Descrição do Produto: NOW Foods Supplements, Melatonin 3 mg, Free Radical Scavenger*, Healthy Sleep Cycle*, 180 Chewable Lozenges
A NOW Foods apresenta um suplemento inovador que combina a eficácia da melatonina com a conveniência de pastilhas mastigáveis. Cada pastilha contém 3 mg de melatonina, um poderoso antioxidante que atua como um captador de radicais livres, promovendo não apenas um sono reparador, mas também contribuindo para a saúde geral do organismo. Produzida naturalmente pela glândula pineal, a melatonina é essencial para a regulação dos ciclos de sono e vigília, ajudando a manter um padrão de sono saudável.
As pastilhas mastigáveis da NOW Foods são projetadas para uma absorção rápida, permitindo que você desfrute dos benefícios da melatonina de forma prática e eficaz. Ao tomar uma pastilha antes de dormir, você pode facilitar a transição para o sono, promovendo um descanso mais profundo e reparador. Além disso, a melatonina desempenha um papel crucial em diversos processos regulatórios do corpo, incluindo funções glandulares e aspectos do sistema imunológico, tornando este suplemento uma adição valiosa à sua rotina noturna.
Com a certificação GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices), a NOW Foods garante que cada etapa do processo de fabricação é rigorosamente controlada, assegurando a estabilidade, potência e formulação do produto. Este suplemento é livre de soja, vegano, sem nozes, ovos e laticínios, e é produzido sem glúten, tornando-o uma escolha segura para uma ampla gama de consumidores. Fabricado nos EUA por uma empresa familiar desde 1968, a NOW Foods se compromete com a qualidade e a satisfação do cliente.
– Melhora da Qualidade do Sono: A melatonina ajuda a regular os ciclos de sono, promovendo um descanso mais profundo e reparador.
– Ação Antioxidante: Como um captador de radicais livres, a melatonina contribui para a proteção celular e a saúde geral do organismo.
– Fácil de Usar: As pastilhas mastigáveis oferecem uma forma prática e rápida de consumir melatonina, ideal para quem tem dificuldade em engolir comprimidos.
– Sem Aditivos Nocivos: O produto é livre de alérgenos comuns, como soja, nozes, ovos e laticínios, tornando-o seguro para diversas dietas.
– Produzido com Padrões de Qualidade: A certificação GMP assegura que o produto é fabricado com rigorosos padrões de qualidade e segurança.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir uma pastilha mastigável de NOW Melatonin 3 mg cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. A pastilha deve ser mastigada completamente para garantir uma absorção rápida e eficaz da melatonina no organismo. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde caso tenha dúvidas ou condições específicas de saúde.
Tommy –
I can’t even imagine life without it anymore. I use it maybe 1-2 times a week when I really need to sleep early, or when I need to fix my sleep schedule. Also SUPER great for fixing jetlag or going back to sleep if you wake in the middle of the night.
I only eat half of the pill (1.5mg) and it works well, and I’m a heavy dude at 195lbs. Flavor is sweet too which is a little bonus. Taking supplemental melatonin also doesn’t decrease your natural production so there isn’t a high risk of messing yourself up in the long run (but I still try not to take it often.)
Cool Enough –
Good quality. Remember u must consult a doctor… They have side effects. Use with caution and when necessary please….
In medical shops u need a perception for it, but this is so easily available. I am under the advice of a proper GB/doctor.
The absorption is better than the one they sell in the medical shop that needs prescription. But I am not happy in a way its a prescription medicine in India and is available on the internet. In other countries its Over the counter.
Do not overdose or misuse. Consult a doctor.
I will inform the drug controller or whatever that department for clarification .
Jada –
I love this is a chewable tablet. I eat half before bed and i fall asleep so quickly. Sleeping right through the night. I love this one
E. Garvey –
Since childhood I have been a very light sleeper. Exercise and good eating/drinking habits help a little, but most nights I still take a long time to fall asleep, 1-2 hours, and I wake up at least once each night. I am always fascinated by people who fall asleep within 15 minutes or so of lying down, or who sleep through the entire night. I have wasted a lot of my days being tired, and I hit the snooze over and over again, making my morning rather unpleasant. In a way, I almost fear going to bed, because I’m a failure at sleeping!
