NOVEHA Gel de Limpeza para Pálpebras Extra Forte
O NOVEHA Gel de Limpeza para Pálpebras Extra Forte é a solução ideal para quem enfrenta problemas como Demodex, MGD (Disfunção das Glândulas Meibomianas) e olhos secos. Com uma fórmula inovadora que combina Pro-Vitamina B5, Óleo de Tea Tree e Ácido Hialurônico, este gel proporciona uma limpeza suave e eficaz, aliviando a coceira e o desconforto nas pálpebras.
Desenvolvido para oferecer uma experiência de autocuidado, o NOVEHA Gel de Limpeza atua na remoção de impurezas e resíduos que podem causar irritação. O Óleo de Tea Tree, conhecido por suas propriedades antimicrobianas, ajuda a combater os ácaros Demodex, enquanto o Ácido Hialurônico proporciona hidratação profunda, mantendo a pele ao redor dos olhos macia e saudável.
Além disso, a Pro-Vitamina B5 atua como um agente calmante, promovendo a regeneração da pele e aliviando a vermelhidão. Com o NOVEHA Gel de Limpeza, você não apenas cuida da saúde dos seus olhos, mas também transforma sua rotina de cuidados em um momento de prazer e bem-estar.
- Alívio eficaz dos sintomas de Demodex, Blefarite, MGD e Olhos Secos.
- Propriedades antimicrobianas do Óleo de Tea Tree que combatem infecções.
- Hidratação intensa proporcionada pelo Ácido Hialurônico, mantendo a pele saudável.
- Calmante e regenerador, graças à Pro-Vitamina B5, que reduz a vermelhidão.
- Fórmula recomendada por médicos, garantindo segurança e eficácia no uso diário.
Aplique uma pequena quantidade do NOVEHA Gel de Limpeza para Pálpebras Extra Forte na ponta dos dedos. Massageie suavemente as pálpebras e a área ao redor dos olhos em movimentos circulares. Enxágue com água morna. Para melhores resultados, utilize diariamente, de manhã e à noite, como parte da sua rotina de cuidados oculares.
Hey –
Love it!! My eyelids thank you! 👀
L –
Helps with the itchy eyes
L Covert –
Crusty Eyes? Itchy Eyebrows, Nose, Scalp or backs of your Ears? I had this & learned that it’s caused by Demodex Mites. They live in our hair follicles & only come out when you’re at your lowest in health. I wasn’t eating right or getting enuf sleep. I was so stressed out, I was close to depression. Woke up in middle of night, scratching my eyebrows & the left side of the bridge of my nose. My eyes were crusted shut! After 2 nights of this, I remembered 2 friends who suffered from this before. Demodex. Ugh!
Found many products on Amazon for this. Bought this one for the price & how soon it would arrive! Think the Tea Tree Oil & Salicylic Acid are the keys. This product works great! I gently rubbed a drop each wherever needed. Add a pat of water to make it suds up. No burning in my eyes. Feels like a face wash. Wiped off with warm wash cloth. It feels like it’s drying out your skin. These Mites are contagious. Don’t share items that have touched your face.
This product works! Great value for the price! A drop or two is all you need for each application. After I eliminated them from my eyes & nose, I got them on my ears! This product is safe for all parts of your body. Know that you can’t just use this product, tho. You Have to take charge of your stress, improve your eating habits & get some sleep. They’re not completely gone & never will be, bcuz they’re naturally in our skin already. They attack us when we’re at our lowest. But it relieved & removed the itching & crusty eyes.
Recommend you try this product! The bottle will last a long time, unless you need to use it on your body too. Thankfully, I only get them on my face & head.
Amazon_User –
I do allot for my eye hygiene – I notice with first use I would likely find this useful. After several days, I’ve observed good results, faster, easier, more convenient. After a full container, I’ll know for sure. Nonetheless, this as an initial experience seemed worth commenting.
I hope that helps someone. (I realize what may work well for one, may not, for another, so, I always keep that in mind.)
Zippy –
No stinging, and leaves the areas nice and clean. Not sure if it’s basically baby shampoo with tree tree oil, but it’s convenient, and price vs convenience is good. Easy container to keep in the shower, then I would recommend similar WIPES for use at other times
Michelle Haywood –
I loved the affordable cost, and worked great. I no longer feel like something is crawling in my lashes!
Amber C. –
I got this because my eyes get very dry and are irritated by a lot of cleansers. Sometimes I get dry skin around my eyes too. I don’t have issues with demodex, but the insides of my eyelids are often red and inflamed. I also have issues with my tear ducts being clogged. This came up when I searched for cleansers for dry eyes, and the reviews were good, so I got it. It does clean the eye area well, and I don’t have the issues with flaking or dry skin like with some cleansers, BUT I would say I have fairly sensitive eyes, and this BURNS. I’m sure it’s the tea tree. I used to groom dogs, and when using tea tree shampoos, we would make sure to avoid the face area because it would cause irritation of their eyes. I guess I should known tea tree in the eye area would burn a human too. Personally, I don’t think the burning is worth it.
Nancy Drew –
At most recent eye Dr visit, he said to stop using this product. It contains tea tree oil, which is a known irritant for eyes. My lids had become swollen and puffy with its use. Neither did it do anything to remove pesky demodex critters (ech). Switched to another, better otc product.