Descrição do Produto: NCD2 da Waiora
Descubra o poder transformador do NCD2, um produto inovador da Waiora que oferece uma limpeza natural e eficaz para o seu corpo. Este frasco contém gotas de zeólita líquida ativada, uma substância natural que atua como um ímã, atraindo e eliminando toxinas ambientais e impurezas que podem afetar sua saúde e bem-estar. Com a capacidade de ajudar a aliviar desconfortos intestinais, restaurar níveis naturais de energia e equilibrar o pH interno, o NCD2 é a solução ideal para quem busca um estilo de vida mais saudável e equilibrado.
As gotas líquidas de zeólita do NCD2 são formuladas para trabalhar em sinergia com o seu corpo, promovendo a saúde do intestino, órgãos e sistema imunológico. Ao remover toxinas ambientais, este produto pode contribuir para a redução de dores de cabeça, enxaquecas e fadiga, proporcionando uma sensação de leveza e vitalidade. Além disso, o NCD2 potencializa a absorção de vitaminas, minerais e nutrientes, otimizando sua rotina de suplementação e garantindo que seu corpo receba o que há de melhor.
Com o NCD2, você também pode experimentar uma melhora significativa na clareza mental e foco. Ao reduzir a névoa cerebral causada por impurezas, as gotas ativadas de zeólita ajudam a aumentar sua produtividade no trabalho, fornecendo energia física para suas atividades diárias e fortalecendo seu sistema imunológico, mantendo você saudável durante todo o ano. A pureza e eficácia do NCD2 são garantidas pela tecnologia de ativação proprietária da Waiora, que transforma a zeólita natural em uma forma líquida segura e eficaz, assegurando suporte natural em cada gota.
– Desintoxicação Eficaz: Remove toxinas ambientais, promovendo uma limpeza profunda do organismo.
– Aumento da Energia: Ajuda a restaurar os níveis naturais de energia, combatendo a fadiga.
– Melhora na Absorção de Nutrientes: Potencializa a absorção de vitaminas e minerais, otimizando sua saúde.
– Clareza Mental: Reduz a névoa cerebral, melhorando o foco e a produtividade.
– Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, contribuindo para uma saúde robusta.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o NCD2, recomenda-se a ingestão de 10 a 15 gotas diluídas em água ou suco, duas a três vezes ao dia. Agite bem antes de usar e consuma preferencialmente em jejum ou entre as refeições. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada ao longo do dia para potencializar os efeitos do produto. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou sob tratamento médico.
Antonia –
Excellent product. My daughter swears by it. Removes toxins from the body. She buys it often.
truth seeker –
Feel the difference in 3 days. Will have to stay on it on and off for life.
LZ –
This is very helpful for removing mercury from the body. I swallowed 45 drops a day for about 2 weeks then tapered off. Unfortunately I still have silver mercury fillings. I plan to continue a maintenance doseage every 6 months or so,
I.P. Frehley –
Great stuff. Really works well. Not like any other zeolite on the market. But to do a full cleanse you need about four bottles.
There’s not enough drops in just one bottle.
J.Taylor –
I have known about zeolite for over 11 years. I have a friend that had an inoperable brain tumor growing at a very fast rate that used this waiorra zeolite along with enzyme and probiotic therapy. The tumor shrunk quickly in just a few weeks and was completely gone in 3 months. This is a miracle story, I know. But when you have witnessed something like this you want to share it with everybody. Life is precious and we all have the right to live. So now here is the disappointing part. The company waiorra started producing this back in 2004 using a heat method that made the liquid version clear. That is because when they heated it, the heat would remove all the dirt and waste particles. Zeolite is like a magnet that attracts heavy metals including lead, aluminum, and mercury, just to name a few. So even though this clay is natural, as it moves up from the earth and is exposed to other elements, those elements are attracted to it. Good news is the zeolite cannot release those metals without reaching a temperature of over 1000 degrees. (So even if you consumed it in this form it cannot harm you and you can still benefit from it, you would just need to take more.) This is what Waiorra scientists discovered. So when they would heat it up, they could clean out the zeolite, making the honey-comb molecule empty and ready to fill with our bodies toxins. I hope to not confuse anybody. There is a website on the subject called “Cancerfightingstrategies”. This website is chalked with a ton of info on many remedies to curing cancer. When you get to the website and want to go directly to what you’re looking for, press down the “fn key + command key together and hold, then hit the F key”. A search window will pop up on the upper right side. Type in zeolite or whatever you are looking for on this page.
So back to Waiorra. In 2007 they did the heat treatment to zeolite making a stronger more effective product but now they don’t. So when you get this, it is like liquid dirt. I am not sure why or what caused them to cheapen their product, because they still charge the same amount, but the zeolite is weaker, meaning you have to take a lot more. This is very disappointing for a company that had found the method to make a natural life-saving product from good to Great. Sad and disappointing. In today’s market world, they are all out to make money off of our troubling health. So for all of you looking into the benefits of zeolite. Look at the website I mentioned above and do more research. You can buy bulk powder zeolite to save money and get the same effects. Also look into bentonite clay. It is very similar. If you are fighting cancer, alkalizing your PH is the most important thing in dealing with cancers. An acidic environment can be a cause for cancer. For chelating heavy metals, zeolite, bentonite clay and chlorella would be at the top of my list. God Bless!!!
Gregor –
Great stuff, definitely removes a whole lot of stuff which is better out of your body than in. More effective than 2 others we tried. But holy chook, the price! $45 for 15 milliliters, that is, a tablespoon, or 3 teaspoons. $15 a teaspoon! It’s hard to believe that this costs so much to produce that the supplier has to charge that much to make a living. Maybe there are unavoidable extra costs to producing something of such good quality, but it would be a big step towards the kind of world we want to live in, if there were a real desire to make things accessible to as many people as possible. It may even turn out to be more profitable, because of volume sales. This price is prohibitive. Please consider lowering the price.
Katie –
It seemed to help a little but wasn’t really that impressed.
The packaging wad cheapened a great deal for such a crucial and expensive item which makes it hard to hold and squeeze these little drops. It warms nice glass bottle and dropper which would get a 5 star review from me.