Neuro Defense com Ácidos Graxos Ômega-3 EPA: A Fórmula Avançada para a Saúde do Cérebro
Neuro Defense é uma fórmula inovadora que combina ácidos graxos ômega-3 EPA e DHA de alta disponibilidade, vitaminas do complexo B (B6, B9, B12), vitaminas C e D3, antocianinas extraídas do mirtilo e fosfatidilcolina, oferecendo um suporte abrangente para a saúde cerebral. Com uma carga de 50% de EPA e DHA como ácidos graxos livres, o pó de ômega-3 da AvailOm se destaca como o mais potente em sua categoria, garantindo que seu cérebro receba os nutrientes essenciais para funcionar em seu melhor.
As vitaminas do complexo B, especialmente B6, B9 e B12, são clinicamente comprovadas por sua capacidade de retardar a atrofia cerebral, regulando os níveis de homocisteína, um aminoácido que, em níveis elevados, pode ser prejudicial à saúde cerebral. A sinergia entre os ácidos graxos ômega-3 e este complexo vitamínico potencializa os efeitos benéficos, promovendo uma função cognitiva saudável. Além disso, as antocianinas do extrato de mirtilo atuam como potentes antioxidantes, com estudos demonstrando melhorias na cognição e desaceleração da degeneração cerebral.
A fosfatidilcolina, outro componente chave, tem mostrado em pesquisas que pode beneficiar a função cognitiva e a perda de memória, promovendo a produção de acetilcolina e reduzindo a produção de cortisol, o hormônio do estresse. Com essa combinação poderosa, Neuro Defense se apresenta como uma solução eficaz para aqueles que buscam melhorar sua saúde cerebral e manter a clareza mental ao longo do tempo.
– Suporte Abrangente à Saúde Cerebral: Combinação de nutrientes que promovem a função cognitiva e a memória.
– Redução da Atrofia Cerebral: Vitaminas do complexo B que ajudam a regular os níveis de homocisteína.
– Ação Antioxidante Potente: Antocianinas do mirtilo que melhoram a cognição e retardam a degeneração.
– Aumento da Produção de Acetilcolina: Fosfatidilcolina que favorece a memória e a função cognitiva.
– Melhora do Bem-Estar Geral: Fórmula que contribui para a saúde mental e a redução do estresse.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma dose diária de Neuro Defense, preferencialmente com uma refeição para maximizar a absorção dos nutrientes. Misture a dose em água ou suco, garantindo que o pó se dissolva completamente. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Jay Knack –
I like the combination of ingredients and generous doses. I found them easy to swallow with no odor or aftertaste. I like that is made in the USA.
I did, however, experience the fishy verbs, which isn’t all that pleasant. But worth it.
This product rocks. It contains all the goodies including vitamin B,C,D3, Anthocyanins, Omega 3.
All the important ingredients combined into this bottle will maintain optimal health. The only issue I have with this product is just a little odd flavor.
Dianne L. –
I want to get it out of the way first, this supplement is a little higher than you see normally. It’s over $20 for a 30 day supply when I general multivitamin is about $15 a month.
I think it’s worth this value, I’ve taken it for an entire month and will continue to be taking it ongoing. The ingredients are just superior and it’s a great supplement in your daily routine. The omega-3 blend is generous, the B-12 is methyl based and not cyan based. D-3 over 100% and I didn’t experience negative side effects from the Bilberry extract. I didn’t notice any taste or burping related to the omega either. These are easy to swallow pills, tasteless and mostly odorless (slight omega smell, but nothing you notice unless the pill is literally to your nose). I noticed a difference in my mental clarity after a few weeks of taking this. I haven’t been eating enough fish lately so this was a good offset for that (also helps understand the cost). If I made sure I got these amounts of vitamins and nutrients through food alone my budget will go up by many, many times more than the cost of these. So I think the value is definitely there! This is a quality supplement from a trusted company. I take another supplement from them and it’s just as good.
Eliza Jane –
Everyone knows about EPA and DHA, the Omega-3s found in fish oil, by now. This supplement provides 580 mg. of a proprietary powder called AvailOm, which supposedly provides super-bioavailable, concentrated Omega-3s. Is it better than eating oily fish or taking pure fish oil capsules? Probably not, if you ask me, but the key here are the other ingredients along with it. You also get Vitamins C, D-3, B-6, B-9, and B-12, with all but the B-12 coming in substantial amounts. That alone makes this supplement a pretty good value compared to just buying fish oil supplements. They also add bilberry extract, which is purported to do all sorts of good things for your body, including help manage cholesterol levels. There is also a compound called phosphatidylcholine, which may play a role in transporting fats through your bloodstream. You get the idea. Finally, there’s the almost ubiquitous inclusion of BioPerine to aid in absorption. The idea seems to be to get you your Omega-3s and move them through your body, maximizing their beneficial effects, especially on your brain and nervous system. I can’t vouch for any specific results after a few weeks of taking these, but I feel generally well and I was starting at a pretty good point. But it seems like there is a lot of good going on with this supplement for not a ton of money, too.
Keith Price –
We are not qualified to evaluate the efficacy of this product. My husband sees ads for products like this and wanted to try them, as we are getting older and worry about brain health. The ingredients in these are all the ones you read about. After going through this bottle together, things seem positive.
They do smell a bit fishy, but we hadn’t noticed until we read it and then sniffed the bottle. They are big, which make them hard to swallow. If you are someone who has a hard time swallowing pills, these are not for you.
Tug –
Eat the rainbow is the concept that it’s important to eating a variety of fruits and vegetables in order to get all the nutrients you need, and fruits and vegetables on the purple end of the spectrum contain a chemical called anthocyanin that packs a huge nutritional punch. Anthocyanin is part of a larger category of plant-based chemicals called flavonoids.
Sun Nutritionals Neuro Defense is the first supplement I have tried that contains Anthocyanins from Bilberry Extract, plus Omega-3 Fatty Acids EPA & DHA, B-Complex, Vitamins C and D3. The capsules are brown color (just in case you expect them to be purple like I did 😅). They’re easy to swallow with no weird aftertaste. Like most supplements, it’s too soon to determine effectiveness, but I figure this should help me in my quest to eat the rainbow.
Psychopuppy –
This is a supplement that provides a lot of value in one capsule. The caps themselves have a very slight smell, probably from the omega 3’s. I am just taking one a day, instead of the recommended two. Looking at the ingredients of the supplement, I felt one cap would be sufficient for me. I haven’t had any ill effects from taking this, maybe just a slight bump in clarity. Easy on the stomach, haven’t had any burping or indigestion either. If this is something you have been looking for to help you it is certainly worth a go, at a fair price too.
Dianne L. –
I didn’t notice a significant difference. Maybe a bit more alert during the day. Less tired in the morning. Unfortunately it expired before I could finish taking them to see how they would do long term.