NOW Foods Suplementos, Cristais de Vitamina C (Ácido Ascórbico) em Pó, Proteção Antioxidante, 8 Onças
A Vitamina C é um nutriente solúvel em água amplamente reconhecido por seu papel essencial no fortalecimento do sistema imunológico. Os Cristais de Vitamina C da NOW Foods oferecem uma forma pura e de grau farmacêutico deste poderoso antioxidante, permitindo que você incorpore facilmente este suplemento em sua rotina diária. Com uma embalagem de 8 onças, este pó é ideal para quem busca uma maneira prática e eficaz de aumentar a ingestão de vitamina C.
Os cristais de vitamina C são altamente eficazes na neutralização de radicais livres, que são subprodutos do metabolismo normal e da exposição a estressores ambientais. Ao proteger as células e tecidos saudáveis, a vitamina C ajuda a manter a integridade do organismo, promovendo uma saúde geral robusta. Além disso, a NOW Foods garante que seus produtos sejam livres de soja, não transgênicos, veganos, sem nozes, sem glúten, sem laticínios, sem ovos e kosher, atendendo a diversas necessidades dietéticas.
A qualidade é uma prioridade para a NOW Foods, que possui a certificação GMP A-rated NPA, assegurando que cada aspecto do processo de fabricação seja rigorosamente examinado, incluindo métodos de laboratório e testes de estabilidade e potência. Desde 1968, esta empresa familiar tem se dedicado a oferecer produtos de alta qualidade, fabricados nos Estados Unidos.
Durante os meses de verão, é possível que os produtos cheguem quentes, mas a Amazon armazena e envia os produtos de acordo com as recomendações dos fabricantes, garantindo a integridade do produto.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Aumenta a resistência do corpo a infecções e doenças.
– Proteção Antioxidante: Neutraliza radicais livres, ajudando a prevenir danos celulares.
– Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser adicionado a bebidas, smoothies ou receitas, facilitando a inclusão na dieta.
– Qualidade Garantida: Fabricado sob rigorosos padrões de qualidade, assegurando eficácia e segurança.
– Adequado para Diversas Dietas: Ideal para veganos, pessoas com alergias alimentares e aqueles que buscam produtos livres de aditivos.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios dos Cristais de Vitamina C da NOW Foods, recomenda-se dissolver 1/2 colher de chá (aproximadamente 2 gramas) em água ou suco, uma vez ao dia, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. Este método de uso permite uma absorção rápida e eficaz do nutriente, contribuindo para a manutenção da saúde e bem-estar. É importante armazenar o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
zachariah –
This, suspended in one other easily attainable product, may be the best , most effective skin care product of all. This is not simply my own, scientific opinion, but also that of very famous television personalities with whom you are undoubtedly familiar.
A whole host of articles refer to two facial products which when mixed together produce the equivalent of professional facial procedures, taking ten years off your appearance. The Dr O- show made the lady who discovered the magic mixture famous. So many companies barged into the fray, claiming that their products are those mentioned on the landmark show that the crooks outnumber the legitimate companies. Some offer “free” trials which as we all know are never free, and some of them are identity theft traps as my bank informed me after I fell for one company’s beautiful ads, fake comparison studies, before and after photos and fantastic claims. In the end, the “magic ” products actually responsible for remarkable skin texture, tone and clarity Dr O reveals, are defined as two simple elements, not any of the $150.00 per 1/2 oz mixtures at all, but Vitamin C and hyaluronic acid.
Even knowing which two ingredients to buy leaves one in a quandary because now there are hundreds of vitamin c serums claiming to be “the one” “pure” product. And of course the price varies from the approachable drugstore shelf serum to the estheticians office potions only the rich and famous ( and the desperate) can afford.
I have relied on Timeless pure hyaluronic acid for years because it doesn’t cause weeping eyes , running nose and blotchy skin with hives. I never realized just how beneficial it is, only that it holds 1000 times its own weight in water and I have dry skin and live in a beautiful city built on reclaimed desert. (it’s not perfect either, there are real issues even with this staple brand, but it is less harmful than the others I’ve tried including the #1 seller on Amazon). “Now” brand has never disappointed me in any of the many products I’ve tried. Two squirts of Timeless hyaluronic acid, a tiny scoop of Now Vitamin C swirled around in it and the combination then applied to the skin is the purest, safest method available IMHO. Yes, it takes a few seconds for the crystals to dissolve but they do dissolve and if you can’t take a tiny bit of grittiness for a few seconds boo hoo on ya. Most of us use microabrasives, with and without electric devices, to exfoliate with and we spend a lot of money on them, even Philosophy’s, and are convinced of the value of doing so. This method circumvents the problem the snake oil salesmen struggle with and that is the rapid degradation of pure vitamin c once it hits the air. You’ll know your premixed , multi-ingredient product is worthless, dead, when it turns yellow. That’s when all you’re putting on your face are the preservatives and purposeless fillers.
