Descrição do Produto:
O NOW Foods Supplements, GABA (Ácido Gama-Aminobutírico), Suporte Neurotransmissor*, Sabor Laranja, 90 Chewables é um suplemento alimentar que oferece diversos benefícios para o corpo e a mente. Este produto é formulado com ingredientes de alta qualidade e é projetado para promover o relaxamento e aliviar a tensão nervosa.
O GABA é um aminoácido não essencial que desempenha um papel importante no sistema nervoso. Ele atua como um neurotransmissor inibitório, ajudando a reduzir a atividade cerebral e promovendo uma sensação de calma e relaxamento. Além disso, o GABA também pode ajudar a melhorar o sono e aliviar a ansiedade.
Este suplemento também contém citrulina, um aminoácido que desempenha um papel crucial no ciclo da ureia. A citrulina trabalha em conjunto com outros aminoácidos para eliminar a amônia do corpo, um subproduto do metabolismo das proteínas. Além disso, a citrulina também desempenha um papel importante no processo de cicatrização e na manutenção de um sistema imunológico saudável.
Além do GABA e da citrulina, este suplemento também é enriquecido com taurina, inositol e L-teanina. Esses ingredientes adicionais ajudam a promover a saúde geral do cérebro e a melhorar o humor e a concentração.
A qualidade deste produto é garantida pela certificação GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices), que assegura que todos os aspectos do processo de fabricação da NOW Foods foram examinados, incluindo os métodos de laboratório/teste para estabilidade, potência e formulação do produto. Além disso, este suplemento é embalado nos Estados Unidos por uma empresa familiar e operada desde 1968.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Promove relaxamento e alívio da tensão nervosa
- Auxilia no processo de cicatrização e fortalece o sistema imunológico
- Enriquecido com taurina, inositol e L-teanina para melhorar o humor e a concentração
- Garantia de qualidade GMP assegurando a excelência do produto
- Embalado nos Estados Unidos por uma empresa familiar e operada desde 1968
O NOW Foods GABA oferece uma série de vantagens que podem transformar o seu dia a dia. Primeiramente, ele promove um relaxamento profundo, ajudando a aliviar a tensão acumulada após um dia estressante. Em segundo lugar, sua formulação rica em citrulina e outros aminoácidos auxilia na recuperação muscular e no fortalecimento do sistema imunológico, tornando-o ideal para quem busca um suporte adicional na saúde. Além disso, a presença de taurina e L-teanina contribui para a melhoria do humor e da concentração, permitindo que você enfrente suas tarefas diárias com mais foco e disposição. Por fim, a praticidade dos comprimidos mastigáveis com sabor laranja torna a suplementação uma experiência agradável e fácil de incorporar à rotina.
Recomenda-se tomar 1 comprimido mastigável por dia, de preferência com o estômago vazio ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. Este produto é destinado a adultos saudáveis e não deve ser utilizado por gestantes, lactantes ou pessoas com condições médicas pré-existentes. Consulte um médico antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação para garantir que este produto é adequado para suas necessidades individuais.
AnarchoPrimitiv –
I would like to preface this by saying I am currently working in a PhD program focused on neurotransmission and pharmacology and that I am not affiliated with this product or any of the links provided herein.
This product is excellent as a sleep aid. it is not overpowering or drug like, it is a natural feeling that allows you to wake up the next morning alert and untranquilized unlike benzodiazepines. In fact, benzodiazepines (like Xanax[alprozolam], Klonopin[clonzepam], Librium[chlordiazepoxide], Halcion[triazolam], etc.) work by releasing GABA out of its storage spaces in the brain, however what benzodiazepines cannot do is increase the overall amount of GABA in the brain which is what this supplement can do. So if your insomnia is caused by a GABA deficiency to begin with, benzo’s will only further increase your defecit.[As a side note, most insomnia is caused by one of three issues (1) Serotonin deficiency, (2) GABA deficiency, (3) Cortisol excess] Also, benzo’s are seriously addictive and cause severe physical withdrawal symptons , including seizure, upon ceasing them.
To achieve maximum effects, it is highly recommended that you administer the supplement on an empty stomach and at precisely the same time each evening.
