NeilMed Nasogel Spray Gel Sem Gotejamento, 30ml
Descrição Detalhada:
O NeilMed Nasogel Spray Gel Sem Gotejamento, com 30ml, é um produto inovador que oferece alívio imediato e duradouro para o ressecamento nasal. Sua fórmula exclusiva é projetada para hidratar e acalmar as passagens nasais, prevenindo o desconforto causado por ar seco, alergias e resfriados. O diferencial deste spray em gel é sua característica livre de gotejamento, que evita que o produto escorra pela garganta, proporcionando uma aplicação mais precisa e eficaz. Com o Nasogel, você pode respirar mais facilmente e de forma confortável, mantendo suas passagens nasais sempre hidratadas e protegidas.
- Hidratação Profunda: Proporciona uma umidade eficaz para passagens nasais secas, aliviando desconfortos rapidamente.
- Aplicação Controlada: A bomba de spray permite que o usuário aplique a quantidade exata de gel, evitando desperdícios.
- Alívio Duradouro: Restaura a umidade natural das passagens nasais, garantindo conforto prolongado.
- Fácil de Usar: O design do spray facilita a aplicação, tornando o processo simples e sem bagunça.
- Qualidade Superior: Fabricado com altos padrões de qualidade, assegurando eficácia e segurança no uso.
Para utilizar o NeilMed Nasogel Spray Gel Sem Gotejamento, siga as instruções abaixo:
- Agite bem o frasco antes de usar.
- Remova a tampa protetora da bomba de spray.
- Segure o frasco na posição vertical e insira a ponta do aplicador suavemente em uma das narinas.
- Pressione suavemente a bomba de spray para aplicar o gel nas passagens nasais.
- Repita o procedimento na outra narina, se necessário.
- Após o uso, limpe a ponta do aplicador com um lenço de papel e recoloque a tampa protetora.
Utilize o NeilMed Nasogel Spray Gel Sem Gotejamento conforme necessário para aliviar a secura e irritação das passagens nasais. É aconselhável consultar um médico antes de usar se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver alguma condição médica pré-existente.
Aaron –
My nose gets so dry when I use my CPAP, even with the humidity set high. And if it runs out of water at night, the dryness get WORSE!!! This stuff keeps my nose lubed all night! I love it!
Anonymous by Choice –
Works great
Megan Thompson –
This spray actually does help some when my nose is very dry and cracking inside. It even lasts a bit longer than I was expecting. I thought it’d wear off in the first three minutes, but it actually kept it feeling a little less irritating for at least an hour or more. Very simple to use. No taste or aftertaste.
Robert –
I have been using product only for a month, but wow I feel a real change in my nose, I feel like I might even be less stuffed up. I am on night time oxygen use, so I was desperate to find a product that worked. I was using ocean spray and other salines. They were not working. I like other Neil products so I thot I would try this. true it is a little pricy, but when it works, its well worth the price. I would recommend this to anyone, especially if you live in AZ, Mexico, Nevada etc.,( I resided in AZ for 15 years, wish I would of had this product then)., and or on oxygen therapy, or any breathing device/. make sure you look at the year the review was written. some old reviews had issues.
Josefina Alcaraz Guzmán –
Me gustó alivio mi resequedad de la nariz por el uso del oxígeno lo recomiendo
Lisa V. –
My mom has used this for years. Now that she lives with me, Amazon is the only place I found this. Arrives quickly when she needs more. She’s thrilled I get her more whenever she needs it. I was surprised this is just a one-ounce bottle because NeilMed Nasogel Drip Free Gel Spray does seem to last her a LONG time and she uses it often. Getting it for her makes me a good daughter – THANK YOU!
Jill –
This is so much better than ocean mist, but thicker, I wash my hands and put some on a finger and rotate in my both nostrils. Sometimes spray it in my nose seem like to much spray, so I put it on my finger and my bottle last forever.
