doenças.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 colher de sopa (15 ml) do extrato de cúrcuma líquida uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção. Agite bem antes de usar e, se necessário, dilua em água ou suco. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Nick’sNickel –
I chose to try this, because it’s from a brand I already trust, and have been relying on for many years—for a variety of needs. It’s almost always within my budget, and I have had consistent results with all of the products I have tried. Never had a bad experience with any of them. And this is no exception!
I was able to try this for free, as part of the Vine program, but I selected this in a state of absolute joy. I actually need this right now! I’ve been experiencing more inflammation lately that I haven’t been able to control as usual, so I was wanting to give turmeric another try. It had been helping me so much until my undiagnosed Lyme & Hashimoto’s got bad enough to actually land me a diagnosis—-finally!!
I immediately took steps to put those problems in check, which worked beautifully. So I didn’t really need turmeric anymore. Turmeric wasn’t able to keep up with my particular issues anymore, anyway—certainly not alone. This past year and a half has been especially hard though. And I’ve had a bit of a set-back, so the general inflammation issues have returned.
This looked like a wonderful opportunity to reintroduce Turmeric into my multileveled fold of wellness strategies. And it did not disappoint!
Free for me or not, it won’t always be. And I’m gonna be purchasing this for myself in the future. It’s the real deal. NOW has been going GangBusters on less than authentic crap being sold online, especially turmeric (among others). And they want people to know that. I LOVE that!!!
I showed several pictures of the bottle, because I know that they are very serious about quality. And there are many dupes out there. This was the real deal, and they mean what they say.
Okay, enough of that. How’s it taste? Like alcohol and pure Turmeric! It’s a tincture, so that may not jive with everyone. Read their ingredient label first, if that’s a concern. They recommend putting a dropperful into warm water, but it works in other ways as well.
I’ve been putting it in my seltzer water, occasionally the hard kind—works beautifully there. It tastes very medicinal, but is clearly potent with the notable, living-color essence of genuine Turmeric.
And I have new stains to prove it!!
That’s another thing…be very cautious, because this is a pure liquid-sunlight pigment. Watch carefully where and how you use the dropper! You know it’s authentic when you’re suddenly in the mood for amazing Indian food, and you just added little happy sun drops to, well, nothing that actually needed it—oops!!! Pay close attention.
I haven’t used it long enough, or in adequate medicinal quantities yet, to get a good notion on its long-term effectiveness. Been holding back, due to the temporary crown in my mouth—that the dentist specifically told me to avoid Turmeric over.
But I ordered this anyway—because I needed the help. I’ve just been using it slowly. Still, it’s already helping!!! I used a full dropper last night, and I could definitely tell a difference the next day. No bloating—finally!
It’s not a cure-all, but this is a good quality turmeric product. And I have tried multiple other turmeric items, in different forms. They all taste horrific. Which always surprised me! But to me, this does not. I plan to experiment with it in foods next.
I will let you know how that goes later—or if I develop any hesitations about this. So far, I’m highly impressed!!
Ann Milana –
It is in pure form. No additives. I use it in my morning drink.
L Covert –
I add One Dropper full into my Coffee every morning. It smells & tastes pleasant on its own. I love in my coffee! I Love Liquid Vitamins & this bottle will last a long time. It’s true what they say about Turmeric! It relieves my joint pain. I’ll def purchase again! I’ve always trusted the NOW Brand of supplements.
Sherry Schultz –
I like liquid in Termuric but not fond of the taste.
YogaKat 🧘♀️🙏 💕 –
I’ve been taking turmeric for quite sometime. I usually take it is capsule form with my morning vitamins and also in the evening with my magnesium. I started also taking turmeric in tincture form. I really trust Now brand products and I feel like I get a really good dose of turmeric along with very good quality and freshness.
I take it right out of the dropper. It is a pretty strong flavor and if you are not used to herbal extractions it might not be very pleasant for you. I’m pretty used to that strong flavor of herbal extracts, so this wasn’t a suprise and I am able to use this daily.
I have tried a few other brands, Nanoceutical Solutions, Vitanica Tasty Tonics, and AruMed. I would say this Now brand is my second favorite because of the price (affordable) and the quality (I trust the Now brand). My all time favorite is still Vitanica because it tastes delicious.
I did mark this down by 1-star because the taste is pretty bitter and strong. I get the same dose of 1,000 mg from the Vitanica brand, plus it has black pepper which helps the Turmeric absorb into the body, plus it tastes a lot better. I have both of these brands on my shelf right now and I switch off between them. You can’t get too much Turmeric and I really trust this Now brand of Turmeric Extract.
Mayra McCullough –
A good product
Meghan –
Use it everyday in my coffee!! Love it!
Nick’sNickel –
I am a fan of tumeric tincture, but this takes a little more creativity to use. I’ve use tumeric+ginger and can take it by itself. This one can’t be used on its own, it’s too bitter, which I did read it wasn’t designed to be used alone. I’ve tried it mixed in tea with honey and it’s better. I’ll continue to look for easy ways to mix this in and use it!