O CLEANSER PERFEITO PARA PÁLPEBRAS: NOVEHA Extra Eyelid Foaming Cleanser é especificamente projetado para tratar vermelhidão causada por condições oculares moderadas a graves. Nossa fórmula exclusiva combina o poder de 4 tipos de Ácido Hialurônico, Extrato de Óleo de Melaleuca e Vitaminas B5, E e C para hidratar, acalmar e limpar profundamente suas pálpebras e pele irritadas. Ajuda a acalmar Demodex, olhos secos e olhos com terçol.
UMA SINERGIA DA NATUREZA: Este cleanser é elaborado com ingredientes seguros provenientes da natureza, sem parabenos, sls, ftalatos ou álcool. O Extrato de Óleo de Melaleuca fornece propriedades seguras para eliminar Demodex, enquanto o Extrato de Camomila oferece benefícios calmantes para reduzir a vermelhidão. Os quatro tipos de Ácido Hialurônico trabalham juntos para hidratar e umectar as pálpebras, aliviando a secura e a irritação. Nutra seus olhos com os melhores alimentos para a pele.
DELICADO E EFICAZ PARA USO DIÁRIO: Este cleanser hipoalergênico é adequado para peles sensíveis e é perfeito para sua rotina de higiene das pálpebras para prevenir a formação de irritações oculares. A fórmula leve e suave garante uma experiência de limpeza suave, mas profunda, penetra profundamente nos poros, remove efetivamente o excesso de óleo, detritos e impurezas, e deixa seus olhos limpos e refrescados, sem causar desconforto ou irritação.
HIDRATAÇÃO INTENSA PARA OLHOS IRRITADOS: Se você está sofrendo com irritações oculares, vermelhidão ou olhos com crostas, este cleanser em espuma irá confortar suas pálpebras e cílios irritados e fornecer a eles um impulso de umidade. Suas propriedades calmantes ajudam a reduzir a vermelhidão e o desconforto, permitindo que seus olhos se sintam nutridos, calmos e rejuvenescidos.
BASEADO EM CIÊNCIA E RECOMENDADO POR MÉDICOS: NOVEHA Extra Eyelid Foaming Cleanser é formulado com base em pesquisas científicas e é recomendado por médicos. Você pode confiar em sua eficácia e segurança para sua rotina de cuidados com os olhos. Feito com os ingredientes mais puros, nosso sabonete para pálpebras é recomendado por dermatologistas e oftalmologistas e é seguro para todas as idades. Faça do NOVEHA Extra Eyelid Foaming Cleanser parte de sua rotina diária de cuidados com os olhos para conforto e alívio duradouros.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Limpeza Profunda: O NOVEHA Extra Eyelid Foaming Cleanser proporciona uma limpeza profunda e eficaz das pálpebras, removendo o excesso de óleo, detritos e impurezas.
- 2. Hidratação Intensa: Com sua fórmula exclusiva de 4 tipos de Ácido Hialurônico, este cleanser hidrata e umecta as pálpebras, aliviando a secura e a irritação.
- 3. Acalma e Reduz a Vermelhidão: O Extrato de Óleo de Melaleuca e o Extrato de Camomila presentes na fórmula ajudam a acalmar a pele das pálpebras, reduzindo a vermelhidão e o desconforto.
- 4. Recomendado por Médicos: Formulado com base em pesquisas científicas e recomendado por dermatologistas e oftalmologistas, este cleanser é confiável e seguro para uso diário.
- 5. Livre de Ingredientes Nocivos: Sem parabenos, sls, ftalatos ou álcool, este cleanser é elaborado com ingredientes seguros e naturais, proporcionando cuidado suave e eficaz para suas pálpebras.
sally –
Easy to use. Place a little on closed eye lid, rub and rince with water for refreshed eyes. Has helped wit dye eyes and use drop less frequently.
sally –
One press gives a good amount of foam for eyelid cleaning. Feels good.
Ang –
I’ve never purchased an eye lid wash before so I have nothing to compare it to. However, at my recent eye exam the doctor commented on what a great job I was doing in cleaning my eyes. He found very little debris on one eyes, just one tiny clogged oil duct (small white bump) on one eye and the other eye was clean. So, using twice a day for a month worked! I’ll keep using.
Amazon Customer –
I used before OcuSoft and in reality I like this product better .
Also more economic ! We use it every day ! Try it .
Splorf –
I have been using this product for over a month now, here is a detailed review!
Quality- 10/10
Very high quality, leaving behind little to no residue when rinsed throughly. It is also incredibly gentle on the eyes if some of the product does happen to get into your eyes. The fact that one of the ingredients in this item is Tea Tree Oil is incredibly important!!! One of the leading causes of build up around the lashes is from demodex mites. Now, almost everyone has these mites on their face, but if they reproduce too fast it can cause that build up. Tea Tree Oil is one of the best ways to kill off these mites.
Performance- 100000/10
This product is the best! This has greatly aided in my Ocular Rosacea! As I mentioned before, demodex mites live on almost everyone’s face. Studies have show that demodex mites have been found to be a problem with sufferers of Rosacea. I try to use this product at least one a week with an eyelash shampoo brush and it has done wonders. Not only that, but my lashes look like they have gotten longer and stronger! Some studies show that Tea Tree Oil MAY promote eyelash growth, but it is important to note that you should not use a concentrate of more than 50% with Tea Tree Oil, as it will irritate the eyes. Even 5% is good enough.
Ease of use- 10/10
Incredibly easy to use and compact enough to fit with the rest of my skincare products! Just a single pump over a closed eyelid and you’re ready to go!
Value for money- 9/10
It is cheaper and has more fl oz compared to other eyelid washes that contain Tea Tree Oil. It does last quite a while as well! I still have half the bottle left after using it every morning and every night! But I wish it was just a little cheaper!
Dryness- 10/10
I haven’t had any problems with my dry eyes or my ocular rosacea after using this product! My lashes feel healthy and strong, I haven’t touched my eyedrops once since using this, and the build up along my lashes is nearly gone!
Overall- 10/10
I highly recommend using this product! It’s a must for me almost everyday if not once a week. I will note that I do not wear make up, so I can’t say how well this will work with removing eye makeup or how it works with eyelash extensions. But I wouldn’t let that discourage you from giving it a try!
GraceM –
I purchased another product from this company,NOVEHA for my dad. It worked so well for him that I decided to order this foaming cleanser for my irritated eyes. I had a sinus infection and kept waking up to crusty, irritated eyes. I started using this cleanser every morning or whenever my eyes started getting gummy. I can’t say I noticed a difference between using this product or using a mild soap and warm water on my eyes. I tried to compare and my eyes felt the same whether it was this cleanser or warm water and diluted Ivory soap. It works ok but I don’t think I will order again.
Splorf –
This stuff is the best eyelid cleanser I’ve tried! And so much more affordable than the other guys! I have very sensitive skin and this is so soothing and does not irritate or sting or burn. The scent is very mild, smells like tea tree and it works so well at cleansing!
miss kitty –
This product really helps with dry eyelids. Very nice and foamy. Mild with no burning sensation. When rinsed off, eyelids feel very soft. Excellent value for the money. I will continue to purchase.