Investir na saúde do seu cérebro é essencial, e a Neuriva oferece uma variedade de suplementos para a saúde cerebral especialmente formulados para apoiar 7 indicadores de saúde cerebral. Se você precisa de um impulso cerebral para se manter alerta no trabalho ou na universidade, a Neuriva tem a solução com nossa linha de suplementos cerebrais projetados para promover a saúde cerebral!
A Neuriva Ultra contém ingredientes clinicamente testados e de origem natural, como CogniviveTM, NeurofactorTM, além de Fosfatidilserina e vitaminas do complexo B, que trabalham juntos para promover uma função cognitiva ideal e apoiar a memória e o foco.
Mental Alertness com Cognivive: um extrato de Alpinia galanga livre de cafeína que proporciona efeitos perceptíveis de alerta mental a partir de apenas uma dose.
Ingredientes clinicamente testados e de origem natural: a Neuriva Ultra contém Neurofactor, um extrato da incrível superfruta cereja do café. Esse poderoso ingrediente foi clinicamente testado para aumentar os níveis de neuroproteína vital (BDNF) no corpo, conhecida por apoiar as conexões entre as células cerebrais, e Fosfatidilserina de origem vegetal, que auxilia na saúde dos neurônios e estimula a memória e a aprendizagem. Impressionante, não é?
Vitaminas do complexo B: com vitamina B6, B12 e ácido fólico para ajudar a apoiar a função cerebral.
Como usar: adultos com 18 anos ou mais devem tomar duas cápsulas diariamente. Não exceda a dose recomendada.
Experimente o aplicativo Neuriva Brain Gym: Baixe nosso aplicativo NEURIVA BRAIN GYM na App Store ou no Google Play para começar a avaliar suas habilidades e criar sua rotina de exercícios cerebrais.
Ingredientes confiáveis: essas cápsulas para a saúde cerebral foram formuladas pensando em você! Elas são descafeinadas, sem açúcar, vegetarianas e sem glúten.
Tranquilidade de espírito: os suplementos para a saúde cerebral da Neuriva, assim como todos os produtos Schiff, são garantidos quanto à frescura, pureza e potência indicada no rótulo. Nossos produtos são fabricados em uma instalação certificada pelo GMP aqui nos EUA, com ingredientes de todo o mundo.
A Neuriva é um suplemento alimentar que deve ser tomado diariamente para obter os benefícios do produto. *Estas declarações não foram avaliadas pela Food and Drug Administration. Este produto não se destina a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir qualquer doença.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Suporte para a saúde cerebral: Os suplementos Neuriva Ultra foram formulados para apoiar 7 indicadores de saúde cerebral, promovendo uma função cognitiva ideal, memória e foco.
- 2. Ingredientes clinicamente testados: A fórmula da Neuriva Ultra contém ingredientes clinicamente testados, como Neurofactor e Fosfatidilserina, que são comprovados para melhorar a saúde do cérebro.
- 3. Mental Alertness: Com o extrato de Alpinia galanga Cognivive, a Neuriva Ultra oferece efeitos perceptíveis de alerta mental a partir de apenas uma dose, sem cafeína.
- 4. Vitaminas do complexo B: As vitaminas B6, B12 e ácido fólico presentes na Neuriva Ultra ajudam a apoiar a função cerebral e a saúde geral do cérebro.
- 5. Confiança e qualidade: Os suplementos para a saúde cerebral da Neuriva são fabricados em uma instalação certificada pelo GMP nos EUA, garantindo frescura, pureza e potência indicada no rótulo.
– Para obter os melhores resultados, tome duas cápsulas de Neuriva Ultra diariamente, de preferência com uma refeição. Não exceda a dose recomendada. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento alimentar.
John Langreder –
Really seems to work. Helps put you in a good mood, but it makes me pass gas like it is going out of style.
Amazon Customer –
I used this product and I was scared of the side effects but I didn’t have any effects that none was bad I’ll use the product again. I’ve used other products with it and this one held up I will use this and other products to see if they hold up.
