Descrição do Produto: Nature’s Way Thisilyn com Extrato Padronizado de Cardo Mariano
Nature’s Way Thisilyn é um suplemento inovador que oferece suporte essencial à função hepática, utilizando o poder do extrato padronizado de cardo mariano. Com a presença de silimarina, um componente ativo do cardo mariano, este produto não apenas promove a saúde do fígado, mas também apoia as vias antioxidantes do organismo. Cada cápsula é formulada para proporcionar uma dose eficaz de nutrientes que ajudam a manter o fígado saudável e funcional, um órgão vital para a desintoxicação e o metabolismo.
As cápsulas são veganas e isentas de glúten, garantindo que pessoas com restrições alimentares possam utilizá-las sem preocupações. Não contêm trigo, milho, soja, laticínios, gelatina ou corantes artificiais, o que as torna uma escolha segura e saudável para quem busca um estilo de vida equilibrado. Com mais de 50 anos de experiência, a Nature’s Way se dedica a encontrar soluções naturais para o bem-estar, oferecendo vitaminas e suplementos de alta qualidade que ajudam você a encontrar seu caminho para a saúde.
– Suporte à função hepática, essencial para a desintoxicação do corpo.
– A silimarina presente no cardo mariano atua como um potente antioxidante, protegendo as células do fígado.
– Fórmula vegana e livre de alérgenos comuns, ideal para dietas restritivas.
– Contribui para a manutenção da saúde geral, promovendo um metabolismo equilibrado.
– Praticidade de uso, com apenas três cápsulas diárias antes das refeições.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que adultos tomem 1 cápsula três vezes ao dia com líquido, antes das refeições. Essa dosagem permite que o corpo absorva adequadamente os nutrientes e maximize os benefícios do extrato de cardo mariano. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
cynthia young –
I have taken standardized milk thistle for over 25 years and have always taken this one. This product has clinical studies to support its claims and is used in other countries as prescribed by doctors
Love it
I have fatty liver disease which can only be treated with diet and exercise. A friend with cirrhosis of the liver told me about the positive effects of using Milk Thistle. This is the most potent, best brand I have found. My quarterly blood counts have shown a dramatic improvement in my liver function tests. I credit the Milk Thistle. Diet and exercise alone never got the results I have seen since using this product. Highly recommend.
Kat Kuscevic –
Easy to take, I used to take the original natures way brand before they changed the bottle and it used to be 1-2 capsules per day. The three times daily is a bit overboard. Definitely discuss with a doctor before taking this much.
Ben J Korgen –
Your liver has may functions, one of which is to remove what it recognizes as substances that could harm you if allowed to remain in your bloodstream. These substances include alcohol and the waste products of using certain medications. Your liver can do only so much. If you have a little too much bad stuff in your blood, your primary care physician might detect this in his lab work and have you try taking two thisilyn capsules per day. In this situation, the thisilyn might be able to soak up the excess bad stuff and rest an overworked liver. If you have far too much bad stuff in your blood, your primary care physician probably will realize thisilyn is not enough and will recommend a different approach. I had a little too much bad stuff in my blood, take two thisilyn capsules per day and feel completely normal.
PaulOne –
I’ve been long on having stomach and intestinal distress especially directly after eating with no relief from the medical profession. To modern medicine, if there are no tests indicating a problem, there is no issue. Somewhat recently, I came across Milk Thistle on some holistic site. Normally I don’t pay too much heed to the ‘natural’ remedies but I decided to try some. Well, golly go molly on the trolley to be well. Right away I felt very much better after eating – it was immediate relief. I don’t know the how or what of it but I do know the result.
1SG RICH G US ARMY Aviation Retired –
With Diabetes on Increase in USA and soon I’ll be 69. I’ve Been Using Nature’s Way Thisilyn Since I Found It In Local Heath Food Store 39 Years ago. Liked It Better than Other Thisilyn Products I’ve tried to keep My Liver in Top Health. Been Taking Quality Cold Processed Food Supplements for over 39 YEARS. YES They Make Huge Difference that really shows in Your Blood Tests. I Shattered My Foot in Accident and healed Faster Than 20 Year Old !!! Even though I was over 50 Years Old. Doctor’s At Madigan US ARMY Medical Center Fort Lewis WA asked Me What I am doing different to make my body heal like that??? Had to Be The Food Supplements Working. God Made Our Bodies To Heal Fast If Put Right Live Quality Nutrition in. All My Blood Test Results ALWAYS Come Back Perfect. PS I’m Overweight so Doctor’s always are Checking Me regularly for Diabetes and Liver Function. My Blood Tests Always Come Back Super Healthy and No Problems. Had Doctors say They Wish Their Results Where that Good !!! I’m Enjoying being Fully Retired and I Love to Eat.
stolo –
This was one of the best milk thistle product for decades. There was no better scientifically supported product. NW has destroyed this product by adding ingredients that were not present in the original formula. I will be moving on from Thisilyn.
laura j. –
This product helped turn my bad liver numbers count to a good report from dr . Took it for one month then had a second blood draw and wow the results were great