NormaLyte – Pack com 6 Sachês de Sais de Reidratação Oral (Puro)
O NormaLyte Oral Rehydration Salts é a solução definitiva para o alívio rápido da desidratação. Seja enfrentando doenças crônicas, episódios de diarreia e vômitos, ou se dedicando a atividades físicas intensas, o NormaLyte é formulado cientificamente para proporcionar hidratação imediata e repor os níveis de energia do corpo. Com uma mistura precisa de eletrólitos essenciais, como sódio e potássio, este produto garante a restauração e manutenção do equilíbrio eletrolítico ideal, promovendo uma hidratação eficaz e um bem-estar geral.
Um dos grandes diferenciais do NormaLyte é sua fórmula de rápida absorção. Incorporando uma solução de glicose cuidadosamente calibrada, este pó de eletrólitos melhora a absorção de água e eletrólitos, facilitando uma reidratação rápida. Além disso, seu baixo teor de açúcar contribui para a retenção de líquidos, permitindo que o corpo se mantenha hidratado por períodos mais longos.
Prático e eficaz, o NormaLyte é a escolha perfeita para quem está em movimento, seja durante viagens, atividades ao ar livre ou em situações de emergência onde a reidratação rápida é crucial. É altamente recomendado para momentos de tontura, fadiga ou baixa energia após exercícios de alta intensidade. Cada caixa contém sachês individuais pré-medidos, tornando o uso ainda mais conveniente. Basta adicionar um sachê de NormaLyte a 500mL de água e você estará pronto para se reidratar.
1. Alívio rápido da desidratação: NormaLyte oferece uma solução eficaz para desidratação causada por doenças ou atividades físicas intensas.
2. Equilíbrio eletrolítico ideal: A mistura de eletrólitos essenciais ajuda a restaurar o equilíbrio do corpo, melhorando a hidratação.
3. Absorção rápida: A fórmula com glicose otimiza a absorção de água e eletrólitos, garantindo reidratação eficiente.
4. Portátil e eficaz: Ideal para viagens e atividades ao ar livre, proporcionando reidratação em qualquer lugar.
5. Remédio conveniente: Sachês individuais pré-medidos facilitam o uso em movimento, sem necessidade de medidas adicionais.
Para obter os melhores resultados, dissolva um sachê de NormaLyte em 500mL (16.9 OZ) de água. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Consuma conforme necessário, especialmente durante ou após atividades físicas intensas, ou sempre que houver sintomas de desidratação. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de usar, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas pré-existentes. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
Liz –
I hardly EVER leave a review for anything. But I can honestly say that these have done wonders for me. I received them a week ago and I notice when my blood pressure is very low or feel very fatigue because i notice when my energy levels drop Vs being tired. I’m 30 years old and I know I’ve been having this issue for years. Doctors are no help. They never get to the root cause of it. In 2019 I went to the hospital and my blood pressure dropped to 40 and they couldn’t figure out what was going on with me. I think ever since it’s escalated where I’m getting out of bed because I have to and I’m pushing myself. I have no kids. So I shouldn’t be this tired. Before that ER visit I had previously felt it and tried talking to a doctor about it that I had no energy. That I’ve been gaining weight but that I have no energy to get myself going. I don’t eat to bad. But I also don’t workout. The doctor brought in a therapist instead of doing blood work etc which I brought up. They said I was depressed and that I might be Bevsude i was 20LB over weight. 😒 i was so livid. That was the last time I went to the doctor. I’ve tried doing things from home or more natural remedies bevsude not sure what the root cause was. I’m not a doctor. One day I was scrolling and this person was speaking about POTS. I started to look into it. I saw how it’s related to blood pressure. Previously I’ve been told my massage therapies that i have bad blood circulation. So it all started to connect. When I checked my blood presssure i noticed it was drastically low compared to normal. I checked it for a week and noticed it was low and i was wondering if maybe the machine was not working etc. tested my brother and mom and theirs is fine. Once I started to take Norma Lyte i noticed an instante difference! I don’t feel my face numb, my vision is more clear I feel more awake and alert. My energy levels feel normal now. I’ll be out and about all day and until like 10ish i start to feel tired not fatigue. Tired just from being out and about. This has brought me back to being myself. I honestly feel so much better. I still need to research more if this Becsude of course I’m curious. But now i have energy to get out after work and workout more. I’m so happy that even my family had noticed an enormous change that even my brother said he will pay for the subscription lol. I hope this helps. The taste overal isn’t bad. I’m also not picky. I don’t care if it taste horrible my goal was to start to feel better. I’ve had only the grape flavor and honestly I don’t mind it at all.
