NOVEHA Eyelid: Creme Revitalizante para Pálpebras – 15g
O NOVEHA Eyelid é um produto inovador que transforma a rotina de cuidados com a pele ao oferecer uma solução eficaz para a aparência das pálpebras. Com uma fórmula avançada, este creme revitalizante atua de maneira profunda, proporcionando um efeito lifting que reduz visivelmente rugas e linhas finas. A hidratação intensa é um dos seus principais benefícios, garantindo que a pele delicada ao redor dos olhos permaneça macia e bem cuidada. Com o uso regular, o NOVEHA Eyelid não apenas melhora a aparência das pálpebras, mas também aumenta a confiança e a autoestima, permitindo que você se sinta mais jovem e revitalizado.
Além de sua ação revitalizante, o NOVEHA Eyelid é um produto revolucionário que oferece alívio natural para os olhos. Os lenços suaves, que contêm uma solução de ácido hipocloroso puro a 0,02%, proporcionam um alívio suave e eficaz, sendo ideais para quem sofre com irritações ou desconfortos. Esses lenços são versáteis, podendo ser utilizados para remover maquiagem, o que os torna um item prático para o dia a dia. A segurança é uma prioridade, e por isso, os lenços são 100% orgânicos e veganos, hipoalergênicos e livres de álcool, fragrâncias, parabenos e sulfatos, garantindo que mesmo as peles mais sensíveis possam utilizá-los sem preocupações.
A aplicação do NOVEHA Eyelid é simples e rápida. Após limpar as mãos e a área de aplicação com água e sabão, basta pegar um lenço, fechar os olhos e esfregar suavemente sobre os olhos e cílios em movimentos laterais. Não é necessário enxaguar ou esperar, pois o produto age de forma rápida e eficiente. Além de cuidar dos olhos, os lenços também podem ser usados para aliviar coceiras na pele ou limpar pequenos cortes em qualquer parte do rosto ou corpo. Cada lenço é embalado individualmente, tornando-os ideais para viagens e conveniência.
1. Alívio Natural: O NOVEHA Eyelid oferece alívio natural para os olhos, reduzindo irritações e desconfortos.
2. Seguro e Eficaz: Com lenços 100% orgânicos e veganos, é hipoalergênico e adequado para peles sensíveis.
3. Praticidade: A aplicação é rápida e fácil, sem necessidade de enxágue, ideal para o dia a dia.
4. Multiuso: Os lenços podem ser usados para cuidados com os olhos e também para aliviar coceiras ou limpar pequenos cortes.
5. Satisfação Garantida: Oferecemos 100% de satisfação garantida, assegurando a qualidade e eficácia do produto.
Para utilizar o NOVEHA Eyelid, inicie limpando suas mãos e a área de aplicação com água e sabão. Em seguida, retire um lenço da embalagem, feche os olhos e esfregue suavemente o lenço sobre os olhos e cílios em movimentos laterais. Não é necessário enxaguar após a aplicação. Utilize conforme necessário para alívio ou limpeza, garantindo que sua pele delicada receba o cuidado que merece.
J. King –
The Noveha eyelid and lash wipes work well for dry itchy eyes. Very convenient to use, just open the package and unfold the pre moistened towel. I use one towel for both eyes, but use the front for one eye and the back for the second eye. In the past I’ve used a large cotton ball dipped in Johnson’s Baby Shampoo mixed with water, which also works well and would be less expensive but not as convenient.
Great for styes and blepharitis that have been a problem for me for years. Keeps my eyelids clean and free from buildup..
Digital_Element –
*Why these worked for me: I had Lasik some years back and that coupled with getting older has left me with severe dry eyes. It had gotten to the point where my right eye went from occasionally leaking to it being a nonstop all day event. Again overtime as it worsen as a result I’d be left with a white cakey substance on the bottom of my eyelid. The dried salt/saline from my evaporated tears. Also if I was unaware of its presence and wiped my eyes, the rough texture from the the salt particles would scratch the sensitive skin there; leaving little cuts that would burn terribly when my eyes would water, or when I washed my face, or applied topicals. At that point even my microfiber face clothes were to rough and would retear the skin there. Removing makeup became a nightmare. The normal makeup wipes I use to use became like sandpaper. The soreness from tending to that area would last for the better part of a week. Imagine your lips being the chappest they’ve ever been but not even being able to apply some sort of lip balm. I was at a lost until one day I stumbled across these wipes.
***I’ll be honest by saying that I had written these off as glorified makeup or baby wipes (which remember had stopped working for me) so I didn’t have high expectations at all. Desperation 100% drove this purchase. Whow hoo hooo buddy was I wrong! The relief instantaneous. Each individually wrapped towelette is super soft, with the perfect amount of moisture so that it isn’t a runny mess. The size is generous enough where you can use it for just the eye area or the whole face. There’s no harsh chemicals, smells, alcohol, or perfume added. I open and fold mine in half once & use one side for each eye. Any beauty products, sweat, tears, or excess sebum from my oily t-zone that may cause irritation to my dry eyes is wiped away and I’m left feeling refreshed. And because these are hypoallergenic (just 5 simple ingredients) I don’t have to worry about them being a potential irritant. They don’t leave behind any weird or sticky residue and they’re not drying to the skin. Novehal’s formula actually soothes the eyes.Safe to use everyday. I couldn’t ask for a better product.
adrienne weaver-drew –
worked very well to stop itching and my mom’s eyes from leaking fluid when she sleeps. The pkgs are very cold when opened.
Darren Just –
The packaging is good and easy to open. That may seem like a simple statement, but I have used wipes that took at least 2-3 times to open. This opens easily, the wipes are quite moist, and the wipes are very effective at cleansing the entire eye area.
Lynn –
I was getting a lot of eye irritations and pink eye. Tried other rinses, nothing helped. These wipes are so soothing and I haven’t any problems since using them! Highly recommended!
Juneymoon –
Too soon to say but these feel very refreshing on my eyes & they’re very easy to use.
charlie –
Ran into a issue with some prescription eye drops and had a bad reaction. My eyes itched like the devil, burned and watered. I ended up with severely red eye lids and below the eye. I tried everything that I could think of to put on the skin around my eyes and to try to keep from rubbing my eyes. A friend told me of these eye wipes that she used for her aleberries. She gave me some and they worked wonderful and was of great relief to my eyes. I immediately order me some and am so glad that I did. They relived my red itchy eyes and of great relief and made them feel almost brand new within a couple of days.
Luis Tonatiuh Jimenez –
Excelente producto y práctico
Amazon Customer –
They really have helped my eyes, I don’t wake up with gunk on my eyelashes anymore, and my eyelids are not as puffy and blistered looking. I use a wipe morning and night, and my eyes feel better. I just got my second box of them. They don’t burn or sting and I don’t have to rinse my eyes after using them.