O NORTH AMERICAN HERB: Óleo de Orégano Selvagem – 30ml é um poderoso antioxidante natural que se destaca por suas propriedades benéficas à saúde. Com uma fórmula rica em ingredientes naturais e de alta qualidade, este óleo é extraído de orégano selvagem, uma planta conhecida por suas propriedades medicinais. O produto é cuidadosamente elaborado para oferecer suporte ao sistema imunológico, promovendo a saúde cardiovascular e melhorando a função cerebral. Além disso, o óleo de orégano é amplamente reconhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórias, que ajudam a combater os danos causados pelos radicais livres e a reduzir a inflamação no corpo. A pureza e a potência do NORTH AMERICAN HERB são garantidas pela seleção rigorosa de ervas e extratos de plantas, provenientes de regiões remotas e intocadas do mundo. Com sua fórmula única e benefícios abrangentes, o NORTH AMERICAN HERB é uma escolha confiável para quem busca melhorar a saúde e o bem-estar geral.
- 1. Suporte ao sistema imunológico: O óleo de orégano selvagem é conhecido por fortalecer as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
- 2. Propriedades antioxidantes: Combate os radicais livres, protegendo as células do corpo e promovendo um envelhecimento saudável.
- 3. Ação anti-inflamatória: Reduz a inflamação, aliviando desconfortos e promovendo uma recuperação mais rápida de lesões.
- 4. Melhora da saúde cardiovascular: Contribui para a saúde do coração, ajudando a manter níveis saudáveis de colesterol e pressão arterial.
- 5. Estímulo à função cerebral: Os compostos presentes no óleo de orégano podem melhorar a memória e a concentração, promovendo um melhor desempenho cognitivo.
Para utilizar o NORTH AMERICAN HERB: Óleo de Orégano Selvagem, recomenda-se agitar bem o frasco antes de cada uso. Aplique de 2 a 4 gotas sob a língua ou dilua em água ou suco, uma a três vezes ao dia, conforme necessário. Para melhores resultados, pode ser utilizado em conjunto com outros suplementos que promovam a saúde respiratória. Armazene o produto em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso, especialmente se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver condições médicas pré-existentes. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
MissDaisyBaby –
I was thankful for the warning on that bottle, regarding the burning and stinging because it did indeed burn. The burning was short-lived and I was amazed at how well the product worked. I have already recommended this to my friends. I will definitely buy this again.
I use this everyday.
Sarah –
I’d like to thank all my fellow sinus sufferers for posting such helpful reviews. I was encouraged to try a natural remedy and so very happy I did. My story goes back to when I was 20 and had a bad sinus infection. My first. After 3 rounds of antibiotics I was thought I was ok. But the sinus issues continued, and I developed allergies to grass, mold, dust, and other airborne triggers. I never before thought the antibiotics were responsible for compromising my immune system. I’ve been to countless allergy docs and an ENT who did sinus surgery on me. What a waste of time and money. And no relief. Maybe cancer and leukemia research is more important, but sinus sufferers would like to see the medical community get to the root cause of the problem. I shyly suggested to my ENT that my problems could be fungal and was pretty much shut down as not knowing what I was talking about.
Here’s what I’ve been doing with GREAT success:
1) My first supplement was purchased because of great reviews. BREATHE by Eu Naturals. I noticed improvement in a couple days. Much less mucous. I slept like a baby.
2) Along with BREATHE and reading reviews I decided to see what others were doing to eliminate the problem…not just control it. By week three I added Olive Leaf capsules and ALJ. Now things started to go from good to REALLY good. The morning hacking is gone and I can deep breathe like never before. The improved sleep alone has energized me and I’m noticing the dark circles under my eyes are improving. So now I’m a believer and read more reviews. Sort of interesting to see what combination of supplements work for maximum relief.
3) at this point I want to get on a soapbox and tell everyone how much better I feel. My life is happy and complete but it’s a lot more enjoyable without all the excess mucous, coughing and always feeling 70% OK even with Allegra-d, Mucinex, Benedril, and the useless steroid sprays. I haven’t used them since. So now I started reading more on the fungal angle. Excellent results are reported with Oil of Oregano. I just received two OOO products today; capsules and a nasal spray. The oreganos nasal spray is intense. I’ll report back if my slightly white coated tongue becomes fresh pink as it should be. Ah yes the white coating if fungus. Yuk. When present that fungus will spread to your sinuses and throat and cause miserable sinus issues. The excess mucous is trying to rid your sinuses and throat of the offending substance. So why not kill the offending substance?
Good luck to all of you. I pray you get the blessed relief I’m experiencing.
Yousef –
السعر مرتفع جداً ، ومحلول انف وليس بخاخ انف
Blessed –
Its important to be ahead of the curve. I found myself with a reduction of sense of smell. So I purchased Zinc Picolinate which my body loves. Any scent reduction means your body needs Zinc to function optimally, I started drooling about sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds on my salad, that was my cue.
As recommended to me from a friend, I picked it up. In tandem with the Zinc my smell returned in 72 hours.
OK I was taking some regular zinc with copper before I purchased this so when I got this I could smell my air up finally and not just feel the sensation that I drank oj.
I am still giving my body what it deserves. Natural nutrients and nutritious food.
