O NaturesPlus Animal Parade MagKidz é um suplemento de magnésio especialmente formulado para crianças, oferecendo uma maneira deliciosa e saudável de garantir que os pequenos recebam a quantidade necessária desse mineral essencial. Com sabor natural de cereja e em forma de comprimidos mastigáveis, cada frasco contém 90 unidades, tornando-se uma opção prática para o dia a dia. O magnésio é um nutriente frequentemente negligenciado na dieta infantil, mas é fundamental para o relaxamento muscular, o fortalecimento dos ossos e o crescimento saudável. O MagKidz fornece 100 mg de citrato de magnésio altamente biodisponível por porção, atendendo às necessidades nutricionais das crianças de forma eficaz e saborosa.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suplemento de Magnésio para Crianças – O Animal Parade MagKidz fornece 100 mg de citrato de magnésio altamente biodisponível por porção. Essa formulação exclusiva é especialmente desenvolvida para atender às necessidades nutricionais das crianças.
- Benefícios do Magnésio – Muitas vezes negligenciado na dieta das crianças, o magnésio é essencial para o relaxamento muscular, ossos fortes, crescimento e desenvolvimento, além do bem-estar geral. O MagKidz ajuda a garantir que seus filhos recebam a quantidade adequada de magnésio para um crescimento saudável.
- As Crianças Adoram – Com formatos divertidos e um delicioso sabor natural de cereja, seus filhos nunca saberão que o MagKidz é bom para eles! Aproveite a facilidade de dar um suplemento que seus filhos vão adorar.
- Pureza – O MagKidz é livre de açúcar, não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM), glúten, ingredientes de origem animal e é isento de corantes e conservantes artificiais. Além disso, é livre de todos os principais alérgenos identificados pela Lei de Rotulagem de Alergênicos Alimentares e Proteção ao Consumidor dos Estados Unidos.
- Qualidade de Fabricação – Nossas instalações de fabricação de última geração mantêm aderência contínua às boas práticas de fabricação (cGMP), padrões superiores e são registradas pela FDA e NSF. Você pode confiar na qualidade e segurança do MagKidz.
- Fortalecimento dos ossos, contribuindo para um crescimento saudável.
- Relaxamento muscular, ajudando a prevenir cãibras e desconfortos.
- Fácil de consumir, com sabor agradável que agrada às crianças.
- Composição pura e segura, livre de alérgenos e aditivos artificiais.
- Produzido em instalações que seguem rigorosos padrões de qualidade e segurança.
Recomenda-se que as crianças mastiguem ou dissolvam um comprimido mastigável do MagKidz por dia, de preferência com uma refeição. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, garantindo assim que a ingestão do magnésio esteja alinhada às necessidades individuais de cada criança.
Jennifer –
Have been using these for just about a year and they are working well.
A Truly Hopeless Romantic –
**Edit. I’m changing my stars to 2 because after researching more I have discovered 2 safety issues with this and other magnesium products, especially chewables. #1 citrate form of magnesium is NOT good for long term use and can cause iron and copper imbalances. #2 anything with a stearate (magnesium stearate, vegetable stearate or stearic acid) is NOT good for our bodies!* But while taking this the below review still holds true, I’m just going to search for a better magnesium option for my family:
Here’s our story. I have 3 kids, ages 10, 8 & 3. I had to take magnesium while pregnant with my youngest because I had A LOT of preterm contractions starting at week 20 and my OB was young and in the know and said it did amazing things for early contractions (which it does cuz I carried my daughter to term!). Upon researching the benefits of magnesium I have kept taking it ever since. My older son (then 9) swallows pills so when he started complaining of leg cramps I decided he could swallow the pills too. An unforeseen and added bonus is he’s diagnosed ADHD and his teachers noticed a HUGE behavioral improvement, so much so that he doesn’t need “special” treatment any longer. And so once I realized his improvement related to magnesium, I went on the hunt for a pill alternative for my then 7 now 8yr old who’s also ADHD and having trouble at school. I found these. After a month he’s doing so much better in class. And now 2 months in he rarely comes home in a bad mood or with consequences because his days are SO much better! And his sleeping has improved immensely! He used to take hours to fall asleep and is now out in 1/2hr or less! AND I don’t know if I’m connecting imaginary dots here or not, but they’ve also started outgrowing their severe food allergies (class 4 egg is now class 2 and class 6 milk is now class 4. Tho I’m going to mention I’ve also always given a multi vitamin and now starting 2months ago a vitamin d3 chewable at the same time as magnesium, since we live in northern Michigan and have long winters) where in previous years without this mineral and still on multivitamins they showed no allergy change. I’ve read that there is a possible link between vitamin D definciency and food allergies and since your body needs magnesium in essence to tell vitamin d and a few others where to go, it would make sense that taking magnesium would help your body with those other issues too. I just wish this company also made a higher dose for older kids who still refuse to swallow pills. But this product works and my oldest and youngest love the taste, but my middle child HATES them. Thankfully even he sees the benefits and stubbornly chews them with as much drama and cringing as he can, but does chew them. Ok phew! Hope this helps someone!
C Wilkerson –
It wasn’t my girls cup of tea on the flavor at first. They’ve since accepted it as routine and now request it. I prefer this over melatonin.
The shoes nice, really confortable… love them –
He love the taste and they help with his behavior
Heather –
We love this supplement! As adults we don’t get enough magnesium in our diet, so I can imagine what our kids are lacking. We use kid Magz and their GOLD multivitamin daily to keep our kids healthy as possible. They love they taste, never throw or spit them out. We have tried several brands they haven’t preferred, but we are going a few years strong with these!!
SweetTuba –
We tried many different brands of magnesium and this is my son’s favorite. I also think this works better than other brands if you’re looking for something to help with the sleep.
Amazon Customer –
Quick delivery, good price for them on Amazon, and you get alot in the bottle. Kids love them and the taste. Good ingredients too and that’s important.
Graciouz –
It works great so far!
Faith__ –
This was a late night purchase as I was pulling my hair out and didn’t know what to do but this have helped my sons over activity at night time. He’s a lot calmer and able to sleep at night, more relaxed.
mela –
Was okay.