I used to be a heavy drug user and upon stopping my drug use, sleep was hard to come by. GABA dramatically aided in obtaining sleep and thus the overall quality of life and maintaining sobriety. The first night I took GABA I felt its effect within an hour and in a profound way. A feeling came over me similar to that of benzo’s which was a pleasant suprise, not for the sake of intoxication, but becausebI expected the effects to be mild at best and very much “in the background.” I am 100% certain that this was not a placebo effect as I do not believe the placebo effect works as well on current or former drug users. The reason being that when you’re used to using drugs, you know (better than non-users) whether a substance is producing psychoactive effects or not. Anyway, I had and continue to have an excellent night of sleep each and every night.
For those that have not had a positive outcome, the issue most likely isn’t the GABA, but that their insomnia isn’t GABA related and is either due to a serotonin deficiency, an excess of cortisol or a combination of both. For those people I recommend the amino acid L-Tryptophan for serotonin deficiency and phosphatidyl serine to lower cortisol. Of course, melotonin is recommened for all types of insomnia and works very well.
I suggest everyone more interested in determining the type of insomnia they have and how to address it NATURALLY download the following article which will completely enhance your grasp and understanding of the subject […]
If you are more interested in learning about the incredible healing power of amino acids and other supplements for ailments such as depression, anxiety, chronic pain, etc, visit […] ALL the science is sound, from peer-reviewed sources, and completely comprehensible to the everyday person.
victor martinez –
buen producto
Mr. Heem –
Tastes like HI-C. Did not notice any change in mood or sleep. Went through 30 days. would say did not even feel placebo effect. If taken on empty stomach within 2 minutes get a cascade of tingling hands and feet, arms and legs. Heart rate climbs slightly and chest tightens. Something in between Niacin flush and a panic attack. Passes within 10 mins. So bizarre, very very curious which ingredient could cause this. If taken with food this does not seem to happen. Perhaps the alcohol sugars in it?
Amazon Customer –
YES …YES.. YES.. Tastes great like an Orange vit. ‘C’. easy to chew. I was truly wondering if and what I would feel or notice or not… You don’t feel ‘ clear headed ‘.. you just know you are. My concentration is well focused and thoughts are deliberate and rational. No indecision !!!!!! They DO bring a sense of relaxed — mentally –almost a calmness.
This isn’t going to reach out and grab you by the shirt tail….. it is subtle… Great seller ..very fast shipping.. Great product..Being a little more relaxed & focused here in Western ILLINOIS Chris G.
Lizzy –
This is a natural supplement to calm the nerves and it works in about 20 minutes. I feel better about taking a safe product to ease stress, rather than a pharmaceutical. Sometimes I uses two scoops instead of one to help in getting sleep. During the day, I use one scoop as needed because it doesn’t interfere with my concentration.
Josh K –
I’m currently using this to help the transition off of depression medication. Brain shocks are a really horrible thing I wouldn’t wish on anyone, but these seem to help, and I have no negative side effects from taking them. This a chewable and tastes just like the flintstone vitamins from the 90s.
Escape –
We were surprised at size of capacity, but powder is easy to handle
I want to use it while keeping refrigerated because it contains a lot, but what is it?
Amazon Customer –
This product was recommended to me by my therapist a while back. I’ve tried other forms of GABA and none of them even compare to this product. (Stick to the chewables!) I could feel it working within 15 minutes. I feel like I don’t need it as much anymore, but I keep it handy in times of stress and find it to be beneficial.
supermanic –
helps allot with staying in flow!
Anthony –
It’s not often that I try a substance and can really feel its effects. I haven’t had this GABA powder long, but I could tell right away that it was working.
I have problems sleeping, such as falling asleep and staying asleep. I typically wake up several times a night and often have trouble getting back to sleep once I do. Since I started taking GABA powder before, even on the very first night, I fall asleep quickly, wake up less, and when I do wake up I have no trouble falling right back asleep. It has worked wonders for me. I haven’t tried it any other time besides prior to sleep because I’m worried it will make me drowsy, but I might give it a shot and update at a later time.
I take 1/4 tspn. like it recommends with a few ounces of water, just enough to mix it up, shortly before going to bed. It’s supposed to be flavorless, which it is, but it does give the water a slightly bitter taste. This isn’t a problem though because I just drink it in a couple gulps. If you mixed it with more water or a flavored beverage, I doubt you’d notice any change in taste.