Naturewise Total Colon Care Herbal Cleanse – Com Prebióticos, Botânicos
A Naturewise Total Colon Care Herbal Cleanse é uma fórmula avançada de limpeza do cólon que contém uma combinação de ervas como sene, clorofila, trifala e aloe vera, além de fibra de raiz de chicória, para apoiar suavemente a regularidade intestinal. Essas ervas são conhecidas por suas propriedades benéficas para o sistema digestivo e podem ajudar a promover movimentos intestinais saudáveis.
Além disso, este suplemento contém prebióticos e botânicos que podem melhorar a saúde digestiva. Ingredientes como ruibarbo turco, folha de hortelã-pimenta, extrato de cáscara sagrada e semente de funcho, juntamente com fibras prebióticas, podem ajudar a equilibrar a flora intestinal e promover um ambiente saudável para as bactérias benéficas do intestino.
Uma característica única deste produto é que ele vem em cápsulas de liberação retardada, o que significa que os ingredientes saudáveis para o intestino sobrevivem aos ácidos estomacais e chegam diretamente ao local onde são mais necessários no intestino. Isso garante que você obtenha o máximo benefício desses ingredientes.
A Naturewise Total Colon Care Herbal Cleanse é uma opção adequada para veganos, pois é livre de ingredientes de origem animal. Além disso, é livre de glúten, não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM) e não contém trigo, ovos, laticínios, soja, nozes, amendoim, peixe ou frutos do mar. É uma escolha segura para pessoas com restrições alimentares ou alergias.
Este suplemento é fabricado nos Estados Unidos em uma instalação certificada pelo cGMP (Boas Práticas de Fabricação) e passa por auditorias de controle de qualidade de terceiros. Isso garante que você esteja recebendo um produto de alta qualidade, feito com ingredientes premium de todo o mundo.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suporte para Movimentos Intestinais: A fórmula avançada deste suplemento contém uma combinação de ervas e fibras que suportam a regularidade intestinal e promovem movimentos intestinais saudáveis.
- Melhora da Saúde Digestiva: Os prebióticos e botânicos presentes neste produto podem ajudar a equilibrar a flora intestinal e melhorar a saúde digestiva.
- Cápsulas de Liberação Retardada: As cápsulas de liberação retardada garantem que os ingredientes benéficos cheguem ao intestino, onde são mais necessários, proporcionando o máximo benefício.
- Adequado para Veganos e Livre de Alérgenos: Este suplemento é vegano, livre de glúten, não contém OGM e não contém ingredientes alergênicos comuns, tornando-o uma escolha segura para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
- Qualidade Garantida: Fabricado nos EUA em uma instalação certificada pelo cGMP, este suplemento passa por auditorias de controle de qualidade de terceiros, garantindo a qualidade e a procedência dos ingredientes.
- Promove a regularidade intestinal, ajudando a evitar desconfortos e constipação.
- Contribui para a saúde da flora intestinal, essencial para uma digestão eficiente.
- Facilita a absorção de nutrientes, otimizando a nutrição diária.
- Proporciona uma limpeza natural do cólon, eliminando toxinas acumuladas.
- Oferece uma solução segura e eficaz para quem busca um estilo de vida saudável.
Recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas por dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para garantir a eficácia do produto.
Sol-Pal J. Bejarano –
I did a lot of research to find the best colon cleanser in Amazon. Really, I read dozens of reviews and carefully researched this category for several days. I also tested several products over the years. I came to the conclusion that NatureWise Total Colon Care is one of the best on Amazon.
The difference is that it won’t upset your stomach a lot. The other cleansers that I’ve tried all upset my stomach at times. This one barely hurts because of the other benefits it has. So if you have low tolerance to pain, then definitely this is the one for you. It’s effective and gentle on the stomach.
