NOW Foods Sports Nutrition, Isolado de Proteína de Soja 20g, 0 Carboidratos, Pó sem Sabor, 2 Libras é um produto de alta qualidade desenvolvido pela NOW Sports, ideal para atletas e entusiastas do fitness que buscam uma fonte de proteína eficiente e versátil. Este isolado de proteína de soja é uma excelente opção para quem procura uma alternativa vegetal, oferecendo 20g de proteína por porção e zero carboidratos, o que o torna perfeito para dietas de baixo carboidrato e veganas.
O produto é formulado com um perfil de aminoácidos completo, essencial para o crescimento muscular, recuperação pós-treino e manutenção da massa magra. A ausência de sabor permite que ele seja facilmente incorporado em diversas receitas, desde smoothies e shakes até sopas e pratos assados, aumentando a ingestão diária de proteínas sem alterar o sabor dos alimentos.
A qualidade do NOW Foods é assegurada pela certificação GMP Quality Assured, que garante que todos os processos de fabricação são rigorosamente controlados, desde a seleção dos ingredientes até os testes de laboratório para estabilidade e potência. Com uma história que remonta a 1968, a NOW Foods é uma empresa familiar que se dedica a oferecer produtos de qualidade superior, sempre com foco na satisfação do cliente.
1. Alta qualidade: Produzido com ingredientes selecionados e rigorosamente testados para garantir pureza e eficácia.
2. Perfil de aminoácidos completo: Fornece todos os aminoácidos essenciais necessários para a recuperação e crescimento muscular.
3. Versatilidade: O pó sem sabor pode ser adicionado a qualquer bebida ou receita, permitindo personalização conforme as preferências do usuário.
4. Certificação GMP: Garante que o produto atende a altos padrões de qualidade e segurança durante todo o processo de fabricação.
5. Compromisso com o cliente: A NOW Foods, como uma empresa familiar, prioriza a qualidade e a satisfação do consumidor desde sua fundação.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture 1 colher de sopa (20g) do pó de proteína de soja isolada em 250ml de água, leite ou sua bebida preferida. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Recomenda-se consumir imediatamente após o treino ou como parte de uma dieta equilibrada para maximizar os benefícios da proteína na recuperação muscular e no suporte ao crescimento.
vicu –
can be added to other drink
Mr. Lucky –
no added junk
Jean –
This protein powder is okay. It blended really well, which I was pleased with. Despite being mixed into a rather flavorful smoothie, it had a bit of an aftertaste and texture. However, I am also not used to consuming soy products, so perhaps that is standard for soy.
I am considering returning it, but will attempt to use it in other things first, such as baked goods and other types of smoothies with stronger flavors.
Yoshiko Irving –
easy to mix great flavor
I’m glad to have found this unflavored, unsweetened pure plant-based protein powder. I am vegetarian, and make an effort to be vegan whenever possible, and that can make it hard to get enough protein without eating too much carbs.
I tried this mixed-in with another vegan protein powder that is way too overly sweetened with monk fruit and stevia and tastes absolutely terrible. This simple soy protein powder cuts the sweetness, tones-down the bitter acrid paint thinner flavors of stevia and monk fruit, and makes the other brand vegan powder much more palatable and tasty.
I have tried it on its own, mixed in dark chocolate almond milk and that’s pretty good too. I haven’t tried any other recipe yet, but I have other plant milks and flavoring products that I can try, and I’m sure it will be just as good, going to try it next with some berries blended in.
The only one thing bad I will say about this soy protein powder is that it doesn’t mix into your liquids very easily. You have to either put it in the blender, or put it in a sealed jar and shake the heck out of it for a few minutes. If you don’t, you will have little encapsulated pellets of undissolved powder in your drink, and they might pop open in your mouth and you could inhale the powder into your trachea and lungs, which is pretty unpleasant. Just be careful and watch out for that.
J Daniel Valencia –
I have used many protein powders. I shied away from Soy for a while because of the negative hype, but I wanted to find some cheaper protein alternatives, and I read up on soy again. Turns out the isolate, non-GMO varieties avoid any of these issues. I’m back on board the soy protein train.
The good:
This is plain, unadulterated, non-GMO soy protein isolate, which means the things that you’re scared will make you grow man-boobs or infect you with Mansantism are not present. It’s one of the smoother and finer powders I’ve seen, maybe the smoothest soy powder, and it smells neutral.
The bad: There really is none. This is cheap but doesn’t appear cheaply made. It’s a sturdy container.
The complicated:
The only protein powders that are easier to mix are whey, beef, and egg. Beef and egg are much more expensive. Soy is good for a quick absorption and is also more moderately absorbed, but whey is quicker.
You do not want to use ANY protein powder unadulterated. they just don’t taste good. This doesn’t taste bad (some taste bad. Pea protein and hemp sometimes smell and taste bad.) You also don’t want to buy a pre-mixed, flavored protein powder, because just about every one of them uses squirrely, suspect ingredients. It’s best to get an unadulterated mix like this one. I am now getting this, high fiber hemp, pumpkin seed protein, and collagen peptides and mixing them all together. 2 parts soy and 1 part each of the other. I take a big container and mix about 4 cups of soy with 2 cups each of hemp, pumpkin, and collagen. I usually mix it with a homemade green powder, coconut oil, lemon juice, stevia, and sometimes additional fruits and veggies or roots. I also sometimes mix it with cocoa powder, stevia, vanilla, and coconut oil. The consistency and taste are great.
The verdict:
I’m not going to use any other soy product. This mixes well, tastes fine, and comes at a very good price. If you’re looking for a really fast acting protein, nothing beats whey for the price, but soy has more nutrtional properties and not as many people have allergy or tolerance issues with it. Besides, if you have some protein before your work out, the protein is already available in your system.
George Tan –
It is exactly as expected, tasted like unsweetened soy milk. If you put the soy protein powder first without liquid, thr powder tents to get stuck. Recommended to put liquid first, then the powder.
A little disappointment that it doesn’t come with any measuring spoon.
Toh Hiap Soon Amos –
This product is better than the previous brand that I ordered. Firstly it has no artificial sweetening taste that I experienced previously and easy to blend with pure milk using a shake-container.
sam c –
I use protein powder mostly in smoothies, and this is my first unflavored soy protein powder..don’t expect much of anything for flavor. I started adding a couple tsps of a sweetener (maple syrup, honey) to get a bit more flavor. It’s great for adding to savory things, which is why I wanted an unflavored. Not chalky, dissolves great.
Jamie Paszek –
I recently found out that my body does not respond well to products with pea protein and/or alternative sweeteners in them. Vegan protein powders pretty much all contain both of those things now so finding a product that has soy protein and nothing else has made it a lot easier to make high-protein smoothies that don’t give me stomach aches. You can tell a difference in taste when adding it vs not but it’s really mild and inoffensive.