NORTH AMERICAN HERB: Óleo de Orégano Selvagem – 30ml – Poderoso Antioxidante Natural
O NORTH AMERICAN HERB é um produto inovador que combina a sabedoria da natureza com a ciência moderna para oferecer uma solução eficaz e natural para a saúde. Com sua fórmula rica em ingredientes de alta qualidade, como o óleo de orégano selvagem, este produto se destaca como um poderoso antioxidante natural. O óleo de orégano é conhecido por suas propriedades antimicrobianas e anti-inflamatórias, que ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico e a promover a saúde geral do corpo.
Os ingredientes do NORTH AMERICAN HERB são cuidadosamente selecionados, garantindo que cada gota do óleo de orégano selvagem contenha uma concentração ideal de compostos benéficos. Além de apoiar o sistema imunológico, o produto também é eficaz na promoção da saúde cardiovascular e na melhoria da função cerebral. Os antioxidantes presentes no óleo combatem os danos causados pelos radicais livres, enquanto suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias ajudam a reduzir a inflamação, proporcionando um alívio significativo para aqueles que sofrem de condições inflamatórias.
A pureza e a qualidade dos ingredientes são primordiais para o NORTH AMERICAN HERB. O produto é livre de produtos químicos, pesticidas e aditivos, garantindo que você esteja consumindo apenas o que há de melhor da natureza. Com uma abordagem baseada em alimentos integrais e ervas, o NORTH AMERICAN HERB é uma escolha confiável para quem busca melhorar sua saúde e bem-estar de forma natural e eficaz.
1. Ação Antioxidante Potente: Combate os radicais livres, protegendo as células do corpo.
2. Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do organismo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
3. Propriedades Anti-inflamatórias: Reduz a inflamação, proporcionando alívio para condições crônicas.
4. Saúde Cardiovascular: Contribui para a manutenção de um coração saudável e níveis adequados de colesterol.
5. Melhora da Função Cerebral: Promove a clareza mental e a saúde cognitiva, essencial para o dia a dia.
Amazon Customer –
I love the fact that this product doesn’t have all kinds of different things in it. Also it was delivered so fast. Great product.
Colette Dorais –
I avoid soy, wheat, dairy and fillers as much as possible and prefer non GMO. It’s VERY difficult to find a soy free vitamin E. If that’s what you are looking for then this is the one for you. I’ve been taking it for years for my health in general and to help with hot flashes. Its not a perfect solution for hot flashes but my physician recommended it as the only non prescription option he believe in and I do think it helps.
Bryce Ford –
It is made from good things and it just works.
MarleneLouise –
Needed to add Vitamin E to my supplement program. Chose this one because of the results I have from all of the other supplements I purchase from the North American Herb & Spice Co. Have used this company for years and am very happy.
April –
I bought several supplements trying heal but in fact I needed surgery which I tried to avoid and sometimes like in my case you to have it I thoroughly researched the best supplements my theory is get your nutritions through Whole Foods first unfortunately our soil is depleted and it’s hard to achieve this and you need good quality supplements. If you are like me I would never buy supplements from the local drug store or vitamin shop those are all let’s just say not the best choice. I do prefer a local whole food store but they can be overwhelming if you don’t know what to pick and the workers are questionable on giving me advice as most are teens working to get a check and have very basic knowledge on what to recommend. I had to returns these I did not even open them my reason being post op surgery I can’t take supplements I need my body to work naturally and to do this I eat more healthy foods looks of fruit and vegetables very little meat and grains. I want to assure you if you are looking for vitamin e supplements this is a great choice to go with. If you you looking for a more natural approach like myself I went with the red palm oil I believe it’s from Africa check it out on Amazon. I hope this review helps others. I know what it’s like when your health is not so good and you get desperate for answers.
C&M Delcambre –
I started taking this to help with my estrogen metabolism and balancing my progesterone levels (PCOS/endometriosis – hormonal mess). I like it because it is soy free, which is great. I have noticed less cramping with PMS. I haven’t had my labs taken lately so I’m not sure what my estrogen and progesterone levels are – but I CAN say that since taking this I have noticed a significant difference in endo pain, and my skin just looks better. I am taking this with other products and cannot attribute all of the benefits I have been seeing solely to this vitamin e – but as far as supplements go this is a high quality vitamin that won’t compromise your hormones.
A. Mejia –
I am taking this vitamin E since it does not have corn in it. So far so good.
Aleccia –
Great product