NOW Foods Sports Nutrition: Whey Protein Orgânico Certificado 19g, Pó Sem Sabor, 454g é um suplemento de proteína de soro de leite de alta qualidade, projetado para atender às necessidades de atletas e indivíduos ativos. Com 19g de proteína por porção, este pó sem sabor é ideal para quem busca uma fonte de proteína pura e eficaz, sem aditivos indesejados. A principal característica deste produto é sua certificação orgânica, que garante que o soro de leite utilizado é proveniente de vacas alimentadas com pasto e criadas sem hormônios de crescimento sintéticos, antibióticos ou pesticidas. Isso assegura que você está consumindo uma proteína de qualidade superior, que não compromete sua saúde.
Além de ser uma excelente fonte de proteína, o Whey Protein Orgânico da NOW Foods contém BCAAs (aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada), que são fundamentais para a recuperação muscular e o crescimento. Esses aminoácidos ajudam a reduzir a degradação muscular durante o exercício e promovem a síntese de proteínas, tornando este produto uma escolha ideal para quem busca otimizar seu desempenho físico. A qualidade do produto é garantida pela certificação GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices), que assegura que todos os processos de fabricação são rigorosamente controlados e testados para estabilidade e potência.
Embalado nos Estados Unidos por uma empresa familiar com mais de 50 anos de experiência, o NOW Foods Sports Nutrition reflete um compromisso com a qualidade e a confiabilidade. Este produto é amplamente testado, garantindo que cada porção ofereça a pureza e eficácia necessárias para atender às demandas de qualquer nível de atividade física.
- Proteína de soro de leite orgânico certificado, livre de hormônios de crescimento sintéticos, antibióticos e pesticidas.
- Contém BCAAs, essenciais para a recuperação muscular e o crescimento.
- Ampla testagem para garantir a pureza e eficácia do produto.
- Certificação GMP, que assegura a qualidade e a confiabilidade do processo de fabricação.
- Embalado nos Estados Unidos por uma empresa familiar e operada desde 1968.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture 1 colher de sopa (19 g) de NOW Foods Sports Nutrition, Certified Organic Whey Protein em 6-8 onças de água, leite ou sua bebida favorita. Consuma diariamente para suplementar sua ingestão de proteínas e promover a recuperação muscular após o exercício físico. Este produto é destinado a adultos saudáveis e deve ser usado em conjunto com uma dieta equilibrada e um programa de exercícios. A versatilidade do pó permite que você o adicione a smoothies, shakes ou receitas, facilitando a inclusão de proteína de alta qualidade em sua rotina diária.
Georgia C. –
When I was about to buy this, my main question was what exactly did this taste like? I want to put my review in context, so here are some notes about my taste preferences so you can judge for yourself if you’re going to hate this product. I have tried other protein powders in the past and find them very, very sweet. I found them too sweet even when my diet still contained fructose (fruit) and other sweeteners, both artificial and natural (stevia, sucralose). Sucralose is in most protein powders and I find it like a sugar punch in the face. I recently started the 4 hour Body strategy for eating, and a point is made about cutting out ALL sweeteners due to issues with insulin sensitivity rather that issues relating strictly to calories. I was on this strategy for about 7 weeks still consuming the usual flavored whey isolate powder I had before when I really started to feel like the sweetness was beginning to mess with my ability to stay satiated between meals. My point is, I was ready to give up the sugar, and this is an individual issue.
As for the actual taste, I found it exactly like the taste of powdered coffee creamer, like Coffee-Mate (regular flavor, of course). If you’re not sure this powder is for you, just get a teaspoon of coffee mate and eat that to gauge your reaction. I mix this up in a blender with just water and it blends very well with no grittiness or chunks. It is unflavored but there is definitely a flavor which is dairy-like: The Coffee-Mate taste isn’t quite milk, but you would say it was close to milk. Some have compared the mixture to diluted skim milk, but I don’t think it tastes like any milk I have ever had because the smell is a little stronger. If you really hate dairy, this is going to be hard for you to drink just mixed with water.
