NOW Foods Suplementos: Pó de Levedura Nutricional Fortificado com Vitaminas B Adicionais – 10 Onças
Descubra o poder da nutrição com o Pó de Levedura Nutricional NOW Foods, uma superfood que transforma sua dieta em uma experiência rica e saborosa. Produzido a partir de uma cepa especialmente selecionada de Saccharomyces cerevisiae, este pó de levedura não só é delicioso, mas também é uma fonte excepcional de nutrientes essenciais. Com um sabor agradável, ele pode ser facilmente incorporado à sua rotina diária. Basta adicionar uma colher de sopa ao seu leite, suco de fruta ou suco de vegetais. Além disso, é uma excelente adição a receitas vegetarianas ou pode ser misturado em shakes de proteína para aumentar o valor nutricional das suas refeições.
O Pó de Levedura Nutricional NOW Foods é fortificado com vitaminas B adicionais, garantindo que você receba um perfil nutricional natural encontrado em alimentos integrais genuínos. Este produto é classificado como não transgênico, vegano/vegetariano, kosher, livre de soja, açúcar e laticínios, tornando-o uma escolha ideal para aqueles que buscam uma alimentação saudável e consciente. A qualidade é garantida, pois a NOW Foods segue rigorosamente as boas práticas de fabricação (GMP) estabelecidas pela FDA dos EUA e pela Natural Products Association, assegurando que cada embalagem atenda aos mais altos padrões de segurança e eficácia.
Produzido nos EUA por uma empresa familiar que opera desde 1968, o Pó de Levedura Nutricional NOW Foods é um testemunho de qualidade e tradição. Durante os meses de verão, é possível que os produtos cheguem quentes, mas a Amazon armazena e envia os produtos de acordo com as recomendações dos fabricantes, garantindo que você receba um produto em perfeitas condições.
– Fonte de Nutrientes Essenciais: Rico em vitaminas do complexo B, que são fundamentais para a saúde do sistema nervoso e metabolismo energético.
– Versatilidade na Cozinha: Pode ser adicionado a uma variedade de receitas, desde molhos até sopas, aumentando o valor nutricional sem alterar o sabor.
– Ideal para Dietas Especiais: Perfeito para veganos e vegetarianos, pois fornece nutrientes que podem ser escassos em dietas baseadas em plantas.
– Qualidade Garantida: Produzido sob rigorosos padrões de qualidade, assegurando um produto seguro e eficaz.
– Fácil de Usar: A simples adição de uma colher de sopa ao seu dia a dia facilita a incorporação de nutrientes essenciais na sua dieta.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Pó de Levedura Nutricional NOW Foods, recomenda-se o uso de uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10 gramas) diariamente. Misture o pó em 240 ml de leite, suco de fruta ou suco de vegetais. Alternativamente, você pode incorporá-lo em shakes de proteína ou em receitas vegetarianas, como molhos e sopas, para enriquecer suas refeições com um perfil nutricional robusto. É uma maneira prática e saborosa de garantir que você esteja recebendo os nutrientes necessários para um estilo de vida saudável.
Mug –
I dont like its taste and smell as well
Name –
Hahahahahahahaha! I laugh, because it was not what I had expected. It’s not even close to what I had expected! I have read many reviews boasting of its cheese-like tastiness, so I thought to myself “hmmm, I’ll give it a whirl for my potatoes & such…” Now, I have been vegan for but a wink of an eye, compared to some out there, however I’m not turning back (perseverance based on moral principle & knowledge of nefarious food source undoings).
After a much anticipated weekend wait, I eagerly tore @ the package, to reveal the container beholding the promised flavor enhancer!
I had some scrumptious brussel sprouts this afternoon, all sitting pretty in my bowl. I had blissfully gobbled up half of the delightful mini-cabbages when the light bulb over my head flickered into action. “Duh!” I thought.
Okay… fast forward *sniff, sniff* Uh, duder… it smells like fish food!
*shrug* I’m not one to turn something away because my olfactory sense sneers @ it…
*sprinkle, sprinkle, sprinkle* It does mix well, just as stated by many nutritional yeast eaters before me….
*chew, chew…. c..h..e..w*
Well, it tastes like what I imagine fish food would taste like, because it tastes as it smells. Maybe I need time to become more acclimated to this new development in my life before the sensation of “cheese” kicks in. Maybe it never will… My dad said “maybe you need to add cheese to it, to get the cheese flavor” BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAAAA!!