Back to the point. After searching for weeks for a vitamin c serum at a concentration of 20 % or more and buying serums advertised as pure which actually have the wrong form of vitamin c and that in minute, useless concentrations, I have my answer. Of course, now I remember mother rubbing fresh cut lemons on our faces and the fact that we had gorgeous, blemish free skin while she was in charge, and I know that this is a forever amen regimen for me. I could care less about looking ten years younger . I love the fact that my skin loves vitamin c and hyaluronic acid and looks healthier than it has in all the years I trolled the cosmetics counters. And boy do I wish I had all that wasted money back!
The quest, now that the workhorse items are cemented, (Elite Xtra strength peptide serum being the third of the triad), is for a healthy moisturizer that doesn’t leave one looking like an oil slick like Cetaphil cream (still so fabulous a product that it is distributed by prescription by some large medical organizations) or straight up argon oil, great when nobody’s looking. If anyone has a suggestion for a nonallergenic ( not hypoallergenic but nonallergenic) , nourishing, but matte moisturizer , I would truly welcome the assistance.
Again I have to say thanks to Amazon for making all of these choices available to all of us, the mobile and disabled alike, the rich and the normal working stiff. I only have one compliant and that is that I wish Amazon would force these cosmetics companies to list their ingredients, in decreasing order of concentration and in American English so that we know exactly what we’re buying and can make better informed purchases. Yes, I’m still fuming about that vitamin c, hyaluronic acid product, the number one seller , that is really water and aloe vera with tiny amounts of active ingredients, thrown in with the unnecessary additives, preservatives and irritants ,to fake legitimacy and still turn an enormous profit margin.
BGrace –
I purchased this product in order to make liposomal Vitamin C (together with non GMO lecithin, using an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner also available here). The ultrasonic waves of the machine causes the C to become ‘encapsulated’ by the lecithin, thus making it more bio-available, since normally your digestive system will only allow you to absorb so much at a time.
Part of the process of making this is dissolving a tablespoon of this ascorbic acid, keep stirring until all the crystals are dissolved, then mixing it with soaked, blended lecithin and then putting in the ultrasonic cleaner for 30 minutes and stirring the entire time. The result is a fat soluble version of Vitamin C. Vitamin C in the ‘usual’ format is hard to absorb, you only absorb a small percentage of the C, and if you take a larger amount, diahrea will result. Making it ‘liposomal’ allows you to take a higher dose and no diahrrea. (If you’re interested in doing this you can just google how to make liposomal vitamin C and should come).
Prolonged high dose Vitamin C usage is controversial, and I myself won’t use it that way, just higher dose if ill or stressed, then going down to a lower dose; IV Vitamin C is given to people who have had certain kinds of poisoning and as an alternative cancer treatment. I have been ill and under great stress the past few months and so when I found out about this liposomal C, I decided to try it out.
After I made it up I took a tablespoon, and within 2 hours I felt markedly better. The constant nausea I had had after a bout with the flu was gone, and my mood felt noticeably brighter. I have since made up some for a friend who has been injured and worn out adrenals, and encouraging people to try it who have chronic illness.
Liposomal C is available commercially, but apparently it’s expensive, so this is an easy accessible way to create some, and from the results I’ve had already, I can say this NOW version is definitely active and effective.
CAUTION – don’t expose your teeth directly to this or any acidic form of Vit C – the acidity will harm your enamel.
Follow up: two weeks later I have significantly more energy and mental focus when I use this, and my friends and family are using it too and raving about it (the liposomed version).
Kess –
i see the value in this, i feel happy that i can use my small dosing spoon to feed myself and kids the amount of C. almost tasteless in plain water, almost, a little tangy acidity. but value overcome all
mari –
david –
Very effective for purpose.
chris h. –
I have been using this for about 3 months and have not been sick.
yar a. –
It works well.
Barry –
Since it’s powdered it’s great to add to natural juices and get a real concentration of V-C unlike ready made supplements. I personally felt the difference and hence I would buy it again!