I have lactose sensitivity (can’t digest ice cream or milk very well), but this gives me absolutely no problems.
John Solly –
Buy this one!
I got so angry reading the negative views.
1. Yes it’s not 100% tasteless. Is that even possible? You can barely notice the taste. It is not like sour milk. It is not deathly. It’s just bland and boring. There TWO ingredients in this powder. I challenge you to make a tasty protein powder drink with two ingredients.
2. Yes, there is soy lecithin…but do you see the (<1%) NEXT TO IT?
3. It is expensive, but I would like you to find an organic powder that is GMP certified (independent testing company). As an American consumer, you have to be REALLY frickin carful. It’s not uncommon for companies to source their ingredients from China where arsenic and heavy metals get in. Do a web search for ‘protein powder poison’ right now and you’ll see popular brands getting busted for contaminated products. Every time it happens, they just say WHOOOPS ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ must have been a shipping mistake. NOW foods has a good rep and that’s why I buy from them.
Hope you enjoy getting SWOLL ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
お水 –
Buen producto
This powder mixes well in the recommended 8 oz of milk or water. It does have a slight lactose-like flavor, a little sweet, but not offensive. It will thicken the texture of your drink, but it mixes smoothly, not gritty. Has a ton of amino acids, which makes it a great post-workout supplement. It is a little pricey compared to the non-organic version.
Unknown –
very bad taste, feeling like omitting after taking it.
Ursha –
John Solly –
I bought this to increase my protein intake, and I liked that it was flavorless. My goal was to add some to my morning coffee. No matter how much I stirred, though, I could not get it to mix in, so I thought maybe it would only mix in cold liquids, so I tried that too. No matter what I tried stirring it into, it would not mix in. Maybe it would work in a blender, but I didn’t want to have to pull out and clean my blender every time I wanted a little protein.
P. Stephen –
Actualmente todo tiene hormonas, está es una opción buena para alguien fitness con cáncer hormono-dependiente. No tiene sabor ni azúcar añadida por lo que puede usarse en numerosas recetas
R. Morris –
I was looking for an organic whey protein powder, and this is the best deal I found in terms of price per ounce. At minimum, I wanted an rBGH-, chemical fertilizer- and pesticide-free product; this one is certified organic, which ensures all of those. I also preferred grass-fed, and current organic standards ensure availability of grass year-round as well as pasture access 4 of 12 months (I think). If you’re looking for an organic product, I’m assuming I don’t need to say more.
That being said, this product behaves exactly like my previous “conventional” whey products–it blends nicely with a stick blender (I don’t shake, so can’t speak for that) and mixes nicely with my typical smoothie mix of fresh and frozen fruit with juice. It’s not flavored and is free of most additives (soy lecithin aside) that you’ll find in others. The ingredients list, for those curious, reads: “Organic Whey Protein Concentrate and Organic Soy Lecithin (<1%). Contains milk and soy derivatives." (I previously used Optimum Nutrition 100% Any Whey, which was also relatively free of additional flavors and additives; I never liked ones with lots of added ingredients, especially since they usually added lots of fat and cholesterol.)
While it’s relatively flavorless, I should point out it does have a distinct “organic dairy” flavor, which to me is slightly grassy. I taste this in all organic dairy (especially cheese), so if you’ve had organic dairy before you might know what I mean. (Or maybe I just have weird tastes.) I don’t mind, but just be aware that it will taste like actual dairy instead of the nearly-tasteless “conventional” dairy, and it doesn’t have any flavoring (even the Any Why product I mentioned above which is advertised as unflavored does have a bit of flavoring in its ingredients–perhaps a splash of vanilla would do the same for the product here?).
While more expensive than “conventional” dairy, I recommend this product for those looking for an organic whey protein powder.