Descrição do Produto: Natural Solution Ceramic Neti Pot
O Natural Solution Ceramic Neti Pot é a solução ideal para quem busca alívio eficaz da congestão nasal. Este elegante e prático pote de cerâmica é projetado para facilitar a lavagem nasal, proporcionando uma experiência de uso simples e eficaz. O ingrediente chave da nossa solução para rins nasais é o sal rosa do Himalaia, conhecido por suas propriedades purificadoras. Ele remove impurezas e sujeira das vias aéreas, promovendo uma respiração mais limpa e saudável.
Feito de cerâmica durável, o nosso Neti Pot é uma opção compacta e fácil de transportar, ideal para uso em casa ou em viagens. A cerâmica é um material robusto que garante a longevidade do produto, sem bordas afiadas ou curvas que possam causar danos. Além disso, o Neti Pot é completamente seguro, não contém materiais metálicos e é livre de substâncias nocivas, evitando a erosão química que pode ocorrer em potes de outros materiais.
O uso do Neti Pot é uma forma natural de limpar, refrescar e proteger as passagens nasais, que são uma das primeiras linhas de defesa do corpo contra doenças. A lavagem suave com o sal rosa do Himalaia não apenas limpa as vias aéreas, mas também ajuda a nutrir e hidratar a mucosa nasal, aliviando a irritação e a sensação de nariz entupido.
1. Alívio Eficaz da Congestão Nasal: Remove sujeira e alérgenos, proporcionando uma respiração mais livre.
2. Material Seguro e Durável: Feito de cerâmica, sem produtos químicos nocivos, garantindo segurança e resistência.
3. Fácil de Usar e Transportar: Compacto e leve, ideal para uso em casa ou em viagens.
4. Hidratação das Vias Aéreas: O sal rosa do Himalaia ajuda a nutrir e manter a umidade das mucosas nasais.
5. Melhora a Saúde Respiratória: A lavagem nasal regular pode ajudar a prevenir infecções e melhorar a qualidade de vida.
Para utilizar o Natural Solution Ceramic Neti Pot, posicione-se sobre a pia, inclinando-se levemente para frente. Gire a cabeça para o lado, de modo que uma narina fique mais alta que a outra. Mantenha a testa alinhada com o queixo ou ligeiramente acima. Insira suavemente o bico do pote na narina superior, formando um selo confortável. Mantenha a boca aberta e levante lentamente a alça do Neti Pot, permitindo que a solução isotônica flua pela narina superior e saia pela narina inferior. Repita o processo do outro lado para uma limpeza completa.
Zethanialdelwin –
I bought this expecting a miracle cure (don’t we all?) but I’m hard pressed to see any improvement at all… Bummer.
It’s neat and discreet, I can taste the salt (lightly), I understand the medical properties of salt and appreciate the fact that Himalayan Salt is free of modern pollution but it simply hasn’t helped with my (COPD) breathing- again, Bummer.
I’ll continue using it because I don’t see it causing any problems and there’s always the possibility that it works better over a long period. From what I know, I’d expect it to work suddenly but I’m not a doctor. The deep exhales and inhales are good exercise anyway.
Hope springs eternal and I’ll edit this review if I notice any positive changes.
Salt IS a powerful antimicrobial agent because it has a drying effect and most microbes need a wet or damp surface to grow and salt dries surfaces.
Wouldn’t recommend it to my friends and wouldn’t buy another one if this one broke.
I might change my mind after a couple of months but this item is pretty well worthless so far.
S. B. Ramey –
Came well packaged. The nasal inhaler is nice. Not too sure yet how well the salt inhaler is working or if it is doing what it says but will continue to use it for a month.
Cheryl Carstens –
I would not wet inhaler without fully drying because salt will get stuck in holes if wet. Use alcohol wipe that drys quickly to wipe with, I would not wet with water .
Excellent product, I like to use the salt, if deeply inhaled you can taste it and I breath it out of my nose. Excellent ! More comfortable that saline rinse in your nose.
I like to add organic frankenscence tears to mine and use it. Again you should inhale deeply enough for taste and hold and exhale slowly through nose.
Can’t say enough good things about this product! I highly recommend this company and product. Came quick shipment too! Enjoy your inhaler and good health. Came with nasal mint netti. Fell out of box onto floor and I thought that it was not in package so be careful. Mint netti awesome too! Get this and don’t procrastinate!!! Great product to have!!
Zethanialdelwin –
Salt Air Inhaler by Original Himalayan 1 Inhaler Salt Air Inhaler The Benefits of the Atmosphere of a Saltmine in Your Home The Salt-Air Inhaler (Salt Pipe) is a convenient drug-free and non-invasive device for enjoying the benefits of salt-air therapy. The use of salt for therapeutic treatment of asthma and other respiratory ailments is nothing new. Halotherapy (Halo Salt in Greek) and Speleotherapy (Speleos Cave) are well known in Europe. Both treatments fall under the category of physical therapy or drug-free treatment of disease. Salt inhalation was recommended by Hippocrates the father of modern medicine who applied the age-old method of inhaling the steam from boiling saltwater. Daily Use For Several Minutes Can – Ease Breathing – Support Rehabilitation Medical Therapies of the Respiratory System – Clean the Respiratory System Salt-Air Can be Very Helpful For Respiratory Problems Caused by – Pollen Other Allergies – Asthma – Influenza Other Infections – Dehydrating Recycled Air — this is an excellent CAM or Alternative Medicine treatment and I highly recommend it.
Claudiu A. –
I don’t know whom to contact. So, this is my only option. My recent salt inhaler came with a second LARGE plug, wedged into the mouthpiece hole, instead of the smaller mouthpiece hole. I’d like to get a smaller plug that fits, please. Somebody oopsed. Thank you
Wanzewurld –
Love the salt inhaler. Using it all the time. Helps with asthma tightness. But the Nasal inhalers should not be fragranced with Lavender, mint and blood orange. Most people with allergies can’t use fragrance. did not even open these.
A R –
I did not get the desired result
erin –
I liked the ceramic material used it is very durable. The appearance is very clean. I am using it right now.