I don’t know why it has taken me so long to try melatonin, but this has changed my life! I take one tablet right before I start to get ready for bed. I can actually feel it kick in about 20 minutes later. I fall asleep fairly quickly, and I SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT. The pills themselves taste minty and they are vegan; there is really nothing unpleasant about this product. I can barely believe this exists, and that it doesn’t cost a million dollars.
I’m only sad I didn’t discover these sooner. I don’t know if this product will help everyone, but it is so worth a try. I was a TERRIBLE sleeper before, and just by adding this supplement to my life I am now a totally NORMAL sleeper. And getting good sleep consistently (I’ve been taking this for a few weeks now) has changed my life. I am functioning so much better now, and I feel healthier physically and emotionally. Unbelievable.
I find myself more and more impressed with NOW Foods products. In my experience, they are the best products at this price point.
Amazon Customer –
Two of our four kids will lay awake in bed past 11pm. At the suggestion of some friends we started using Melatonin and what a difference! 20 minutes later, they’re out cold. It’s great that this is all natural and we can feel comfortable giving it to the kids.
We cut these pills in half and give the kids 1.5mg before bed. It’s cheaper than buying the smaller pills.
One kid doesn’t like the minty taste and won’t take them – but he doesn’t usually need it anyways so it isn’t a big deal for us.
We did learn a “daytime lesson” one time – one of our kids grabbed one in the morning that he forgot to take the night before. He had a pretty rough time at school that day as you might expect! At least her learned one thing that day…don’t take melatonin in the morning!
Jamieson Haverkampf –
Melatonin is great! I started it last year and find that I sleep very well on it. It’s a natural sleep aid that helps increase serontonin in the brain to help you sleep. I love that it’s natural too and our bodies manufacture it naturally. I heard recently that when the sun goes down our natural melatonin goes up so if you;re having trouble sleeping, dim the lights in your house or bedroom after dusk…
Jamieson Haverkampf
author of the 4-time award winning 500+resource guide Mom Minus Dad
Mom Minus Dad: The Essential Resource Guide for Busy Adults with a Newly Widowed Parent
Mom Minus Dad: The Essential Resource Guide for Busy Adults with a Newly Widowed Parent (Kindle book version)
Baba Ganoush –
I first discovered melatonin about a year ago, and after some extensive research, I decided that melatonin was something I could use daily before going to sleep.
There are many types of Melatonin products out there.. some in tablets, pills, and even liquid form. Of course, liquid form is the quickest way of getting your body to absorb the melatonin, but liquids can be inconvenient and non-precise. I decided to try pills and tablets.. I’ve had a horrible experience with melatonin in pill form. Each pill was 3mg (like this product) and it just knocked me out.. I didn’t wake up refreshed; I woke up feeling groggy and unsatisfied. Meh, lesson learned, let’s try the tablets then.. well the tablets tasted like crap, but were effective.
I stumbled upon this product.. and it’s absolutely PERFECT. After doing research, I found that less melatonin is sometimes better for you, as in more effective and you get a better rest. Well, after some experimenting, I found that to be true for me. I cut the tablets into halves and just put half of the melatonin under my tongue. I let it slowly dissolve and the effects (i.e. sleepiness) slowly creep up on me. It doesn’t even taste bad, it actually tastes pretty delicious (as delicious as a mint can be).
Some things about Melatonin in general: Make sure you take melatonin before you sleep, or it won’t work. Your body is stronger than this product, and this product isn’t a sleeping pill.. it’s a natural occurring chemical in us humans that regulate our sleeping schedule. Make sure that after you take Melatonin, you avoid light, since Melatonin is released from our bodies when there isn’t light. Light will just prevent the effects, and again, you’ll be wasting the melatonin.
Victoria Richter –
I buy a lot from this company and love their products. This one is a little tough, you have to break it with your teeth first. The flavor is not too great, tastes a but like chalk. Works ok, not always but that may be me, not them.