NeilMed Nasamist Spray Salino com Xilitol, 4,4 Onças (Pack de 1)
O NeilMed Nasamist Spray Salino com Xilitol, 4,4 onças (pacote de 1) é um spray nasal de solução salina que se destaca por sua fórmula inovadora, que combina a eficácia do xilitol com a pureza da água purificada. Este produto é ideal para quem busca alívio da congestão nasal, hidratação das passagens nasais e prevenção de infecções sinusais. Com uma aplicação simples e prática, o spray proporciona um alívio imediato e duradouro, tornando-se um aliado indispensável no dia a dia.
Atributos do Produto:
- Alívio eficaz da congestão nasal.
- Hidratação profunda das passagens nasais.
- Redução da secura nasal.
- Prevenção de infecções sinusais.
- Fácil de usar e seguro para toda a família.
- Alívio Rápido da Congestão: Proporciona alívio imediato da congestão nasal, permitindo uma respiração mais livre e confortável.
- Hidratação Eficaz: Hidrata as mucosas nasais, prevenindo a secura e irritação, especialmente em ambientes secos ou durante mudanças de clima.
- Prevenção de Infecções: O xilitol ajuda a inibir o crescimento de bactérias, reduzindo o risco de infecções sinusais e resfriados.
- Uso Seguro e Natural: Livre de conservantes e medicamentos, é seguro para uso diário, mesmo em crianças e gestantes.
- Fácil Aplicação: A embalagem prática e o design do spray tornam a aplicação simples e rápida, ideal para o uso em casa ou em viagens.
Para utilizar o NeilMed Nasamist Spray Salino com Xilitol, siga as instruções abaixo para garantir a eficácia do produto:
- Agite bem o frasco antes de usar.
- Remova a tampa protetora do bico do spray.
- Incline levemente a cabeça para trás para facilitar a aplicação.
- Insira a ponta do spray em uma das narinas, evitando tocar a mucosa.
- Pressione o spray enquanto respira suavemente pelo nariz, permitindo que a solução salina atue nas passagens nasais.
- Repita o procedimento na outra narina.
- Após o uso, limpe a ponta do spray com um lenço de papel e recoloque a tampa protetora para preservar a higiene do produto.
Amazon Customer –
I was hesitant to try this, because I don’t like saline spray in general. For some reason saline spray usually makes my nose stuff right back up again. I’m sure there’s some chronic issues that causes that because I have the same issue with steroid sprays. That being said, I really love this product. I have some kind of necrosis issue in my nose is being treated by an ear nose, throat specialist, but this saline spray has done more for that issue, then the antibiotic ointment that I was given (the ointment had no affect whatsoever, whereas the spray appears to be helping). It also helps greatly with the pain and I’ve not noticed any of the nasty taste I usually get with saline sprays.
Karen A. –
This really feels great and I breathe so much better. I trust the xylitol to help prevent infections. Took over grocery shopping today and was glad to be able give my sinuses a really good rinse once I got home. I always keep a few cans in stock at home and use it almost every night.
I have occasional allergies and I give my nostrils a very good rinse with this prior to using my 24 hr allergy spray. I feel cleaning the nasal passages out prior to using the spray is very helpful. This works great for me.
I sometimes also use the spay gel to further lubricate the nasal passages. In the currently dry heated home plus using a CPap, that’s very soothing, as well.
Amazon Customer –
just sniff some vicks, this spray is a total ripoff.
RETSmile –
I have used this products brands and sprays for many years and think they work great. This one does not spray well for me at all. I doesn’t seem to be an issue for others so maybe I just got a bad bottle. I was still able to use it and I like the product very much. I have extremely dry mucosa because of a medical condition so I have to spray saline spray to clear out, in addition to using nose gel. Sometimes the saline sprays can burn or make you feel more dry. This spray was very non-irritating., and I didn’t notice the eucalyptus. I probably wouldn’t have gotten it or used it had I know it was in there beforehand. It didn’ bother me in the least though. My nose seemed soothed by this product as well. I will definitely continue to use it. I’ve used xylitol products for a long time because of my dryness and feel completely comfortable in using it in this manner.
shannon –
Bought for my son, he says it works great.
Diana –
Such a nice product! Easy to use!
Kacie –
This is my favorite nasal spray! I have used a lot of different brands but I like this one the best. It has the perfect spray for me and doesn’t feel like I am pressure washing my brain!
RiK –
The best product is one you actually use. I have neti pots, nasal irrigators, you name it. While the powered irrigation system is probably the most effective, I really dislike using it and reserve it for desperate situations.
The idea of paying for salt water in a can seemed silly, but I gave it a shot when it popped up on my screen one day. Dang targeted advertising. But I found that this product really works well, probably 75% as effective as my powered irrigator, and it doesn’t bother me to use. So now it’s part of my daily routine.
NeilMed makes versions with and without Xylitol. I’ve found the one with Xylitol to be the most effective for me.