Shazam –
My teens did not like the flavor at all and neither did I BUT it does work to replenish fluids.
Sheitan –
Taste isn’t really there at all. It’s just fizzy.
I use it in ice water and it really helps rehydrate me.
Packs are small but pack a punch.
I do feel like they work at least for me.
jtobair –
I constantly have NormLyte in my water bottle as the Pure flavor is the best I’ve come across! It’s such a light flavor already, that I can put 2 sticks in my 26oz water bottle. Salt is so important to people with pots, and I’ve not found another formula that has such low sugar and high sodium content!
Speaking of… I just read on NormaLyte’s blog today about the difference between Sodium and Salt. If you aren’t understanding when your doctor is saying 3-10 GRAMS of salt a day, that doesn’t mean 3,000-10,000mg of sodium! I didn’t know that!
(Hint: 5 GRAMS of SALT is equal to 2000 MILLIGRAMS of SODIUM)
There’s a link to a handy calculator on the blog. I’m not paid to write this and I don’t get free product; (Normalyte sponsor me!) I’m just your average person with dysautonomia that tells every one of my providers about normalyte, the research that backs the product, and how they should recommend it to every provider they know and all the patients that they’ve ever had. (NormaLyte sponsor me!)
This post will only reflect my personal opinion of this product. I too, am a POTS patient. I find these packets very convenient to carry with me in my purse and in my car so that I always have access to rehydration salts. The packets don’t break open easily so that you don’t have the salt all over the inside of your purse. However, you can manage to tear the packets open when you need them. The taste is the most palatable of any of the rehydration salts I have tried. I have tried many. I prefer the orange and grape. In the past I’ve tried adding it to some vitamin water zero for some extra flavor and vitamins. I can easily pour these salts into a standard bottle of water and shake it up and mix it and drink it when I need rehydration. As they said in another post, I wish it was sold in bulk. Using these salts has kept me out of the emergency room more than once. It is far easier to drink this when you are starting to get dehydrated, than wait till it is impossible to get IV access because of dehydration, for a normal saline infusion. I personally think that hospitals should carry these as well. Currently the only options that they have for oral rehydration is grape juice, apple juice, cranberry juice or Pedialyte Popsicles. That is hardly a good way to rehydrate a dehydrated person. For me, NormaLyte is one of the best rehydration solutions around.
Leasa –
I’m very sensitive to flavours so ended up adding a water flavour enhancer (crystal light for example) to help get it down. It did help with dehydration. I’m just really picky (sensitive) with flavour.
Lisa R-B –
These hydration sticks are excellent for our whole family. My dad who is a diabetic can use then because of the low sugar content. Easy to keep on hand and drink.
Amazon Customer –
Because of my IC I’m unable to use other electrolyte solutions (Gatorade, Pedialyte, etc) without triggering a flare. This product is a safe option for me. Best served very cold.
Jude –
Has a very strong taste of aluminum and gave me a toxic-type bad headache within 5-10 minutes. I will go back to my homemade formula which also makes the water taste strange but not like aluminum.
To the commenter who asked me my formula…It is:
3 parts sugar,
1 part sea salt,
1 part table salt, and
1/2 part lite salt.
(Some will balk about the table salt but I find I feel better when I include it. Also the lite salt has dextrose in it.) I mix it in a blender or coffee grinder to get a fine powder (mostly because I use a large crystal organic turbinado sugar and the sugar settles to the bottom of the mix if I don’t) and then keep a container of it on my countertop and mix 1/2 to 1 tsp into my first glass of water for the day and then repeat as necessary through the day. If you label the top of the contain with the ratios you will always have them handy. Hope this helps. 😀
So sorry I took so long to respond.
Also, I tried to add this after your comment but Amazon kept giving me an error message so am adding it here. Hope you see this. 😀
Taz439 –
struggling to find a sugar free electrolyte! this was listed as sugar free but was way too sweet.