NOW Foods ADAM™ Multivitamínico Masculino é um suplemento projetado para atender às necessidades nutricionais específicas dos homens, combinando uma fórmula robusta e cientificamente desenvolvida. Este multivitamínico contém uma variedade de ingredientes essenciais, incluindo Saw Palmetto, Licopeno, Ácido Alfa Lipóico, CoQ10 e Resveratrol Natural, todos conhecidos por seus benefícios à saúde masculina. O Saw Palmetto é amplamente reconhecido por seu papel na saúde da próstata, enquanto o Licopeno contribui para a saúde cardiovascular, ajudando a manter o coração forte e saudável. O Ácido Alfa Lipóico e o CoQ10 são fundamentais para a produção de energia celular, promovendo um aumento na vitalidade e disposição. O Resveratrol Natural, por sua vez, atua como um poderoso antioxidante, combatendo os radicais livres e promovendo um envelhecimento saudável.
As cápsulas vegetarianas do NOW ADAM™ são testadas quanto à pureza e qualidade, garantindo que cada dose forneça os nutrientes necessários para o bem-estar geral. Com a certificação GMP de classe A, a NOW Foods assegura que todos os aspectos do processo de fabricação são rigorosamente controlados, desde a formulação até os testes de estabilidade e potência. Este produto é adequado para vegetarianos e veganos, tornando-se uma escolha versátil para aqueles que buscam uma suplementação de qualidade. Fabricado nos EUA por uma empresa familiar com mais de 50 anos de experiência, o NOW Foods ADAM™ é uma opção confiável para quem deseja melhorar sua saúde e qualidade de vida.
- 1. Fórmula completa que atende às necessidades nutricionais específicas dos homens.
- 2. Ingredientes como Saw Palmetto e Licopeno que promovem a saúde da próstata e cardiovascular.
- 3. A combinação de Ácido Alfa Lipóico e CoQ10 que aumenta a energia celular e a vitalidade.
- 4. Resveratrol Natural que oferece suporte antioxidante, ajudando a combater o envelhecimento precoce.
- 5. Produto certificado GMP, garantindo qualidade e pureza em cada cápsula.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula vegetal por dia, preferencialmente acompanhada de uma refeição para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. Este suplemento é destinado apenas a adultos. É aconselhável consultar um médico antes de iniciar o uso, especialmente se estiver grávida, amamentando, tomando medicamentos ou apresentando condições de saúde preexistentes. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
William –
I did a lot of research before using Now brands Adams mens multi vitamin. NOW is a family owned company that produces very high quality products that are independently tested. I have been using them for over twenty years. I not only take this multi vitamin myself but have been recommending them to my patients for many years. They have every vitamin and nutrient you could possibly ask for in a multi vitamin. It doesn’t bother me in the least but they are large pills. However they are softgels and I find them easy to swallow. I recommend a good multi vitamin to almost all of my patients. It use to be difficult to find this brand but now you can order them on Amazon. They are also a very good value. If your looking for one of the best multi vitamins on the market look no further. My undergraduate degree is in nutrition and I have seen many nutrients come and go it seems like every year there is new fad. But taking a good multi vitamin is a wise choice. Even people who have a good diet can find it difficult to get all the recommended vitamins and nutrients our bodies need. As our soil becomes more depleted it gets even harder.
CL –
Love Now, always great supplements
Taylor –
Great vitamins, no argument there. the only thing i didn’t notice when I made this order is that it takes 3 capsules to get the recommended dosage with these, where as it only takes 2 softgels to get the recommended dosage. Yes the softgels are larger than the capsules, so if you have trouble swallowing them these might be a better choice, but i was going for the cheapest price per recommended dosage and was basing that on price per pill and believed the number of pills required was the same for softgels and capsules. On a side note these also have a stronger smell than the softgels, so that may be an issue for some people.
Kodee –
i’m really happy with these vitamins. i’ve been taking them for a month. i thought i had ordered the liquid gels but ended up with the veggie capsules. it wasn’t a big deal. it’s just that taking 3 pills a day can be a bit much. there are three different formulas. make sure you are buying the right one. the veggie capsules have a serving size of 3 pills per day. then there are the liquid soft gels, you take 2 a day of those. there is also tablets. a serving size for the tablets is 1 per day. however, the tablets have a lower daily percentage of some of the vitamins and minerals. just be sure to order the right ones. i believe the liquid soft gels and veggie capsules are the same, you just take 3 of the veg capsules. and 2 of the liquid soft gels. i’ve just reordered the soft gels. i’ve been on them a month and i feel great! obviously, the only way to know if they are working is to get a full nutritional blood work up done. but i can tell they’re working. my lips used to be pale….slightly discolored. and now they are back to bright red. they look normal. that’s the greatest indication that these are working for me. also, anecdotal, but when i drink now my hangovers are not nearly as bad as they used to be. i am not a heavy drinker….but i was honestly really shocked. i hadn’t woken up from a night of partying and felt so….like i was back to being 21 years old. does that make sense?! i’m happy with these vitamins. i have reordered but made sure to get the liquid gels. you only take 2 a day of those. the NOW brand is one that i trust. it’s also super affordable. i like the bioavailability of the vitamins and minerals. these are well thought out supplements. i personally wouldn’t waste my money on some other more expensive, luxurious brand. these are great. i will keep reordering ADAM from NOW and all my other supplements. i honestly don’t trust any other company. this is the company i choose for my vitamin and supplement needs.
Glenn –
Great Mens Multi.
First you much know that Now makes 3 different versions of this vitamin. Gel, vegi cap, and gel cap. You have to search on amazon for the version you want.
Each one is slightly different formula for the reason of the different delivery types but all are good.
This mens multi is great for overall performance vs price.
I’ve been a Now consumer since 1990 and love their vitamins, oils and food products.
dá muita disposiçao e energia
greatbeyond777 –
Good vitamin. Has all the goodies in it! I really like it for the price. works good lots of B vitamins and extras and such.
William McDaniel –
Gosto muito dele
Amazon Customer –
Absolutely best multi men’s vitamin I’ve ever taken for ED and energy both my wife and I take with me taking Adam and her taking Eve we both have turned into nympho maniacs! I highly recommend this product because both my wife and I being in our 50’s we used to suffer in the bedroom and now because of this awesome product we both have energy like we did when we were in our twenties walking 7 miles daily seven days a week and making love daily we both wanted to share our thank you to Amazon for caring this wonderful vitality and energy multivitamin for Men and Women.