As Toalhinhas Umedecidas Nice ‘N Clean Soft-Pack com Aloe são a escolha ideal para o cuidado da pele delicada do seu bebê. Com uma fórmula hipoalergênica e isenta de fragrâncias, essas toalhinhas são comparáveis às Huggies Natural Care, oferecendo segurança e conforto. Cada toalhinha, com dimensões de 7 x 8 polegadas, é espessa e durável, garantindo uma limpeza eficaz e suave. A presença de aloe vera em sua composição proporciona uma hidratação adicional, deixando a pele do seu pequeno protegida e refrescada. Além disso, a ausência de álcool assegura que a pele sensível do bebê não seja irritada, tornando essas toalhinhas uma opção confiável para o dia a dia. Com 80 lenços em cada pacote e um total de 12 pacotes, você terá sempre à mão a praticidade necessária para manter a higiene do seu bebê em qualquer situação.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Hipoalergênicas e Livres de Fragrâncias: Ideais para bebês com pele sensível, evitando irritações.
- 2. Espessas e Duráveis: Material de alta qualidade que garante uma limpeza eficaz e resistente.
- 3. Pré-Umedecidas com Aloe: Proporciona uma limpeza suave, mantendo a pele do bebê hidratada.
- 4. Tamanho Ideal: Perfeitas para alcançar áreas difíceis, facilitando a higiene.
- 5. Livres de Álcool: Protege a pele do bebê, evitando ressecamento e irritações.
As Toalhinhas Umedecidas Nice ‘N Clean Soft-Pack com Aloe oferecem uma série de benefícios que facilitam a rotina dos pais. Primeiramente, sua fórmula hipoalergênica garante que mesmo os bebês com pele mais sensível possam utilizá-las sem preocupações. A textura espessa e durável proporciona uma limpeza eficaz, reduzindo a necessidade de várias toalhinhas em uma única troca. O aloe vera não só limpa, mas também hidrata, evitando o ressecamento da pele. O tamanho ideal das toalhinhas permite alcançar áreas difíceis, como entre os dedos e nas dobras da pele, garantindo uma higiene completa. Por fim, a praticidade da embalagem com 12 pacotes assegura que você sempre terá toalhinhas à disposição, seja em casa ou em passeios.
Para utilizar as Toalhinhas Umedecidas Nice ‘N Clean Soft-Pack com Aloe, retire uma toalhinha do pacote e passe suavemente sobre a pele do seu bebê, garantindo que todas as áreas sejam limpas. Não é necessário enxaguar após o uso. Para manter a umidade e frescor das toalhinhas, feche bem o pacote após cada utilização. Utilize sempre que necessário para assegurar que a pele do seu bebê permaneça limpa, hidratada e protegida ao longo do dia.
Ali Julia –
I use this for my puppy. I have a Maltese (all white) and we use this for two reasons, 1) his paws have a tendency to get dingy after walking around outside and 2) I allow him on the furniture, including my bed and I don’t want outside dirt and grime in my bed. These are a lot cheaper than buying doggy wipes and extremely effective. He has sensitive skin and they don’t irritate his skin and the smell isn’t overwhelming by any means. I like that is isn’t in a plastic box so I can pop it in my car if we’re going to the park but the plastic lid helps to seal in the moisture so this isn’t quick to dry out. I hate the wipes that just have the ‘sticky cover’ that loses its’ stick and dries out the whole pack
ark –
Cheaply made, huggies is my favorite
Aviva Gittle Publishing –
A little pricey, but unless you’re on a tight budget, go for it. I found that these were economical in the long run b/c you didn’t have to use 10 of them with each diaper change. I would say 2 per change on average. They are soft and I can really clean my grandson off without rubbing his skin raw. I highly recommend these. My daughter-in-law thought these were better than Huggies brand.
Just a note, b/c I’m trying to spread the word: Use GLOVES! I keep hearing mom’s say how “natural” it is and that gloves are not necessary for changing their child’s diaper. Bull hockey! Germs are germs…whether the source is related to you or not. I bought some gloves on Amazon, but Costco has a great deal on gloves that fit me better. Give me a pair of gloves and I can do almost any job…lol!
Ali Julia –
I was looking for a wipe which is larger than what appears to be a common size 6×5 (Cottonelle, Wet Ones, Scotts) and that is truly unscented. This wipe accomplishes the size and no smell requirements quite well. However the material of the wipe itself is thinner than I expected. It is made out of some sort of stretchy material. Stretchy and thin was not what I was looking for, so I don’t think I will buying this product again. I am attaching a photo which hopefully shows the thinness as you can see through the wipe itself.
Marcia Mullen –
Just got these wipes and am very impressed. Have used baby wipes for years to remove makeup. Was looking for a replacement to the ones I was using up. Saw the description where these are made from cloth, no or low scent and aloe. Just tried one and I really love how it feels and how well it worked at removing my makeup, even mascara. Rinsed the cloth in warm water and wiped my face again. Going to order again so I will have a packet of wipes at work.
Some may say I am wasting my money but I have to disagree. If you ever have gotten makeup on a washcloth or towel then tried to get it clean in the wash only to have the stain still there, you will spent a few dollars on these wipes. Wipes are not sopping wet right out of the packet. Add a little warm water and it should work just fine.
ssraffertyfam –
Even though I was sent the wrong quantity of these wipes, the one package I received was good quality. The seller took care of the issue immediately.
The wipes are a little on the thin side and stretched a bit while I was pulling it out of the package, not really a big deal for me because I’m only using them for quick clean ups for my toddler who is potty trained. For cleaning your hands, wiping your face, simple spills, etc they’re good. Although if you’re looking for a stronger wipe for a baby, I’d pass on these and continue to use the Amazon or big box store wipes including generics.
They seem very moist, while not sopping and are truly hypoallergenic. No scent which is totally nice and they don’t smell like the inside of the package either! The packaging was easy to open, just peel back the sticker inside but make sure to keep the plastic lid closed! Don’t want them drying out. Recommended if you get the entire 12 pack!
A. Lowe –
Why did i only receive one pack of wipes when it was supposed to be a box of 12?? i am still waiting for a reply i should have 12 packs i only received one????
R.H. –
I will comment that while each sheet is thin, folding it in half before use definitely helps, and there is still more than enough surface area left for wiping. I also need to mention that in addition to all of the perks listed (no funny smells, hypoallergenic, and usefully textured), this product is also comparatively inexpensive. Since I use wipes frequently for personal hygiene rather than for baby care, my main goal is finding something that will keep me as fresh as cheaply possible.
Do a price comparison between 80 sheets of this product vs. the 84 sheets refill by Cottonelle, and you’ll see that you’re still saving money here.
Cottonelle Fresh Folded Moist Wipes Refill 84
While I did not see this product being labelled as being safe for septic systems or sewers, I took a risk and have been able to flush a couple of sheets at a time down the toilet without any issues.
The pop-up top is secured very nicely, and did not peel off with use like other portable baby wipes. The non-box packaging conforms to purses and bags when on-the-go moreso than plastic tubs.
Sadly, there is one fault: The sheets are not truly dispensed “one at a time.” When you pull up a sheet with one hand, the next one clings quite a bit. Thus, you’re likely to have one sheet in hand and then an extra halfway onto the counter. The only workaround is to hold down the other sheet with your other hand, which can be a hassle for a parent talking on the phone, trying to calm down a fitful baby, and trying to do damage control on a very very messy diaper… all at the same time. Otherwise, this would be a five-star product.
I am currently ordering more.