What I don’t agree with is how it says to take the product. It recommends once at night. I don’t think it’s as effective that way. What I do is take it at night and in the morning. I adjust the amount of pills to a level that it’s working well for me, 3 to 6 cleanses a day, and stop there. It’s usually about 3 pills at night and 3 pills in the morning. You adjust it to your own body. If you’re going twice its not enough to get it cleansed. Also, you should adjust your diet during a cleansing to as much raw foods, smoothies, and fruits as possible. And you could also support this with a cleansing tea and raw vegan fiber. Do that in combination with this product for 10 days and you’ll get much better results. And since this is not hard in your stomach you’ll be able to handle it all at once.
What matters is resultant. A real cleanse. Not just doing it for the sake of saying I did it. So take this product with a temporary lifestyle change and it will be much more effective. You’ll love it!
D. C. samai –
This product is amazing! Its so gentle at first i thought the product didn’t work but there is a momentum that builds up and it works!
Janise Gamble –
I’ve taken many cleansers and detoxes. This seems to be a really good one. Gets the job done. It really makes me use the bathroom which is something I look for with a detox. The only thing is that it takes a long time to kick in , so plan accordingly bc when it hits it hits! I usually take it along with my vitamins around 8:30AM and I will use the bathroom around 11PM. I started off with 1 and about 4 days in started taking 3 because my body wasn’t responding as well to only 1 anymore. Also one thing that I noticed…. with other cleansers, I use the bathroom so much that it starts to hurt but with this one, I don’t have that problem. It’s very aggressive as far as removing toxins yet easy on my backside if that makes sense 🙂 Overall, I really like it.
Veralee –
I started taking both Garcinia Cambogia and Advanced Detox & Cleanse at the end of August. I purchased both products because I have steadily been gaining weight despite exercising 3-4 days a week and eating a healthy diet. I figured both products together would give my body the kick-start it needed. I’ve been using the products for about a month. I must admit that for the first 3 weeks I wasn’t taking the Garcinia Cambogia as instructed. I would sometimes forget to take it before meals and when I did remember I was only taking 2 capsules in the morning and another 2 before dinner. I forgot about taking them before lunch. I just started taking 2 pills prior to breakfast, lunch and dinner. I have taken the Advanced Detox & Cleanse as instructed. The results? I feel great. The detox certainly works with no side effects. It seems extremely natural which was a great surprise. The biggest surprise is that the scale finally started moving in the right direction…down. Really, I’m shocked because I have been working so much that I haven’t done any exercising in the past 2 weeks and I’ve lost weight. 4 pounds to be exact. This may not sound like a lot to some people, but I couldn’t lose a single pound previously. I’m about to get started with my exercise routine again so I’m expecting even greater results. I think anyone that wants a good natural product to help with a detox or kick start a weight loss program should give these products a try. Its working for me and its rare that I find something that actual does what it says it will do!
Retired Navy Veteran –
I take one pill every morning, and it usually clears me out within an hour or two. Before I started using it, I always seemed constipated, often going 4-6 days without a bowel movement. Now, everything stays on schedule. Occasionally, I’ve had to make multiple trips to the bathroom, but that doesn’t happen often. The relief is worth it, and you’ll feel some sensations in your stomach while it’s working, which just means it’s doing its job!
Our daughter visited us recently and told us about her “gotta poop now or else” problem. I told her about how I take this tablet and explained how it might help her. She took one tablet, and about 40 minutes later, her tummy was gurgling, and she left us for a toilet visit. She was quite surprised at how quickly the effects kicked in. Since then, she has been taking a tablet a day like me and has seldom had a “gotta go” episode since.
Some people complain about needing to go more frequently, but it’s a cleanse—that’s what it’s meant to do. It breaks down the buildup that shouldn’t be there. If you’re not ready for that, this might not be for you. In that case, I’d suggest eating more veggies, cutting back on meat, and drinking more water. But if you want to feel truly cleaned out and are okay with the process, then this is for you. Just keep in mind that if you’re really backed up, it might take a little time to fully work.