Its been a few days and I take this 4 times per day approximately. But honestly. I am just using the fumes mostly. Its all I need.
I would repurchase in a heartbeat.
It is a daily self care necessity. And I never paid attention to my Italian food craving particularly the oregano craving.
Listen to your body.
Tathiana Jones –
I have seen major improvement in runny nose and congestion symptoms since using this product. It hasn’t completely eliminated it, but it definitely is more manageable. The application process is a bit inconvenient with having to inhale deeply for the solution to work effectively. I actually purchased some inexpensive nasal spray bottles and put this product in the spray bottles for a much easier application process.
Also note, this is a temporary fix, meaning you most likely will have to continue using the product to see the benefits of it.
Brenda D –
It clears out my nose quite quickly
GofKare –
This really worked well, took a couple times to get use to its potent strength. Cleared up my stuffy nose. I will buy this again.
jtp –
Great product and at the time of this posting Amazon has a good price compared to Sprouts and other stuff who carry it.
My recommendation is that you spray into an irrigation solution rather than directly into your nose. You want to keep it decently sterile. I stray 3 long squirts into my irrigation solution.
The value of this are the antimicrobials that are in the substance. Oregano, bay leaves, etc are all beneficial and suppress both planktonic bacteria but also suppress the formation of biofilm. If you consult international medical journals these substances have great benefits. Keep in mind not all microbes are susceptible to all substances so it can depend on what is cultured.
Worth trying to see if it helps you stay well.
UPDATE – April 2019 – Lead warning? Since someone is apparently trying to undercut this product based on the lead warning, it is worth you knowing what that is about (see below) and the competing risks that using this product might address.
My conclusion, even knowing their issue – I stand by the product for me for several reasons. You have to balance your issues and some reported burning. Above I recommend spraying some into a larger volume of irrigation solution that might alleviate that issue.
First, the risk of antibiotics failing against pan-resistant bacteria and organisms is becoming pressing. Under a 2016 CDC/NIH instruction, many doctors are now even refusing to give antibiotics for sinus infections until you have had them for 10-14 days. That of course can increase the risk of sepsis. Although an inflammatory septic response is less common off sinuses in general – then say appendicitis, – sinus infections in the sphenoid sinuses have a higher risk of sepsis that those in – say – only the maxillary sinuses. The sphenoid sinuses as millimeters off the brain and the carotid artery and most ENTs cannot reach them. Generally an ENT professor is required.
So in “alerting” over the “lead” issue, carefully balance all competing risks. This product has helped me avoid antibiotics for sinus infections for more than 18 months (good for me) after 5 surgeries for sinus infections including a 4 hour surgery to debride all the sinuses including the sphenoid and frontal sinuses. They found biofilm in the sphenoid and a significant mass.
Some of the rare infections I was developing have as high as a 50% mortality rate if the pathogen got fully dug in since they were naturally resistant to all biocides and antibiotics. Others would have needed only IV antibiotics of last resort.
What is the lead issue? Prop 65 is a law in California that requires businesses operating or selling within the State of California to warn residents of possible exposure to a list of over 800 chemicals. The limits of these chemicals are set at 1000 times lower than the No Significant Risk Levels (NSRLs). NSRLs are the lowest amount of a chemical or other compound that have shown no harm to reproductive health, no birth defects, and no cancer in animal studies.
Prop 65 excludes “naturally occurring” chemicals and minerals in plants and foods, however to prove that a compound is “naturally occurring” costs companies millions of dollars and steep legal fees. Even where Federal safety standards are clearly met, if there is any likelihood that any of the other 800+ compounds on California’s list might exceed California’s “safe harbor” levels, then a Prop 65 warning is the only way to avoid expensive lawsuits.
What is a Prop 65 warning?
The State of California requires the following warning “This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm”
Are supplements with the Prop 65 warning unsafe?
A Prop 65 warning does not mean that the use of an individual product will cause cancer or reproductive harm when used as directed. There is much debate over what a toxic level or a cumulative toxic level of each different substance is. An example, for reproductive toxins the stated level requiring a warning label is 1000 times lower than the lowest level at which animal studies reported no reproductive health effect. At this dose, the risk of harm may be very low, yet a product still requires the Prop 65 warning.
An example of this is lead. The proposition 65 limit for lead is 0.5 mcg per day. The US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) safe limit for lead in drinking water is 15 mcg/L per day. To help with perspective on how some of the standards set by Proposition 65 are extremely low, many plant foods contain naturally-occurring lead from the soil it was grown in. One ounce of dark chocolate can contain about 0.6 mcg of lead, which would exceed the safe limit of lead by Prop 65 standards.
So yea, compared to known pan-resistant infections in the US (meaning they are resistant to all known antibiotics), and the risk of sepsis, I will take the lead warning.
nobaloney –
I love the fact that this is a natural product. Don’t like blasting toxic things up my nose.
Definitely a little stinging action going on but I didn’t find it bad at all. This is actually what I wanted to feel – cleaning away the bad germs, adding healthy substances.
Like someone else suggested, I also add a few spritzes into my evening nasal rinse – double whammy. That works well and is a bit gentler.
I am hoping to help my sinus condition. Read that oregano helps with bacteria, etc. Just used this a week and will followup in the future once I’ve had a chance to use it consistently over time.