Adrastos –
I am back to the person I used to be! I have not been this alert, on my game There you go 🔔 and my brain 🧠 has not been this sharp in years! Let’s go! This is literally a miracle drug! I am finally remembering things, lasting the long days. And it’s not a drug! I don’t care how much they charge for this stuff. I will always take it! It has only been two days and it has changed my life! I guess you accept that you will start slipping with age, but this has literally turned back the hands of time as I sit here making this. I have to tell you I’m better than I was 20-30 years ago. I swear I feel like I’m in my 30s! And I am far far from my 30s! Grandma of five revived! so excited to see where my Business is going to go with Neuriva!! Thank you!🙏 Thank you!🙏 Thank you!
Rich –
I’ve written 2 other reviews on Neuriva and now this will be my 3rd. I just saw this the other day and overnighted it so I could try it first thing in the morning. These new ones REALLY seemed like they hit me hard and good, BUT the capsules are ginormous and made me choke the first two days taking them. I never had that problem with the other one because they’re definitely smaller. You have to take 2 of these too! I first tried the gummies and thought they were pretty good, but then I switched to capsules because you only have to take one and you get exactly 30 whereas the gummies are off one or two every bottle. The one a day capsules are cheaper which is good, but you can’t set up a subscription either which sucks. My mom also tried making me a chocolate edible by melting chocolate and pouring the capsule in the chocolate and freezing it in a ice cube tray, but it was no bueno. It tasted awful! lol. I might take a break and see if I’m the same without them, but you DEFINITELY feel euphoric or something in the head after taking these. It could also be a placebo effect, but whatever it is, I promise you’ll feel good! Lastly, the price is gonna make you choke too! It’ll be $62 every month and I don’t know anyone who can afford that unless you need it that bad. I don’t know if I recommend this and that’s why gave it 3 stars, but I’m definitely bummed they don’t come in gummies (Yet.).
Update 8-1-23
I wanted to try the smaller capsules again to see if I might notice a change again since I haven’t had any since trying this. I bought 2 packages like before, but when my mom put the pill in her hand she said “It’s pretty big!” and I was confused because they used to be smaller, I SWEAR! After putting it in my mouth I spit it back out because I didn’t wanna choke again! The smaller pills came in little packets like when you buy chewable benadryl and now these came in bottles. I was SO mad because I can’t take these and can’t return them because the stupid bots won’t direct me to the right place on here. A.I. is supposed to be great, but not for customer service. I give up on this stuff!
Update: 11-30-23
My new love is Called “Olly, Laser Focus”! I noticed the ginseng and b12 within an hour the first few days. I didn’t notice it so much after that because I probably got used to the feel, but I really enjoy it and highly recommend it! You get exactly 36 gummies and can find it at Target or Whole Foods for a nice low price of $13.99.
Update: 8-16-24
I’m not sure if anyone else is having a problem finding the Olly I recommended above, but my Target quit selling it. I looked for other alternatives for energy and clarity and came across Herbamama Korean Red Panax Ginseng 1500 mg gummies. I started taking them and feel pretty good plus I take 1000+ mgs of B12 a day because it’s in other stuff, but luckily it’s harmless so don’t worry about getting too much. If you like the Olly and can still find it and still like it then I suggest you stick with it, but if you can’t find it or wanna try something else I suggest this. There’s also another Ginseng called Horny Goat Weed for immune support if you’re looking for that too. There’s also other mixes you can find on here too if do a little browsing. Good luck on finding whatever works for you.
robert d craddock –
For me the product is working,unfortunitly I am now priced out of Neuriva. To much for a monthly supplement.
Christine –
The product doesn’t have a taste or smell. The capsules are easy to swallow and have relatively few side effects. The effectiveness and strength of the product is also very good.
Jean B. –
The pills definitely help with clarity. Last month when I bought them my prime paid for shipping- now you want to charge me over $12.00 & $15.00 more- that just made me cancel my order.
A W –
These are honestly, amazing. They have expanded my thought processes, speed, and memory. I am able to connect, and analyze things in a slightly deeper way than I did before. I feel that I can have more intelligent, agile conversations on the fly because of this. I may have been able to do the same without it, but it would probably have taken more time, and mental effort.
A few caveats though, this did change my dreams initially. Mine were more active dreams, and lighter, but this passed after a week or so. Also, my thoughts are effortless long after my body is tired, and if you are a curious, perpetual thinker like myself, it may be harder to get to sleep while you ponder, and analyze various things.