NOW Foods Solutions: Vegan Hair é um produto inovador que se destaca no mercado de cuidados pessoais, oferecendo uma solução vegana e eficaz para a saúde do cabelo e da pele. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, este produto combina ingredientes naturais e livres de crueldade animal, como o óleo de jojoba e o extrato de alecrim, que são conhecidos por suas propriedades hidratantes e nutritivas. A utilização desses ingredientes naturais não apenas promove uma aparência saudável e radiante, mas também garante que o usuário esteja fazendo uma escolha consciente e ética em seus cuidados diários.
Além de sua aplicação tópica, NOW Solutions Vegan Hair, Skin & Nails é um suplemento alimentar que fornece suporte nutricional essencial para cabelos, pele e unhas. Com uma composição completamente vegana, o produto é rico em aminoácidos e minerais que são fundamentais para a produção de colágeno e queratina, os principais componentes estruturais que mantêm a integridade e a beleza do cabelo, da pele e das unhas. A adição de vitaminas antioxidantes C e E protege a pele dos danos causados pelos radicais livres, enquanto a biotina e o ácido hialurônico contribuem para uma pele jovem e saudável. A certificação GMP de qualidade assegurada garante que cada etapa do processo de fabricação foi rigorosamente controlada, assegurando a potência e a eficácia do produto.
1. Suporte nutricional completo para cabelos, pele e unhas.
2. Fórmula completamente vegana, sem ingredientes de origem animal.
3. Contém vitaminas antioxidantes C e E para proteção da pele contra radicais livres.
4. Fornece aminoácidos e minerais essenciais para a produção de colágeno e queratina.
5. Certificação GMP de qualidade assegurada para garantir a excelência do produto.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas diariamente, acompanhadas de alimentos. Essa prática não apenas maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também integra o suplemento de forma harmoniosa à rotina alimentar, promovendo resultados visíveis e duradouros na saúde do cabelo, da pele e das unhas.
Wornout Warrior –
My hair is stronger, fuller and I have my curls back! My nails are not peeling anymore! Fast, effective and inexpensive.
SnookHunter –
Worked well. Had a funny taste.
Edia Stanford-Bruce –
Effective for me. I like this product. I used another brand before I went vegan last year so I wanted an effective, no-nonsense vegan-friendly product to replace it. I was left with thin spots at my temples a few decades ago as a result of using a spray-in temp grey dye while I was in the theatre. After a month of using this product, I noticed that my natural widow’s peak and real grey hair on my edges are growing back.
laffytaffy –
I LOVE these vitamins, my hair is thicker, stronger, and grows faster whwn I take them. When they were unavailable for a whike, I couldn’t finy any others that came close to the same ingredient listing.
jessenia –
I was taking this for the last year. The serving size was 2 capsules… It’s now 3. Add to that that they’ve removed some ingredients altered other to other forms and added others there’s in different amounts. They’ve cheapened a once very effective product while effectively raising the price. I’ve added a picture of the old label for reference. That prior formula was great. I’m definitely not taking 3 pills of an inferior product, so I’ll be on the hunt for something else. Very disappointed because I have otherwise trusted the NOW brand in general.
J –
I just started to notice results after about a month, with the recommended dose of two caps a day. My nails usually grow pretty fast, so I don’t see a change there, but I’m already shedding a lot less hair when I shower/brush, which is the reason I ordered it. I would say it’s down by 50-75%, judging by the drain, lol. The only other vitamin I take is folic acid, and I eat a mostly clean, all vegan diet. Very happy with the results so far. Took a plain biotin supplement a couple years ago for the same issue but gave up because after a few months it didn’t seem to help. This extra herbal formula seems to do the trick.
jessenia –
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They are sending wrong product I got mines says 3 cápsula per day and not 2 like they advertise, This product does work but I didn’t notice I kept getting hot flashes at night time during the day and I thought it was me and then I came on here to look at reviews and I see that other people have had the same issue so now I know it’s because of these pills but they do work
Dont really have a flavor or style. But I have noticed my hair has gotten a little more thickness to it… and a little longer.. its seems not to shed as much when I wear it straight. . no change in my finger nails or skin. I was taking two tablets everyday with the first bottle and I noticed some breakouts in my face so with the second bottle I take every other day or 2 days. One side effect of to much biotin is breakouts. But overall I’m satisfied with my hair strength/ growth