Nature’s Way Marshmallow Root 480 mg, 100 Capsules, Pack of 2 é um produto de alta qualidade oferecido pela Nature’s Way. Cada cápsula contém 480 mg de raiz de marshmallow, proporcionando uma dose potente e eficaz. Este pacote inclui 100 cápsulas, o que garante um suprimento duradouro.
A raiz de marshmallow é conhecida por suas propriedades medicinais e é amplamente utilizada na medicina tradicional. Ela contém compostos ativos que podem ajudar a aliviar a irritação da garganta e promover a saúde respiratória. Além disso, a raiz de marshmallow também pode ter propriedades anti-inflamatórias e antioxidantes, o que a torna um excelente complemento para a saúde geral.
Este produto da Nature’s Way é fabricado com os mais altos padrões de qualidade. A empresa se dedica a fornecer suplementos naturais de alta qualidade que são seguros e eficazes. Cada cápsula é cuidadosamente formulada para garantir a máxima potência e absorção.
- Qualidade Premium: O Nature’s Way Marshmallow Root é fabricado com ingredientes de alta qualidade e seguindo rigorosos padrões de fabricação. Você pode confiar na qualidade deste produto.
- Benefícios para a Saúde Respiratória: A raiz de marshmallow é conhecida por suas propriedades benéficas para a saúde respiratória. Este suplemento pode ajudar a aliviar a irritação da garganta e promover uma respiração saudável.
- Propriedades Anti-inflamatórias: A raiz de marshmallow contém compostos com propriedades anti-inflamatórias, o que pode ajudar a reduzir a inflamação no corpo e promover a saúde geral.
- Antioxidantes Naturais: Este suplemento contém antioxidantes naturais que podem ajudar a combater os danos causados pelos radicais livres e promover a saúde celular.
- Fácil de Usar: As cápsulas são fáceis de engolir e podem ser incorporadas facilmente à sua rotina diária de suplementação.
Recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas por dia, de preferência com alimentos. Este suplemento pode ser tomado com água ou suco. Para garantir a eficácia e a absorção adequada, é aconselhável seguir as instruções de uso e armazenamento fornecidas pelo fabricante. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação para adequar o uso às suas necessidades individuais.
Aproveite os benefícios da raiz de marshmallow com o Nature’s Way Marshmallow Root 480 mg, 100 Capsules, Pack of 2. Adquira agora mesmo e promova a sua saúde de forma natural e eficaz.
Angie A. –
So, I think this is working for me. I’ve gone off one of my two prescriptions that I take for IC. I take one that’s meant for overactive bladder, and that’s the one I’ve replaced with the marshmallow root for about 5 weeks now. I still have to take one or two painkillers (Tramadol) to get through the night without having to get up 15 times to go to the bathroom, but I had to do that anyway with the prescription med so I figure this works as well as the prescription. I also have not begun taking it faithfully twice a day yet – I mostly only take it at bedtime. I’ve sent it to a few other people I know who have overactive bladders but I haven’t gotten their feedback yet. I also am careful not to take it within one hour of my other medications and vitamins that I’m on, so that the marshmallow root doesn’t interfere with absorption. They really should mention that on the bottle
Ruah –
Very helpful for digestion. Excellent company and quality
Romell –
First off let me say this is a great product. I started taking it after doing research on herbs to take for bleeding and burning urination. I’m a 32 year old male and since the age of 26 I’ve suffered with painful burning bleeding urination. I’ve seen urologists had ctscans and cystoscopes procedures and the uro could not find anything wrong nor could they cure me from my constant flare ups. But there is a God and he lead to these herbs and they have been my miracle . I take 2 daily with a glass of water on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. I’ve been on them for a month now..and they have worked extremely well in helping cure and prevent my burning urination and urinary tract bleeding. I recommend this to any one of you who reads my review…know that this stuff is the real deal and worth your money . I wouldnt lie or mislead any of my fellow Urinary pain/bleeding/frequency sufferers we deserve to live a happy life of quality like everybody else.
Lindali –
My doctor told me about marshmallow root for when you feel you are getting sick with respiratory illness. I tried it and it seems to work for me. I have trouble with my sinuses and when I feel like I might be catching something I take this. I have the tea too but this is so quick and easy. I can take it before bed and it seems to do the trick. I ordered the double pack. It has other known benefits as well.
Kindle Customer –
I’ve been taking Natures Way Marshmallow Root for 3 years and it changed my life. I have interstitial cystitis and was always miserable. I was in the midst of an attack, just getting over one or starting one . That was my life. After trying different things with no success, and being desparate I stumbled upon an an article about marshmallow root. I first started out with the tincture, but then found the capsules are much easier to use and just as effective. I started out with 3 capsules a day and take 2 a day now. I felt improvement immediately, but it took maybe a month until I was symptom free. I’ve gone from miserable every day to you’d never know I had IC. My doctor is totally amazed and at first doubtful, but now she can see the results have lasted she’s a believer.
firstgirl2 –
This product really works for me to stop my chronic bladder pain and urgency. I first learned of it online at an Interstitial Cystitis site. I am not sure I have that disorder, but have many of the symptoms. It reduced the pain by about 80% with the first dose; completely by the second day of twice-daily dosing. For about the first ten days, it actually increased the frequency of urination for me, but then I experienced a gradual lessening of that symptom. I am now taking it only when needed after I eat certain foods, such as berries or dairy products. I especially like that it is nonreactive with my other medications. I have not experienced any problems with low blood sugar, although I have hypoglycemia. Prescription meds to stop urgency and frequency actually increased my bladder pain. I don’t know why more doctors don’t know about marshmallow root. I suggested that my spouse try this for his diverticulitis and he is willing after he checks with his physician.
Amazon Customer –
My 20 year old daughter was recently diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis. For those of you who suffer from this you know all too well what a terrible and devastating disease this is….especially for a young girl. With no cure or true treatment available, hours of research led us to try these Marshmallow Root capsules. My daughter was extremely skeptical and even when she started immediately experiencing pain free days, she was not ready to believe it could be a result of the pills. We are now believers! She takes just two pills every morning,, and she has not experienced any bladder pain! Others have commented that they take more than this, however, we decided to start at a low dose and the two pills seem to be enough! She has even been able to eat and drink as she did before IC. I have no explanation for why these work. I know she is not healed or cured, but she is at least feeling like herself again and no longer living on Pyridium which is hard on the liver. The symptoms were eliminated the first day she tried the marshmallow root, so my only thought is that these pills must reduce the acidic level in the urine. Like many with this disease, my daughter was truly at her end of hope. At least for now, this has given her hope again!!! I am not sure why the doctors….at least the many we have seen…do not recommend this to IC patients. At least for now, this has truly been a life saver!!! My hope is that this post can help at least one person!!!