O Pau d’Arco Inner Bark da Nature’s Way é um suplemento herbal premium que se destaca por sua formulação vegana e natural, oferecendo 1.090 mg por porção em cada cápsula. Este produto é elaborado a partir da casca interna da árvore Pau d’Arco, uma planta nativa da América do Sul, amplamente reconhecida por suas propriedades medicinais. Utilizado há séculos, o Pau d’Arco é valorizado por suas características antioxidantes, anti-inflamatórias e antimicrobianas, tornando-se uma escolha popular para aqueles que buscam suporte ao sistema imunológico e promoção da saúde geral do corpo.
A Nature’s Way, uma marca respeitada no setor de suplementos naturais, garante a qualidade de seus produtos, e o Pau d’Arco Inner Bark não é exceção. Com a certificação do Projeto Non-GMO, os consumidores podem ter a certeza de que estão adquirindo um produto livre de organismos geneticamente modificados. Além disso, a formulação vegana e a ausência de glúten tornam este suplemento acessível para vegetarianos e pessoas com restrições alimentares, ampliando seu apelo.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Remédio herbal tradicional da floresta tropical
- 2. Amplamente utilizado na América do Sul para diversos fins
- 3. Adequado para vegetarianos
- 4. Livre de glúten
- 5. Fabricado com a qualidade que você confia da Nature’s Way
- 1. Suporte ao sistema imunológico, ajudando a fortalecer as defesas naturais do corpo.
- 2. Propriedades antioxidantes que combatem os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular.
- 3. Efeito anti-inflamatório que pode auxiliar na redução de inflamações e desconfortos.
- 4. Contribuição para a saúde digestiva, facilitando o bem-estar intestinal.
- 5. Opção segura e natural para quem busca alternativas aos medicamentos convencionais.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas do Nature’s Way Premium Herbal Pau d’Arco Inner Bark por dia, preferencialmente durante as refeições para melhor absorção. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso deste produto, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver alguma condição médica pré-existente. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
example –
I have been using this on and off for a while now, but I recently started a colon, parasite and liver cleanse so I thought I would incorporate this into a daily routine for a few weeks for any viral/bacterial/fungal stuff internally. I do trust Nature’s Way products and I am hoping with this whole body cleanse I am doing, this will finally resolve some of the symptoms I have with my skin (dermatitis, stubborn wart, ear) I do not have any yeast issues that I am aware of. I have read several of the reviews here where people are using this for thrush (oral candida imbalance – white coating on the tongue) I most likely had that in the past as I did have a white coating on my tongue for many, many years, but that was resolved last year by accident. If you suffer from that, read on for a painless, cheap and almost immediate cure.
They sell “dental whitening kits” here on Amazon (wired and wireless) that come with an LED mouthpiece to activate the whitening gel. The mouthpiece you want to use has blue and red led lights. Some offer only blue, get the ones that have both blue and red! (They are usually $25ish) The blue lights are absolutely antibacterial and the red may help with some bacteria as well. Use the mouthpiece WITHOUT the gel, just the lights- both red and blue together, for 2 or 3 sessions (30 minutes) while you’re browsing online, cleaning, watching TV……. The next morning you will notice you have no morning breath (assuming you don’t have tons of old built up plaque on your teeth) and your tongue will be a healthy shade of pink. The effects, for me (and a few of my close friends who I shared this secret with), will last many months after this 30 minute treatment. The red LED lights will also help with gum/tooth pain and, believe it or not, gum recession. SWEAR! take before pics and then look at your gums the next day. You will be pleasantly surprised! Why the hell don’t dentists know about this??!!
So, back to this Pau D’arco, it is antibacterial/fungal/viral so taking this internally will help if you are suffering from any of these issues, wherever they may be present. Being I am now taking this daily as part of a total body cleanse for 2 months, I will not be able to say that this particular product over another helped me more or less than xxxx. I will say that on day 3 of my cleanse, I feel FABULOUS and I am over 50 now….
Amazon Customer –
Great 💊 for information
Nic –
Did not received my package it was stolen. I got someone else’s package that came in a plastic bag with there name securely attached and my label apparently torn off from the box and affixed to the bag. I called Amazon and disputed it and received my credit. Would’ve been better to get my product. The product is great by the way, just disappointed didn’t received it. Product great by the way.
Princess –
These vegan capsules they been helping me a lot. Thanks to my coworker I been using for several months now.
Amazon Customer –
Very good product
Nauman –
The product arrived in time and is in very good condition. Have started using them now ..
Happy Dog Lady –
I have been taking this supplement for over a year. I originally started taking it due to a chronic systemic fungal infection. However, I have had excellent results for chronic osteoarthritis symptoms from this supplement. I have had a large arthritic nodule on my right thumb for at least 12 years. It had gradually increased in size & was so painful before starting this supplement that it was difficult for me to perform any tasks with my right hand such as writing, chopping vegetables, etc. The joint nodule was so large that I could hardly bend the thumb. It decreased the range of motion in my thumb significantly. My orthopedic Md x-rayed the thumb & recommended surgery as the nodule would only continue to grow & become more painful. The joint would be frozen & no longer be functional after the surgery. I wanted to delay surgery as long as possible. I am unable to take anti-inflammatory medications due to severe side effects. I was having the joint injected about every 18 months to 2 years with a small amount of steroids as this was the only thing that provided any relief from the constant aching pain. I noticed after I started taking this supplement that the joint was no longer bothering me at all. It has actually decreased dramatically in size over the last year. My doctor could not believe the difference in the size of the joint nodule. I know it is from taking this supplement because if I miss taking the supplement for 24 hours, my thumb will start to ache again. I drink a cup of tea made from the actual bark in the mornings & at night before bed. I take this capsule spaced out twice in between the cups of tea. I recommended this supplement for my mother after I noticed how well it worked for me. My mother has also noticed the same dramatic results for her painful hand nodules. I have not had to have another steroid injection in the thumb joint for over 2 years. My systemic fungal infection is better also, but I’m not sure if it is from this supplement or from the dietary changes or the other treatments I have tried for chronic fungal infections.
David –
very good vitamins in convenient capsules.
Giorgio Schiavino –
It’s a very good product for the immune system and overall personal health.
True-Blue Review –
I have been using herbs for decades and never used anything else. They work! This product in combination with another powerful herb Urv-Ursi leaves in a capsule healed me. Healing starts from within so therefore you must believe! I opened the capsules to pour the powder into my blend jet with a combination of juices taken as instructed. Do your research on the herbs to determine if they are what you need for any problems you are having.