Novo Saco Descartável para Fraldas 100% Compostável à Base de Plantas (90 SACOS NO TOTAL)
As sacolas descartáveis para fraldas NEW 100% compostáveis à base de plantas são a solução ideal para pais que buscam uma alternativa ecológica e prática para o descarte de fraldas sujas de bebê. Com um total de 90 sacolas, distribuídas em 6 rolos de reposição, cada uma com dimensões de 9×13 polegadas, essas sacolas biodegradáveis são projetadas para serem à prova de vazamentos, tornando-as perfeitas para o uso em movimento. O design charmoso e funcional não só facilita o descarte, mas também contribui para um mundo mais sustentável, já que são feitas a partir de amido de milho natural, reduzindo a quantidade de plástico nos aterros sanitários.
1. Praticidade e Preparação: Com 90 sacolas disponíveis, você nunca ficará sem opções para descartar fraldas sujas, roupas molhadas ou outros resíduos.
2. Resistência e Segurança: As sacolas são feitas de plástico resistente, com costuras à prova de rasgos, garantindo que não haja vazamentos ou odores indesejados.
3. Sustentabilidade: Feitas de amido de milho à base de plantas, essas sacolas são 100% compostáveis, ajudando a reduzir a pegada de carbono e o acúmulo de plástico.
4. Facilidade de Uso: Cada rolo possui um adesivo que facilita a abertura e o uso, além de bordas serrilhadas que permitem rasgar as sacolas com facilidade.
5. Versatilidade: Ideal para uso em casa ou em viagens, as sacolas podem armazenar não apenas fraldas, mas também roupas molhadas e restos de comida, mantendo tudo organizado e livre de vazamentos.
Para utilizar o produto, comece abrindo o rolo de sacolas e destacando uma sacola individual. Insira os itens que deseja descartar, como fraldas sujas, roupas molhadas ou sujeiras de animais de estimação. Após inserir os itens, amarre a sacola de forma segura e descarte-a em uma lixeira apropriada. É importante garantir que a lixeira esteja bem fechada para evitar a liberação de odores indesejados, contribuindo assim para um ambiente mais limpo e agradável.
Customer –
These are good diaper bags. It comes in a roll, and you rip off a bag like you would a produce bag at the grocery store. The opening is pretty narrow but can easily fit a diaper. It’s not too hard to get it open, you just have to rub it together as it seperates, similar to a produce bag. They do a decent job blocking out the smell, and you tie a knot with it to seal it. The roll itself is really compact and you can carry it with you anywhere, so it’s super convenient to take. You can actually fit a few diapers in there, but I usually just throw it away after one use when it’s a particularily messy diaper. The only downside is that they are a bit expensive, but they are indeed good quality and easy to use.
C –
The set comes with 6 rolls of total 90 disposable diaper bags. The bags can fit at least 3 diapers and able to tie a knot to seal the bag from odors. Like the fact the bag is biodegradable considering will be using a lot of these trash bag to throw out diapers. These rolls are small and portable can be fit in diaper bag, cars, and strollers.
Cameron Lang –
I ordered these to keep in my diaper bag for on the go diaper changes or blow outs, and so far they have been great. With multiple children we are always on the go, so these work great because I usually change the baby in my trunk bed. Now instead carrying a straight diaper to the trash, I can put it in these bags making it more sanitary and appealing. I also can keep them in my car and it locks in the smell until I throw them out at home.
The design on the outside is cute, and the fact that these bags are compostable is a big plus to me.
So far I’ve only needed to use it for 2 diapers, but I could squeeze one more in it if I needed too. The bag stretches a bit but hasn’t ripped yet. It’s good quality especially for the price point. Would definitely recommend for on the go moms like myself.
Customer Review –
You can find dog poop bags of similar quality for a better price, but with that being said these do work very well, and if you were gifting these and didn’t want to gift a new mom “dog poop bags” at her baby shower, this may be a more appropriate choice. They hold in leaks and smell very well, so I’m not mad at these.
Cameron Lang –
Awesome for on the go and to throw in the diaper bag. They come in a really compact roll so you could even put them in your pocket. Seemingly good quality and easy to tie up. Comes with several rolls so we have them in our cars and diaper bags so they’re always available while we’re out and about.
M –
These compostable diaper bags have been a lifesaver for diaper changes on the go. They are sturdy and do a great job of containing odors, which is a huge plus. It feels good to know that they are environmentally friendly and won’t contribute to plastic waste.
They are easy to open and use, with a reliable tie to secure them closed. Whether I’m at home or out and about, these bags make diaper disposal hassle-free. It’s a small change that makes a big difference in reducing our environmental footprint.
Customer Reviewer –
These poop bags are tiny. Barely bigger than my hand (as shown in the picture). It won’t fit very many containers. We have a very small kitchen compost bin, and it wouldn’t even fit in there.
The bags themselves aren’t terrible. Basic quality and still can find a use for them.
M –
I’ve learned that lavender scented bags plus smelly diapers do not mix well and have in fact made things smelled worse. These bags do not have any added fragrances which I appreciate. They are strong and opaque, though the size is smaller than advertised (especially if you do not wrap the diapers up). We are between size 3 and size 4 diapers and i would say you would fit two used wet diapers if you wrapped it up tightly. Otherwise it would fit one soiled diaper that is unwrapped.