Descrição do Produto: Noobru Lucid Nootropic Sleep Powder Drink
O Noobru Lucid Nootropic Sleep Powder é uma bebida em pó inovadora, formulada para proporcionar um sono profundo e de qualidade superior. Com uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes como Magnésio, Ashwagandha, Valeriana, Erva-cidreira e Vitamina D, este produto foi desenvolvido para ajudar a combater a insônia e o estresse, promovendo um relaxamento eficaz e um descanso reparador. O Magnésio atua na regulação do sono, enquanto a Ashwagandha e a Valeriana são conhecidas por suas propriedades calmantes, ajudando a reduzir a ansiedade e a tensão. A Erva-cidreira complementa a fórmula com seu efeito relaxante, e a Vitamina D é essencial para a saúde geral, contribuindo para um sono mais reparador. Ideal para quem busca melhorar a qualidade do sono e enfrentar os desafios do dia a dia com mais disposição e clareza mental.
1. Sono Profundo e Reparador: Promove um sono de qualidade, ajudando a acordar renovado e energizado.
2. Redução do Estresse: Ingredientes naturais que auxiliam na diminuição da ansiedade e do estresse diário.
3. Melhora da Saúde Mental: Contribui para uma melhor clareza mental e foco ao longo do dia.
4. Fórmula Natural: Composto por ingredientes naturais, sem aditivos artificiais, garantindo segurança e eficácia.
5. Facilidade de Uso: Prático e fácil de preparar, ideal para a rotina noturna.
Dissolva uma colher medida (aproximadamente 10g) do Noobru Lucid Nootropic Sleep Powder em 200ml de água morna ou fria. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Recomenda-se consumir a bebida 30 minutos antes de dormir para maximizar os efeitos relaxantes e garantir um sono profundo e reparador. Para melhores resultados, utilize o produto regularmente e combine com uma rotina de sono saudável.
D. Stephens –
I bought this direct from the company. Their advertising is over the top hype. Did nothing for me except upset my digestive tract from the highly acidic ascorbic acid. Asked for my money back and they do not respond. There are much better sleep aids that actually work, this is just a waste of money.
Michele T. –
Tried for several nights
Ron –
Bought this for my wife who has trouble sleeping during the night, she said she had one or two nights better sleep but couldn’t attribute to the product.
Nicole –
The taste is bitter and difficult to drink. Had to plug my nose to drink all 8oz. After taste isn’t bad. I did not experience any improved sleep, energy the next morning or any of the other affects promised. The item is not returnable. I did not notice that when I purchased it. Will not be buying it again.
a taams –
This product is very expensive for 20 sachets ($2.25 per sachet) and the most noteworthy thing is, IT DOESN’T DO WHAT IT PROMISES TO DO !!! So spend your money elsewhere.
Alice Meridith –
Not only does it not work but it is nonreturnable.
Taylor –
I didn’t notice any change in sleep. I took the product a few hours before bed as directed and didn’t see any change and was very drowsy the next morning. So I thought I would just try taking earlier in the evening before bed, nothing changed. I have tried reaching out to the company 4 different times to request a refund and cannot seem to get a response. (I ordered directly through the company, not through Amazon). The one response I did get, I replied with more questions about the refund and cannot get an answer back. If I going give this product/company 0 stars, I would. Very disappointed.
A. Valdes –
A horrible product which attempts against the wellbeing.
Couldn’t sleep AT ALL.
And it is expensive!
Kindle Customer –
This item not eligible for return. Both myself and wife tried it for several days. Didn’t phase us, I would not recommend.
J –
These are expensive but as I don’t feel the need to take them all the time work out not too bad.
I find that it is not the amount of sleep that is the biggest effect but the quality. So rested after a night of taking these. They offer me a great ‘re-set’ when I’ve had a period of poor nights sleep. Those nights when you are so tired but have found it impossible to get sleeping ‘back on track’. Know that feeling? These really do the trick. My son has found the same.
We tend not to use them when we have a busy day afterwards. This is because we have both found we wake up feeling ‘chilled’. It feels a bit of a waste to be that relaxed and have to be extra attentive. So tends to be a weekend supplement or before a day off.
You mix a sachet with water and the amount depends on how diluted you like it. It takes a bit of mixing and I don’t find the taste unpalatable. A sort of cherry flavour that is not too sweet.
I have replaced the packet once already and share the contents with my son. As we have only found the need to use them at most once a week they are lasting a while which spreads out the cost. Otherwise they would feel expensive. For effectiveness – its 5 stars.