NeilMed NasaMist All in One Multi Purpose Saline Spray, 6.3 Fl Oz
O NeilMed NasaMist All in One Multi Purpose Saline Spray, 6.3 Fl Oz é um produto de alta qualidade que oferece uma solução completa para aliviar, hidratar e limpar as vias nasais. Com três bicos especialmente projetados, este spray nasal proporciona um alívio eficaz para problemas respiratórios, ajudando a manter as vias aéreas saudáveis.
Os três bicos incluídos neste produto são projetados para atender às diferentes necessidades dos usuários. O primeiro bico é ideal para aliviar a congestão nasal, proporcionando um jato suave e confortável. O segundo bico é perfeito para hidratar as vias nasais, ajudando a aliviar o ressecamento e a irritação. O terceiro bico é especialmente projetado para limpar as vias nasais, removendo suavemente o excesso de muco e impurezas.
Além disso, o NeilMed NasaMist All in One Multi Purpose Saline Spray, 6.3 Fl Oz é formulado com uma solução salina suave e segura, que ajuda a limpar e desobstruir as vias nasais de forma eficaz. Este spray nasal é livre de medicamentos e não causa dependência, tornando-o seguro para uso regular e prolongado.
- Alívio imediato da congestão nasal, facilitando a respiração.
- Hidratação eficaz das vias nasais, combatendo o ressecamento.
- Limpeza suave das vias nasais, promovendo uma respiração saudável.
- Fórmula segura e livre de medicamentos, ideal para uso prolongado.
- Praticidade e facilidade de uso, tornando o produto acessível a todos.
Para usar o NeilMed NasaMist All in One Multi Purpose Saline Spray, 6.3 Fl Oz, siga as instruções abaixo:
- Agite bem antes de usar.
- Remova a tampa protetora do bico escolhido.
- Incline a cabeça para frente ligeiramente.
- Insira suavemente o bico na narina.
- Pressione o bico para liberar o spray nasal.
- Repita o processo na outra narina, se necessário.
- Limpe o bico com água morna e sabão após o uso.
Use o NeilMed NasaMist All in One Multi Purpose Saline Spray, 6.3 Fl Oz conforme necessário para aliviar a congestão nasal, hidratar as vias nasais e limpar suavemente as vias aéreas.
Kaan –
Ist wohl nur für den einmaligen Gebrauch, bzw. maximal 2 mal verwendbar. Danach ist die Dose leer. Dafür erfüllt es aber seinen Zweck sehr gut. Lieber das Alternativprodukt zum selber Mischen nehmen. Dann ist die Preis-/Leistung besser.
Jean bowie –
Fast delivery. Works great . Thank you.
Robophonic –
***WARNING: Amazon no longer accepts returns on this item as of 03/22/14.***
This is the best saline spray product on the market for nasal irrigation (I’ve tried them all). Why? Because of the “Large Volume Rinse Tip” included in the package. The unique shape allows you to do a full nasal rinse, just as you would with a Neti pot or
NeilMed’s Sinus Rinse Regular Bottle Kit
, while other brands just allow you to moisturize your nasal passages. This is much more effective for removing allergens and gunk, and way more convenient than a Neti pot or a Sinus Rinse bottle. You can take it to work and rinse on the go.
Ocean makes a similar product for nasal irrigation,
Ocean Complete, Sinuse Rinse for Irrigation & Mist 1 ea
, but the irrigation tip does not make a seal, and doesn’t work nearly as well for irrigation. [Edit: this is no longer true. Ocean got wise to the competition and now includes a tip that makes a seal.]
Since it comes in a sealed, pressurized bottle, there is no need for preservatives that can cause irritation for some people (me). Also, you don’t have to boil any water to get rid of the brain-eating amoeba or other wee-beasties that could (if you are very very unlucky) be in your tap water, as you do with the other options.
That said, this product has a few drawbacks. First, it is very expensive in comparison with a Neti pot or Sinus Rinse Bottle. Using the “Large Volume” tip, I only get about 10-15 uses out of it. The amount of water it holds is about the same as a single Sinus Rinse Bottle. I use it as a convenient alternative when I’m away from home or don’t have time to use my Sinus Rinse Bottle.
Second, about 1/3 of the cans I’ve bought (and I’ve bought quite a few) have been defective. Either they lack water pressure, or lose it quickly because the cap seal is bad. One even shot water into my nose like a machine gun (ouch). I’ve always been able to return the ones that were defective.
Despite the flaws, I still buy these regularly. I’m giving it 4 stars because it is an innovative new product, and because I have hope that with time NeilMed will figure out a way to improve quality control. If enough people buy them I expect they will get cheaper as well.
UPDATE 11/07/13: Since I wrote this review, the quality control seems much improved. It has been a year or so since I’ve received a defective can from Amazon or my local Walgreens. I’m upping my rating to 5 stars.
UPDATE 03/22/14: Quality control seems to have slipped again. I have received defective cans from both Walgreens and Amazon in the past two months. Also, Amazon no longer accepts returns on this item, so I will no longer be ordering from here.
MonstaMoment –
I only use it for flushing the nose out.
JenNifer –
I’ve tried other nasal sprays, and none of them are as good as this one. I highly recommend it. Works really well.
Rivka –
This was a joke because the spray didn’t work as claimed and was always a flood which meant the product was completely used up in a few days! Would never buy again as it was an expensive waste of money compared to a different saline applicator bottle which lasts far longer.
I love this stuff! I keep it in my shower, which allows me to use as little or as much as I need without the aclean-up time or mess! There’s no packets to mix, no neti pot to fuss with, just a nice stream of saline. The box comes with three different tips so you can choose how much or how little flow comes from the can. It is a bit pricey but the convenience is worth the cost!
My nose doctor recommend it to me, very helpful
Susan Balukin –
The product was very helpful when it worked. Unfortunately, I was using the largest spray, and it kept getting stuck so it would spray all over the place. It would be better if they just had one spray nozzle that was permanently attached.
Katie –
I had two sinus infections within a few weeks of each other and was only functional because of my Neti pot, but I couldn’t carry it around with me to use throughout the day. This saline spray with the tip shaped like a neti pot tip was my saving grace! It is just as effective as a traditional Neti pot, beyond easy to use, and incredibly portable. I was able to put it in my bag and go to work for the day without worrying that I would be in desperate need of my Neti pot. The other two tips that it comes with are great as well.
The one downside to me is the capacity/lack thereof in the can. I totally understand that you can only fit so much saline inside of a pressurized can and keep it at a portable size, but using the Neti pot tip on this 2-3 times a day for a few seconds on each side caused it to usually last a few days at most. I don’t mind having to buy more, but would really like it if it was possible to purchase a pack of saline cans without the tips for a little less than they are individually with the set of tips so that it wasn’t necessary to buy an entire new thing for $12. However, having to buy a new one for $12 is definitely worth not having to go without a Neti pot when I really need it!