In conclusion, I’m still going to eat it, because I paid for it, because I’m cheap (waste not, want not) & I dig the nutritional value of it. Which, is why I’m giving a whopping four stars.
The end!
Okay, okay… here we are weeks later & I must confess to the slight addiction I feel festering in the bowels of my brain. Hahahaha, brain bowels! I digress….
I eat this stuff EVERY… day! I have some in front of me as I type now, because it’s lunch & I’m not without this powdery goodness @ this particular meal. Nor am I sans yeast during the next mealquel (get it? Hahaha!!!). That sounds really funny when you say it out loud! *giggle-snort*
Admittedly, I don’t enjoy it on everything; such as popcorn. It ACTUALLY tastes like fish food (to me) on my home-pot-burnt kernels. Mmmmmm, there is something magical about burnt popcorn. Such a profound under appreciation for the many levels of complex flavors; separate & then all together.
However, I really, really, REALLY enjoy it with my super awesome nori rolls! I mean, WOW! YUM! POW! ZAP! BOFF! WHACK! Hahahaha! I got a little carried away there.
Anyway, I uploaded a picture of one of my yum-o lunches. Nori roll with fresh cut up avocado, radishes, onion, ummm… I think some lettuce… I don’t know, it changes everyday. I pour a lot of powder in the bottom of a small dish & I dip my roll. It’s soooooooooooooooo mmmmmmmmmm! The portion I had in my presence @ the beginning of this product review update, has been gone now since the popcorn topic.
In length, it’s super delish, dig? ;D
P.S: Did you know this is also called “hippie dust”? That’s so awesome!
U nkn0wN –
I purchased this in the early days of beginning a whole foods plant-based no oil/sugar eating plan, so the taste of real cheese was still fresh in my brain. I found this listed on the Esselstyn diet safe foods list as a cheese substitute so I ordered some. When I received my order I was very excited to try it, believing that I could recreate my favorite dishes by replacing the cheese with this stuff. The smell was . . . well . . . nasty, and the flavor was more like something that shall not be mentioned in a public review than “cheesy”. Oh, how disappointed I was. I remembered one of the women in Forks Over Knives saying that she needed to try things at least 3 times before she decided if she liked them or not. So I stuffed it in the fridge and mourned the loss of cheese for a couple more months.
One day I was making pasta sauce from scratch and decided I’d give it another try. I added small amounts at a time and was really pleased with the results, something like a Parmesan taste in the sauce. Maybe the memory of real dairy cheese needed to be diminished before I could appreciate the nutty cheesy taste of this stuff, but I like it much better now. I use it in anything that needs a buttery or cheesy flavor, but never as a main note in the recipe. I’m now 6 months dairy free, so the casomorphin is gone and the fat receptors in my brain have turned off. So if you’re expecting it to be “just like cheese”, it’s not. But if you’re looking to try something new that adds a bit of richness to your oil free non-dairy eating plan, give it a try!
Name –
I can’t even tell you what a game changer this powder has been for me.
Never tried a powder before bc I first discovered Nutritional Yeast for a recipe that called for flakes.
So been using flakes for years.
Well, I may never use flakes again.
Here’s what powder does that flakes don’t.
You can sprinkle it like salt, instead of salt, on veggies & it gives it a cheese flavor.
You can add it to Mac & Cheese, Pizza, Grilled Sandwiches.. you get the idea and,
not only does it really give a bang to the cheesy goodness but adds protein.
It really just tastes like cheese but with healthy stuff.
Ooh, also so good sprinkled on popcorn.
Thank you NOW. You are my first & last Nutritional powder.
J&J –
In my opinion, nutritional yeast flakes are a lot better than the powder because there’s more actual yeast per volume and the ratio of surface area to volume is a lot higher. So the flavor really pops in anything you add this to. Good for any kind of cheesy vegan recipe, and god knows I make the hell outta those lol. Very long shelf life, overall a great buy.
Angelica T. –
I liked it. Taste is like cheese.
AliVegan –
Very good
ShesSoWitte –
If you’ve only used nutritional yeast flakes, you are missing out. The powder is so much better, especially when using for things like popcorn topping, or really anything other than mixing with liquid. Even my dog and cat love this stuff. It makes an excellent food topper, but my cat will lick the powder right up all by itself. This is a yummy way to get some B vitamin supplementation, too!