Jackson –
For over a year now I have been struggling with chronic dryness in my left nasal passage and it has been awful. It would dry up and I’d be at work or out with a friend and I would get awful headaches because of the dryness in my nasal passage. Whenever my nose would run or I’d use a nasal spray, it would provide temporary relief but the dryness and discomfort associated with it would be back within minutes and sometimes would be worse. After a year of dealing with the dryness in my nasal passage, I decided to go to a doctor about it. The doctor I saw prescribed me a type of nasal spray and I used it for months but it had the same effect as the other nasal sprays I used: Temporary relief but the dryness would be back within minutes.
I decided that enough was enough and looked all over for possible remedies and found everything from this product to that one, all the way to surgical procedures. I found NeilMed NasoGel on this site and I saw that it had very good reviews. I read up on the product and saw that it was a gel that contained aloe vera (previous nasal sprays I used were liquid and dried up very quickly). The NasoGel was priced very affordably so I decided to give the product a try. When it came in the mail, I read the booklet that it comes with and used one single spray of the NasoGel in my left nostril (which at this point was dry beyond belief) and INSTANTLY I had relief. It was as if the dryness just disappeared and never existed. I thought to myself at that moment “Ok, this will give me relief for now but the dryness will be back” but it wasn’t. As I sit here typing this the dryness in my nasal passage has not returned since using NeilMed NasoGel. I used one spray about 36 hours ago and my nasal passage has not been dry at all since!
Before using the product I would be able to scrunch my nose up and I would get TERRIBLE irritation from the dryness that was in my nasal passage. After using NeilMed NasoGel, I don’t feel the irritation caused by the dryness and my nasal passage isn’t dry at all! My headaches are gone, the irritation is gone, the dryness is gone, I feel great! NeilMed NasoGel is a MIRACLE product. For over a year the dryness in my nasal passage has tormented me but after using this product, all the irritation and dryness in my nasal passage is gone and I feel SO much better! As I said before, the dryness even now has not returned and I used the product about 36 hours ago. I am VERY happy with this product and will definitely order another bottle and have it on hand!
giovanni fabris –
da circa quattro mesi avevo il naso molto secco e avevo provato vari prodotti principalmente a base di acqua di mare ma non avevo trovato niente che funzionasse fino a quando, dopo aver cercato in rete e letto svariate recensioni, ho voluto provare questo prodotto e devo dire che nel mio caso ha funzionato molto bene! ora il naso è molto più umido e libero!
Wili1 –
I have been experiencing dryness in my nose (Nasal mucosa) and occasional nose bleeds due to the dryness in the air this winter along with use of a furnace for warmth. All key reasons for the dryness. I have tried using a humidifier at bedtime to dawn and that didn’t help significantly. I’ve also tried using a CBD salve with coconut, beeswax vitamin E, Calendula and lavender in my nose and that really helped – if I applied it hourly. The ingredients separate from the CBD probably were the reason it helped so quickly. But I began to notice zits in the nasal area from the oils. I needed something that would eliminate the negatives and stop the problem. This dry nose gel seemed like it would do the trick. I’ve used Neil Med sinus rinse in the past and it seemed to work (though It’s not exactly pleasant when you irrigate your nasal mucosa). So I figured this brand is really dedicated to nasal health and do try the dry nose gel. So far, only 2 days, I haven’t been as impressed as I was with the CBD oil. The CBD oil or its inert ingredients helped significantly in the first day. The nasal spray burns a bit when sniffed into the nostril but went away in 30 seconds. It says to use every 2-4 hours for really dry noses and that seems too long to wait for relief. Of course they let you know that seeing a doctor is recommended if it doesn’t work. I think I’ll use it in conjunction with the CBD salve. The spray doesn’t seem to affect your nostrils, but more in the sinuses. My sinuses seem very clear.
CAUTION: frequent use – over three days might cause the dryness to reoccur. After using this for 4 days, I found that my nasal/sinus problem was starting to get worse. I had to use the last drops of the bottle (yeah, 4 days and the contents of the bottle are almost gone). It’s kind of like how nasal sprays with decongestants leave you stuffed up after using them for a cold. You have to wean off of it. In such light, I think this is helpful once in a while, but if you find yourself relying on it, you’re physically addicted to it.