Nauzene Alívio para Estômago Irritado – 30ml é a solução ideal para quem busca um alívio rápido e eficaz dos desconfortos estomacais. Com sua fórmula inovadora, o Nauzene atua em apenas 4 minutos, proporcionando um alívio imediato para sintomas como náuseas e indigestão, que podem surgir após uma refeição excessiva ou em momentos de estresse. Os comprimidos mastigáveis, com um sabor agradável de cereja selvagem, se dissolvem rapidamente na boca, tornando a experiência de uso muito mais agradável do que os tradicionais comprimidos que precisam ser engolidos.
Este produto é especialmente formulado para não conter aspirina ou outros salicilatos, evitando assim efeitos colaterais indesejados. Além disso, a ausência de cafeína e antihistamínicos garante que não haja interações com outros medicamentos que você possa estar utilizando. O Nauzene é uma escolha segura e confiável para quem precisa de um alívio rápido sem comprometer a saúde.
1. Alívio Rápido: A fórmula de 4 minutos proporciona um alívio quase instantâneo do desconforto estomacal, permitindo que você retome suas atividades diárias sem interrupções.
2. Dissolução Rápida: Os comprimidos mastigáveis se dissolvem rapidamente, eliminando a necessidade de engolir pílulas grandes e difíceis.
3. Sem Ingredientes Indesejados: A composição livre de aspirina, cafeína e antihistamínicos torna o Nauzene uma opção segura para todos.
4. Sabor Delicioso: O sabor de cereja selvagem torna o uso do produto uma experiência agradável, ao contrário de outros medicamentos que podem ser amargos.
5. Confiança da Vitaminer Shop: A reputação da Vitaminer Shop garante que você está adquirindo um produto de alta qualidade e eficácia comprovada.
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Para obter alívio rápido do desconforto estomacal, recomenda-se mastigar um comprimido do Nauzene Alívio para Estômago Irritado e deixá-lo se dissolver completamente na boca. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada de 4 comprimidos em um período de 24 horas. Caso esteja grávida, amamentando ou tenha alguma condição médica, consulte um médico antes de utilizar o produto. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças e armazene em local fresco e seco para garantir a eficácia do produto.
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My late father introduced me to this product many many years ago. Pepto bismol never worked for me… tums either. This stuff is truly a miracle and is sometimes tough to find in drug stores. It instantly eases an upset stomach. I take 2-4 depending on how uncomfortable I am. I keep a pack right on my living room end table as well as in my purse. If you’re considering buying it, do it. You won’t regret it!! Cheers to happy tummys🥂
chikalin –
Works much better and faster than anything else I’ve tried! Nauzene is pretty much heaven-sent for me.
I tend to be very nauseous frequently. Especially motion sickness- it’s so bad that I always keep a plastic bag with me in the car.
Before I found Nauzene I was using Pepto Bismol. I have found that they have different purposes, though.
1: Nauzene works VERY fast- within minutes. I always keep some in my purse and car. If I start feeling like I need to take out my plastic bag, I’ll take the Nauzene. I’ve only thrown up once after taking Nauzene, and it’s because I threw up within a minute or two of taking it. Pepto takes decently longer.
2: Nauzene targets nausea and that’s it. if you don’t have diarrhea, Pepto will often constipate you. Nauzene doesn’t do this. Side note, it also doesn’t treat heartburn. It’s not an all-in-one like Pepto – it’s just for nausea, but it does its job EXTREMELY well.
3: you can take Nauzene more times in a day than Pepto. If I have a day where I’m going to be in and out of cars/buses/subways, I don’t have to worry about needing to take it more than once or twice in a day.
Yes, it tasted pretty bad. Very, very sweet. Bad artificial cherry flavor (I think it’s cherry?) But, you know what? It’s way better than vomiting. And, for how well it works, I would gladly deal with a worse flavor. Doesn’t take long to chew and swallow them.
I tried these because I couldn’t afford prescription zofran anymore since I lost my prescription insurance. These are affordable, work quickly and taste great. I am thrilled that I found an alternative.
Debra blanton –
Take one before you eat somewhere the food upsets your stomach. You can get thru the meal and be comfortable.
…Sodium citrate dihydrate…does other things that are beneficial, other than a sour stomach.
The taste isn’t too bad; better than a sweet-tart. For as infrequent as I use these, I’m not concerned about a little aspartame. And, $5 a box is a good deal. Oh, and the instructions say 2-4 tablets, not 1. So, if you’re not getting relief, ensure you’re taking enough.
Brooke.Nicole –
If you can get past the disgustingly gross, sweet flavor and glue-like texture in your mouth, these actually work pretty good. I’ve been a pepto user for years and carried them everywhere with me. However, I’d have to eat more then the recommended dosage for 24 hrs to get any relief. I saw this product and decided to give it a try. I have to choke them down one at a time, but two tablets gets me pretty fast relief from nausea.
I’ve suffered from chronic nausea for fifteen years and acid reflux for ten. I tried Nauzene as a last ditch effort after trying seemingly every other anti-nausea medication available. Dramamine? Nope. Tums and other antacids? Nah. Pressure-point wristbands? No improvement at all. Natural remedies like ginger and peppermint? Some improvement but requires supplies and the luxury of time to take it. I’ve even tried prescription medications designed to treat post-chemo nausea or psychological disorders with only some relief.
Nauzene is a game changer for me. I’ve spent 15 years canceling plans, calling out sick, and spending all day in bed overwhelmed by nausea. Now all I need is a couple of Nauzene and within a few minutes I feel well enough to carry on with my day. It even helps me with late night, waking up in a cold sweat, stomach churning nausea, though those episodes require a few extra tablets. Nauzene is nothing like Tums or other chalky, commercial antacids I’ve tried even though Nauzene’s active ingredient is an antacid. Take any more than two Tums and you’re in for a struggle with constipation. Even after maxing out the dosage of Nauzene over a particularly nauseating night, I experienced NO constipation or other negative side effects.
The only downside to Nauzene is that the taste is atrocious. I try to take it before I feel too sick because the flavor is enough to make me heave if I’m already right on the edge. The flavor is exactly the same as the baby aspirin I was forced to take as a child, plus a little salt (that’s the electrolytes). Nauzene would be a perfect product if it was flavored to taste like literally anything else. If you can stomach the flavor, though, it IS a perfect product.
Chemene –
I like that these are chewable, they are not bad tasting, and it starts to take effect better than a seasick pill. I would recommend