Calm CP da NeuroScience é um suplemento inovador que se destaca por sua capacidade de ajudar a reduzir os níveis de cortisol no corpo, um hormônio frequentemente associado ao estresse e à ansiedade. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, Calm CP combina extrato de folha de banaba, padronizado para 18% de ácido corosólico, com glicina, taurina e fosfatidilserina. Esses ingredientes trabalham em sinergia para promover um estado de calma e equilíbrio hormonal, essencial para o bem-estar geral.
O cortisol, conhecido como o “hormônio do estresse”, pode ter efeitos adversos na saúde, incluindo o aumento da gordura abdominal e distúrbios do sono. Calm CP não apenas ajuda a mitigar esses efeitos, mas também oferece suporte ao gerenciamento do estresse, promovendo um corpo mais relaxado e equilibrado. Em um estudo clínico, participantes com níveis elevados de cortisol apresentaram uma redução média de 17% nos níveis desse hormônio após o uso do Calm CP, evidenciando sua eficácia.
Além disso, a glicina e a taurina presentes na fórmula desempenham papéis cruciais na regulação da temperatura corporal durante a noite e na promoção de uma função saudável do GABA, o neurotransmissor responsável por sinalizar ao cérebro que é hora de relaxar. Isso resulta em noites de sono mais tranquilas e reparadoras, fundamentais para a recuperação e o bem-estar.
Calm CP é um produto de qualidade profissional, amplamente confiável por milhares de profissionais de saúde, que valorizam a pesquisa científica por trás de sua formulação. Fabricado nos EUA em instalações que seguem as boas práticas de fabricação (CGMP), o Calm CP garante segurança e eficácia em cada cápsula.
1. Suporte ao Gerenciamento do Estresse: Reduz os níveis de cortisol, promovendo um estado de calma e relaxamento.
2. Eficácia Comprovada: Estudos demonstram uma redução significativa nos níveis de cortisol em usuários.
3. Melhora do Sono: Glicina e taurina ajudam a regular a temperatura corporal e promovem um sono reparador.
4. Apoio à Composição Corporal: Contribui para a redução da gordura abdominal associada ao estresse.
5. Confiança Profissional: Produto recomendado por especialistas em saúde, com base em pesquisas revisadas por pares.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula de Calm CP duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com o estômago vazio, para otimizar a absorção dos ingredientes ativos. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação. Armazene o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
A. Jones –
This new formulation doesn’t work as well as the original. Not for me at least. This isn’t psychological either. I noticed a difference in my sleeping, before I realized they’d changed the pills. I discovered the change by accident. I had some of
the old pills and happened to notice they looked different after I opened the new bottle. I looked at the ingredients, realized the difference and then I went to the Neuroscience website. Sure enough they explain the change. It’s supposed to be better now. I don’t buy it.
I did my own test. The original worked much better. I slept faster and deeper. No waking up during the night and I woke up in the morning refreshed. Everytime. (That’s why I started taking these again after a 2 yr hiatus. I knew they’d helped so well before.) With this new formulation, I sometimes wake up during the night. And I don’t wake up in the morning feeling as refreshed either. I don’t like this new formula.
I’m disappointed in Neuroscience. They shouldn’t have messed with what was working.
Casey –
Works great to help with my stress cortisol increases.
Denise –
If you have trouble with anxiety or difficulty achieving a relaxed state prior to sleep, I hope this product helps you as much it does me! It is as effective as my anxiety prescription but safe, all natural, with no side effects. It does not make me actually sleepy and I can take it during the day. It just lessens the anxiety felt, so I can work, sleep, relax or enjoy myself. I take 2 for low anxiety and have taken as many as 4 at a time for high anxiety. It is not habit forming and I can easily not take it for weeks until needed.
This product was recommended to me by my chiropractor to calm the “flight or fight” instinct that get triggered too easily in my case.
I recently bought 2 bottles for my sister, who is a hospital nurse, and deals with very stressful situations. She found this helps her to let go of the work day stress in the evenings so she can unwind, allowing her to sleep more restfully. I cannot recommend this product highly enough.
Amazon Customer –
Anxiety, levels cortisol, helps with sleep. It’s become too expensive. I don’t purchase every month.
Truly calming, works amazingly well. After years of searching, found this stuff through my doctor after adrenal testing. Works so well. I am calm on the inside, no more jittery nervous feeling. My adrenal glands are recovering and this stuff is wonderful for anxiety. And when I take it at night, I sleep in a calm, restful sleep. Makes me a little sleepy for about 15-20 minutes in the morning, but coffee takes care of that. Highly recommend you discuss with your doctor if you are in need of anxiety relief. I love this stuff!
Aileen Apple –
The product was recommended by a physician at the Cleveland Clinic Integrative Medicine facility to help with insomnia. I take 2, along with 600 mg. of Magnesium, an hour before bed. About 1/2 hour before bed, I take a dose of a sleep drug, plus 1 Kavinace Ultra PM. This combination of products has enabled me to wean off of Restoril, and be able to sleep. .
In all honesty, I am not exactly sure what the Calm does, but the combination of products has been effective.
Baber –
this is a pretty expensive supplement and it absolutely did nothing. I took it for 30 days.
Meredith Denzler –
If you have problems lowering your cortisol at night, this is the thing you need. Its natural so it will help lower your cortisol naturally. Don’t take addictive sleeping pills! Two of these before bed will do the trick. If you need a little extra, add a little all natural melatonin and you will be good for sure. I had trouble sleeping and my doctor said she didn’t know why and just gave me sleeping pills. I wasn’t satisfied with that so I went to a nutritionist who recommended this and it has worked really well. Now I sleep well every night. The only drawback is the cost. This stuff is not cheap. But to me its worth it for a good night’s sleep.