Descrição do Produto: New Chapter Perfect Calm – Multivitamínico Diário para Estresse
Em um mundo onde o estresse e a ansiedade se tornaram companheiros constantes, o New Chapter Perfect Calm surge como uma solução inovadora e eficaz. Este multivitamínico diário foi cuidadosamente formulado para oferecer suporte ao humor e ao bem-estar, ajudando a enfrentar os desafios diários com mais tranquilidade. Com uma combinação poderosa de 21 vitaminas e minerais essenciais, incluindo Vitaminas A, D3, C, vitaminas do complexo B (como Biotina) e Zinco, este produto não apenas nutre o corpo, mas também a mente.
O Perfect Calm é especialmente projetado para aqueles que buscam um suporte não sonolento para o estresse ocasional e a fadiga. Estudos emergentes sugerem que ingredientes como o Manjericão Sagrado, a Erva-cidreira e a Camomila podem ser benéficos para a saúde emocional, proporcionando um efeito calmante que ajuda a equilibrar o humor. Além disso, a vitamina C fermentada desempenha um papel crucial na manutenção da estrutura das glândulas adrenais, que são responsáveis pela produção de hormônios vitais, como a adrenalina e o cortisol, essenciais para uma resposta saudável ao estresse.
Uma das características mais notáveis do New Chapter Perfect Calm é sua digestibilidade. Fermentado com probióticos e alimentos integrais, este multivitamínico é suave o suficiente para ser tomado a qualquer hora do dia, mesmo com o estômago vazio. Com ingredientes certificados como orgânicos, não-OGM, 100% vegetarianos, kosher e sem glúten, açúcar ou aditivos artificiais, o Perfect Calm é uma escolha consciente para quem busca qualidade e eficácia em sua suplementação.
– Suporte ao Humor e ao Bem-Estar: Ajuda a manter um estado emocional equilibrado, reduzindo os efeitos do estresse.
– Fórmula Completa: Contém 21 vitaminas e minerais essenciais que nutrem o corpo e a mente.
– Apoio às Glândulas Adrenais: A vitamina C fermentada promove a saúde das glândulas adrenais, essenciais para a resposta ao estresse.
– Fácil Digestão: Pode ser tomado a qualquer momento, mesmo em jejum, sem causar desconforto.
– Ingredientes de Alta Qualidade: Feito com vegetais e ervas orgânicas, garantindo uma suplementação limpa e saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas do New Chapter Perfect Calm diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso não apenas maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também potencializa os efeitos calmantes e de suporte ao humor. Mantenha o produto em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Mr. and Mrs. C –
If you just take these once a month or twice a month, you may feel like I did – drowsy and sleepy each time you take them. Which is good if you really don’t care, or going to bed, or just needing to relax for a short period of time. But I changed my routine, and started taking these like the package directed – three pills a day for 30 days. Once my body got used to them, and they were in my blood stream for a longer period of time, I did not get as sleepy or tired. I actually felt relaxed on a constant level. I still had some stressful days but overall I did feel a better sense of well being every day I stayed on these vitamins.
James S. –
Didn’t help with my wife’s anxiety as this was the intended use with multivitamin as secondary
Guess it is a good vitamin supplement overall as the brand is known for that
Customer2018 –
Good for my hair – they grow super fast!
Update 4/12/18: I’ve been taking these vitamins for over a year now and my hair stylist told me my hair changed. They were light and frizzy and sort of baby-like, it seems that now they are heavier and thicker which I really like, they just look better. The reason I started taking these is that my mom tried them too and said she noticed new hair growth. This complex has a lot of biotin and it seems it’s of a really good quality.
a mom –
i like these. besides getting vitamins it helps you relax
Michele K –
My 12 year old son has lived with moderately severe traumatic brain injury since he was two years old. Although it has been an incredibly slow process with determining best supplements for his brain injury, we have positively aided his fight with brain injury alongside a fabulous pharmicist. To date, my son takes one capsule in the morning and at night of Viva fish oil (2,200 mg for the whole daily dose); one pearl of Hyperbiotics Pro-15 in the morning; Alpha Lipoic Acid 100 mg twice daily; CoQ10 30 mg twice daily; one New Chapter Perfect Calm multi-vitamin at night; and one New Chapter Perfect Energy multi-vitamin in the morning.
We have seen positive, consistent results with each supplement. When he has a serious behavior outburst, I go back to researching for an additional supplement, and then our pharmicist gives approval and dosage. Fish oil eliminated his need for high-dose Concerta. With Alpha Lipoic Acid and CoQ10, my son’s sensorineural hearing loss of his right ear was cured in nine months, after being profoundly deaf for nine years, and his behavior and cognition improved as well.
Now, New Chapter’s Perfect Calm has improved my son’s behavior and regulated his sleep pattern. He is being the obedient, submissive son who is loving and respectful, just like he was raised to be. At night, his mind relaxes, so he can get to sleep quickly after lying down, rest peacefully throughout the night, and wake up at a suitable time. He no longer exhibits signs of stress or anxiety, and he is proud of his behavior. In turn, our family feels more relaxed than ever.
LP Johnson –
When you run across a good thing, you want to share it with people you love. Have you ever had one of those days where the least little thing irritates you, gets on your nerves, and has the potential to set you off? You’re anxious because of that interview? You’ve got to go to the school for that meeting you’re dreading? You shouldn’t be afraid or tense, but you just can’t shake that feeling? Take a couple of deep breaths, say a couple of the psalms, and take a couple of New Chapter’s Perfect Calm Tablets. In 15-20 minutes you feel calm, centered and balanced, without that drowsy, run down feeling that can accompany some prescription medications. This product is all natural, and carries no harmful side effects.
Kitty –
I literally did sooo much homework on the best brand for a everyday multivitamin and happy I chose this one for me personally.
Lady –
Great product. Always well pack which is awesome because it comes in a glass bottle. Arrived earlier than expected so that is a big plus for me.