Descrição do Produto: Nitraflex Sport Grape Cotton Candy Pre-Workout Powder
O Nitraflex Sport Grape Cotton Candy é um poderoso pó pré-treino desenvolvido para homens que buscam maximizar seu desempenho físico e mental durante os treinos. Com uma fórmula avançada, este suplemento é testado quanto a substâncias proibidas, garantindo segurança e eficácia. Enriquecido com Citrulina e Betaína, o Nitraflex promove um aumento significativo na produção de óxido nítrico, resultando em melhor fluxo sanguíneo e maior entrega de nutrientes aos músculos. Os eletrólitos presentes na fórmula ajudam na hidratação, prevenindo a fadiga e melhorando a resistência durante atividades intensas. Além disso, a adição de Boro contribui para a saúde óssea e hormonal, otimizando o desempenho atlético. Com um sabor irresistível de algodão doce, este pré-treino transforma sua rotina de exercícios em uma experiência prazerosa e energizante.
1. Aumento de Energia: Proporciona um impulso energético significativo, ideal para treinos intensos.
2. Melhora na Performance: Aumenta a resistência e a força, permitindo que você treine por mais tempo e com mais intensidade.
3. Hidratação Eficiente: Os eletrólitos ajudam a manter o corpo hidratado, reduzindo a chance de cãibras e fadiga.
4. Foco Mental: Melhora a concentração e o foco, essenciais para um desempenho atlético superior.
5. Saúde Geral: A presença de Boro contribui para a saúde óssea e hormonal, promovendo um bem-estar geral.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher medida (aproximadamente 10g) de Nitraflex Sport Grape Cotton Candy em 200-300ml de água gelada. Consuma 20-30 minutos antes do treino. É recomendado não exceder duas porções por dia. Para iniciantes, recomenda-se começar com meia porção para avaliar a tolerância ao produto. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta.
Ken –
I weight train three (3) days/week. Between those days, I fit in Pilates, swim, bike. I train for both strength and endurance; for me these are complementary goals and they help each other.
For strength training, you want to hit a point of progressive overload. However leg day I sometimes run out of fuel before I run out of strength; this is NOT for lack of calories. I have tried pre-workout supplements for strength and have less “crash” although it still happens (again leg days). I tried some pre-workout supplements for endurance, but still some weeks simply not pushing through. Which is odd, because often the next workout of the same will power through like nothing? This is the opportunity I am seeking to leverage with Nitra Flex Sport; less workout crash on leg day.
This contains caffeine; typically what you might get in a couple cups of coffee in a full scoop. Based on this, I will only include it in morning routines. Also, if you are using pre-workout supplement, you may already be using Creatine and caffeine can impact your Creatine absorption.
For now, I just got this and really need some time before I can give results. Not my favorite flavor (very individual, no stars deducted), doesn’t completely dissolve (typical, drink the powder clumps…). After a single workout, I do note that both my squat and deadlift are at new highs, but again that is correlation of a single data point. Fingers crossed; I certainly have a need I hope this will help with.
Double sealed (under the lid, shrink-wrap lid), made in USA, GMP. Have some confidence in the quality of the product itself.
Elle Dee –
Flavor is good enough for a pre-workout, enough caffeine to get you moving but not so much I got jittery. No tingling or other side effects. Just good energizing pre-workout. I don’t usually use caffeinated pre-workout, but I’m keeping this as my go-to for when I need that boost.
iCheckout Stuff –
This product seems similar to most preworkouts powders I take. It gives enough energy for your workout and dissolves easily. It contains only 20 serving however and most others contain around 30. It’s taste isn’t that great and the scoops are large. I probably wouldn’t purchase again.
Johnson Michael –
Not a bad budget pre workout powder by any means. Compared to many others at this price point, this is a good deal. There are a few ingredients that are slightly underdosed or not necessary at all, but as a whole this is a good option since pre workouts can be very pricey.
iCheckout Stuff –
This pre-workout drink offers a powerful energy boost and comes in several delicious flavors to help fuel your workout.
The powder, when mixed in 6-9 oz of water, dissolves quickly while maintaining its unique flavor profile. You’ll experience a noticeable increase in energy, along with a harmless, temporary tingle. Ideal for providing that extra push to your workouts and helping you achieve your fitness goals.
That being said, considering my experience with many pre-workout supplements—some incredibly strong—this one ranks good to average. But, for first-timers with pre-workout supplements, this is a great option. However, always consult your healthcare provider.
SummerDaze –
I have found that pre workout has been getting more and more expensive these days, so ~1.25 for a serving seemed like a good deal. This pre-workout is definitely a value buy to that end. I have had pre that would give me more energy or a better pump, but this stuff is definitely good enough for most days. I wouldn’t take it if I were trying to hit a PR, but for most days it will be great. Taste is good enough, effecti is good enough, and for the money, you can’t beat it.
rollinddor –
this is a very strong pre workout that has a similar amount of caffeine to a cup of coffee. the beta alanine makes me very itchy, the first time i took it my ears and eyeballs itched. this pre-workout is effective and very sweet despite all the salt which i feel gives a more pronounced pump. this product only has twenty servings which i feel isn’t enough for the price.
BuckeyeFan99 –
Look, this isn’t primo pre-workout by any means, and you freaks probably won’t feel anything. But for the average person, this will do the job just fine. Caffeine isnt crazy high, and the other ingredients are fine. Price is good for 20 servings. The taste is atrocious (fruit punch). You can really taste the salt in this one. This will leave you focused without the jitters. It works.